I unironically drink tea btw

I unironically drink tea btw.

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He's literally the biggest fucking shill
I hate that he used to be funny and decent once

I love tea. Earl grey, camomile, shit black is dope pic related.

If this just turns out to be a hackneyed fucking rehash of the Ambiguously Gay Duo with Trump and Putin as the main characters I will not be surprised in the least.

hold on I'll take a picture of all my tea.

He knows even the stupidest Trump supporter would drop a humiliation conga on him, so he literally created a strawman out of Flash to debate

I have more but these ones are all easily labelled. Gotta move it back quick though my cat is going to try knock it in my sink I bet. Furry devil. Anyway, yeah, my favourite is probably English Breakfast in general.

He was only decent when he was pretending to be a conservative. Pretty ironic, really.

>that dirt and grime

Not this again

Literally little bush but at the beginning of the presidency.

Big if true


oh jesus..

as if his talk show obsessing about trump isnt enough.

Can I have your mug? I love the fuck out of some Asuka. Wanna BLACK the shit outta that white pussy. Where did you buy it?

>the state of leftist cartoons

Ruh roh, looks like the ratings are dipping again. Time for more trump stuff.

it's okay, no one uses that sink except for the commie whore next door.

All my mugs are custom made. I fear I may have to take a bit of a break from collecting them though because I got in another argument with the mug people. I might keep commissioning original mug images though.

I get my news from Comedy Central



hhrandaldo karlurmpfgl!

,,,,,,is this it? Is this what the comedic left will be railing about for the next 7 years?

I love green tea. Hot, cold, with a bit of candied ginger, lemon, what have you. Black, Earl Gray, fruit infusions, lovely, all of it.

Anyone got that webm of someone scrolling through all his shit shows clips, and they're all about Trump?

>stopping at seven

uh sure, once he's not president I'm sure they'll let it go then...

I like this

If trump leaves office in 2025? and they are still bitching about him
>pic related

>All my mugs are custom made.
What? How? That's an actual industry?

>I got in another argument with the mug people.
Read that again and tell me how the fuck that makes sense? Or am I just a dumb nigger?

>I love green tea.
What the fuck Nazi. Must be a white people thing. Green tea is bitter as fuck and nasty.

jonathon liebowitz's cock holster

OC? I love it.

>my jimmies just got so rustled

You may drink tea like an animal but I? I sip my tea. I sip my tea at you, sweetie.

this guy does
delectable obsession

Oh man, this sounds like it will be extremely successful, just like Lil' Bush.

Oh didn't notice for some reason. Thanks user.

I like green tea but Sup Forums said its for poofs, what i do?

I'm legit drinking green tea right now. I didn't think anyone else drank it.

So Colbert is a one trick pony now, right?

Thanks mister.

Yeah, but smaller than you think. I might have to get a costco membership to keep getting my mugs printed because there was this one place(which wasn't that good in the first place) that accused me of copyright infringement, but I proved it was a false accusation and then left because I don't abide that crap. I spend a lot on mugs and will take my business elsewhere.

Then there was this other place I found, which is capable of doing decent work, like, rim to base printing and interior printing, but they bungled my order. Among other things, they printed my mug's text in print instead of cursive and I told them I explicitly asked for cursive and they said I didn't specify what type. There's only one fucking type of cursive, but if they were so confused they could of called me and asked for directions to a preschool. They didn't even do that.

They offered me a discount on my next order, instead of a refund. which will obviously never happen, as if they think they can bilk me out of more money after treating me like that. So far I have spend at least 500 on my mug collection with no end in sight, unless I run out of competent printers.

I really hope he keeps this shit up. People are already getting bored with it and he's just making himself look dumber and more pathetic all the time.

saved because I believe you are exactly right


>Colbert making the green while Trump spills bliss.
wtf I love Colbert now


>he was funny once
Maybe you were retarded once.
Hmmm... Maybe you still are.

I love Samurai Jack so fukken much

>I love tea. Earl grey, camomile, shit black is dope pic related.
I hate you for the single reason that I can identify who you are. I hope you choke on a glass of your gay ass little tea

I hate Colbert but I love Colbertposting

I think his far right mockery moved me moderate right
>colbert is hillary's cock-holster

Leave that nice teaposter alone.

can liberals come up with anything new? it's getting beyond pathetic at this point.

I'm not sure how other liberals cannot at least snap out of it to an extent with how stupid this is getting.

and desu they have a right to dislike whoever, but the amount of hatred spewing out of these ""people"" has made me lose any ounce of respect I had for them in the past. I think most shocking is just seeing this side come out of people we never knew was so deeply there.

I honestly don't have anything against him. He's nice and comfy. But I'm really angry that I know it's the same poster posting that Awoo. It's totally irrational

I gotta watch all of Samurai Jack

Is this from the new one? Is Tartokovsky /ourguy/?

I wonder if he has any awareness of how low he has sunk. I can't help but feel a little bad for him.

Colbert only retired his persona because he thought clinton would win. But since Trump got elected, he's desperate to stay relevant.
2 to 1 the show will bomb.

doubt it matters, the point isn't to be funny

Wow made me uncomfortable.
What the fuck is this faggots problem anyways. He used to be slightly funny.


hard to put myself in the mindset of this particular individual, so this might not be accurate, but say you made a mistake for a whole year. At the end of the year, do you admit you were wrong, or just double down?

It's easier for people to live a lie sometimes than admit they were wrong.


>that nasty despicable kitchen
>weeb cup
How many levels of virgin neet are you on?
Respect for the tea though I guess.

>implying neets can afford my tea collection or my state of the art anime mug collection

I work, and I have fucked before, in the past. Don't really pursue girls anymore. Tinder's nice cause I can sit around and swipe every so often and it takes away what little incentive I have to go out and try dating. It really makes failing easy.

Yes but you still have to go out on dates when you match on tinder do you not?

Please tell me this isn't real. His animated segments are already lethal amounts of cringy all by their selves, have to fast forward those every time. It's like he's trying to replicate a Seth McFarland show with those but forgot subtly doesn't translate from 3d to 2d properly. Like the same joke in person in 3d, doesn't come out the same as when you do it in a 2d cartoon.

Yeah I suppose if that ever happened. I don't put much effort into openers either. I just ask them what's up.

Did apply to be this autistic girl's friend though, but they never got back to me. It was some parents who wanted to pay a person to be friends with their daughter.

Very animutation-esque

does anyone think colbert has seen these memes about him?
they are pretty widespread and nail his drumpftpftt obsession...

>Brief google search
>It's real
Jesus christ why.

>dat filename

and liberals say we don't live in a free country


>I don't put much effort
>I dont go out
>I dont pursue women
user why?
Sort yourself out

what the FUCK is that behind the tea? is that a sink?????? clean that shit you disgusting fuck

the tea is cash, though, i approve.
my supermarket sells self serving loose leaf, love it. currently drinking some chamomile before beddy bed

Why is Hollywood so hell bent on making sure we know they don't approve of him?

Every celeb I see o twitter feels the need to tweet shit about trump as if they'll somehow combine their powers and get him impeached.

It's ducking sad.

It's going to suck so much ass.

I can't believe I used to like and admire this guy

He is so fucking pathetic and petty now, he needs to just retire before he fades away into oblivion

I feel sorry for you. Go outside more.


>Another anti Trump propaganda show
Holy shit I know Trump's win left liberals assblasted but this is a new level of pathetic.

What's the point? Maybe if I got one who would just cook and clean and not talk it'd be alright but the odds of that are slim.

yeah that's my sink, i got the tea from a local tea store not a dumb dumb place.

>one of a kind mug collection
>he feels sorry for me

Anyway user. Hope all is well and that you get that job I guess

10 years ago, he was great. I loved him. He was funny. The political polarization and bi-partisanship of our country however has turned celebrities all over into ridiculous political mouth pieces.

>What's the point?
Love? Sex? Kids? Dont you WANT someone to talk to and be with?

lol he's worried that children of all ages like trump more than him. how pathetic.

Drumpf unequivocally, absolutely, illiterately BTFO. This is the end of his Presidential campaign

This is great for us he's completely unravelling and this will be about as Luke warm as f is for family cuck billy red nuts produced when he turned into billy blue balls.

Post pic of filthy kitchen
>Yep it's a neet user

Kudos to him for trying to start a show.
But when the dominoes drop, he will be without a show when the dnc is decimated by the huge tidal wave that's ready to wash out the liberals.
Fuck him.


What's the anime on your cup? Looks cute


>50 tabs
>retarded anime coffee cups

Let me guess, 28 yr old virgin autistic neet?
Jesus man, just do the fucking opposite of what you do now and life will be great


Pathetic weeb.

didn't he have his own cartoon already?

Stephen, where did Trump touch you?

More about you and your mugs, fuck colbert you are intriguing to me.

>Do you filter your tea?
>loose tea of chopped/blended?
>Straight up, or with milk, honey, ginger, extracts, sugar?
>most youve ever paid for tea, and one of your cups

Thanks user