This is what they're telling this generation


Other urls found in this thread:

So my neckbeard is beautiful and there's literally nothing wrong with it?

It's based on a half-truth.

Yeah this is America and you be a hairy fatass if you want to.

That's fine, personal preference or.

The flip side of this, however, is that if you're a hairy fatass and nobody wants to fuck you, then you cant all of a sudden accuse other people of oppressing you by having personal preferences that don't align with yours.

That's the part that SJWs cant seem to grasp.

I noticed a typo in the headline so I fixed it


>7 things on your body that are not covered by the first amendment




Body hair is disgusting on men and women alike. Buck up and wax that shit.

Next article will be about women wondering why men aren't dating them despite looking like Chewbacca.

No one can be this crazy. You can mental gymnastics your way to accepting your shit body on the other points, but female facial hair is 100% the worst fucking thing in the world.

>don't let anyone tell you how to feel about your body
>let us tell you how to feel about your body

Marxism, ladies and gentlemen.


Don't worry about feeling ashamed about your body, plenty of other people will feel shame and disgust for you.

faggot detected

You're a beautiful abomination to nature, you keki debutante you


>no one has the right to tell you your preferences are wrong
It's funny because nobody is saying that. Most men just don't like hairy women, so they get rid of their body hair. Ironically, they are really just complaining about mens' preferences.

It's just some woman trying to make other women uglier than her. It's what they do.


All this shit is no big deal, them stressing it as having to be a standard of beauty is the issue

I wake up, everyday it's a daydream. Everything in my life ain't what it seems. I wake up just to go back to sleep. I act real shallow, but I'm in too deep. Some people think I'm bonkers, but I just think I'm free. And I'm just living my life. Ain't nothing crazy about me.

>Hair that grows naturally on your body is beautiful, and no one has the right to tell you your personal preferences are wrong.
B-but my personal preference is that body hair is gross and disgusting, not at all beautiful.


This is for women, trans women, and trans men only. If you're a male, you don't apply.



#8 - Loose leaky asshole


#9 - Questioning your gender, race, sexuality or age preference :)

>fuck what ya heard
Buzzfeed literally dropping Lil B tier lyrics now

i knew my backhair was actually sexy af
thanks op, confidence restored.

Quote of the night

what is this extremely faggy shit? why in the world would a straight man care about this?


are these people retarded? sure you can do whatever you want to your body but realize if you don't conform to the standards of beauty to some extent no one will fuck you

body "acceptance" is literally the best thing that happened to the billion dollar food industry in decades, its a free marketing campaign for every peddler of high fructose high calorie slop there is

I have no doubt they're literally leaping for joy at how completely retarded this generation is when it comes to food, or what they call food.

Body hair is disgusting and if you disagree you should fuck off and go live with your fellow primates at the zoo or in Pakistan.

>facial hear

>No one has the right to tell you your personal preferences are wrong
Everyone has that right. It's just that you have the right not to listen. This is why liberals get shit on. They confuse negative and positive rights. They think their right to be degenerate fucking useless sacks of shit means nobody else should have the right to call them that.

I'm pretty sure that's from DMX' "X Gon' Give It To Ya", my underaged friend.

I don't see the point.
I understand the interest our elites have in promoting immigration for example, in order to have a low-cost workforce.
But what's in it for anyone if people start not shaving or being fat or whatever ?
How does lowering the standards of human aesthetics profits (((them))) ?

Women have literally been getting rid of body hair since the first blade was invented, there's no reason to stop now

These libterd women don't shave their armpits because they are unconscious, selfish little degenerates who aren't conscious enough to have much of any concern as to what people think about them.

That's also why they don't wear deodorant and don't shower daily, causing them to smell like body odor all the time.

I briefly dated an EXTREME-LIBERAL Greek monster who was like this.

Smelled like body odor every day. Refused any suggestion to wear deodorant. Says she "doesn't need it."

Hairy armpits. Hairy crotch.

Only shaved her legs because she admitted her hairy Greek animal genes cause her legs to look like gorilla legs.

I'm disgusted to admit such adultery, but she out-of-the-blue shoved her unwashed and hairy piss dispenser in my face during some action and it was like being trapped inside a sweaty fat mans onion-smelling armpit. The action ended after that.

..everytime I smell onions or body odor I'm reminded of her disgusting libmonster crotch.

Just how starved for pussy were you to date this, and do you at least have the excuse of meeting her during winter?

This whole body acceptance thing just breeds complacency
>You're already good enough! You don't need to improve yourself at all! You're perfect just the way you are :)
I wouldn't be surprised if this is the root of a lot of cases of depression, and also the SJW shit too.

I'm not gonna start shaving my magnificient chest to comfort you with your shitty genes.
Fuck off lol

This article was targeted to women as evidenced by the womans body in the fucking picture. If you have a hairy chest as a woman (I wouldn't be surprised, since anarachist faggot flag) I wouldn't expect you to shave that shit since you're obviously on testosterone and purposely grew it.

i think body hair on women is pretty hot tho

All of these are signs of slovenliness in a woman

Why do they always swear when they say meaningless goody goody things like that?

So no one can tell me that fucking a child is wrong if it's my personal preference?

Ah, the progressives' self-esteem movement. This is a big part of why they're such shitheads. They believe, and they want other people to believe, that they are perfect and should never change themselves unless they're conservative.

I don't know, liberals think saying "fucking" randomly makes them cool.


It's always funny how they are all about body positivity and stuff, but their go to insult is ridiculing genital size and shit.

It's just a byproduct of stupid people being stoopid


Jewish psy op to make white women unfuckable and disgusting, furthering the decline of white birthrates.

>not listing uncontrolled pubic hair growth due to pregnancy
I'm not ashamed of body hair but seriously if I could shave my vagina I would, I hate not having it groomed at least.

So much of this

Were do you hear from? Your back?

less procreation

Let them do this.
I want them to be hairy, unwashed, and disgusting. I don't want to ever have to interact socially with them, so their being revolting will help me profile and avoid them.

the same does not of course apply to men

some kiwi dropped this one
>not banging single moms and molesting their children

yeah i knew my tremendously hairy arse is "fucking awesome"


One time I went to hook up with some tinder sloot and when I took off her pants her legs were covered in hair. I told her she was gross and noped the fuck out of there.

I noticed pic related isn't included as for what you shouldn't be ashamed of to the point of mutilating it.

That could be true. If you're perfect the way you are, but you're miserable, the Left offers you no solution but to blame everyone around you, which just makes t worse. They're fucking retards.

>This whole body acceptance thing just breeds complacency

It lowers standards as more women don't try and don't have to compete against each other as hard. Problem is that women will continue to compete and will look THAT much better in comparison as the average woman goes downward.


as a red blooded 85% white male, what is an appropriate hair style that I should get to represent my race and americanhood proudly? The undercut seems popular, but a lot of hipstar fags have them as well I noticed. Then again, zer fuher had one.


Her reaction?

The Japanese on this board are so fucking based.


how do you write this article and not immediately kill yourself.

>some disgusting thing
>no need to be ashamed! you do you boo-boo
>rinse repeat

One of the more annoying things about buzzfeed is that it normalizes an incredibly lazy approach to style and grammar in writing. I'm confident that Andrea Hickey and her colleagues at buzzfeed went to SAT prep classes and know the English rules that their affected ironic detachment dictates they break to avoid seeming stuffy, but their readers probably often don't. Very cliche paleocon criticism, but true nonetheless.

Nihilistic garbage.

"And no one has the right to tell you your personal preferences are wrong."

Well, they are correct about that. I don't like hairy women with a bunch of cellulite and they have no right to tell me I'm wrong.

The problem is they are too stupid to see the irony.

Well it worked a fucking charm in your case, dinnit?

could just be somebody posting from japan. When I posted on pol from Singapore a few years ago i got tons of replies calling me based, congratulating me on Singapores 50th anniversary, etc. Would you have even bothered to reply if you didn't see the flag?

Also, when I posted from Australia I got called a shitposter a lot.

Natural arm hair and leg hair isn't that bad though. I don't understand why a lot of girls shave their legs and then don't shave their arms. Like they have bare legs and then hairy arms. I know arm hair doesn't always grow that thick but it still seems weird

>Aussie & Kiwi shitposting comes from something in the water.
We need to find the source of this and bottle it! If we can corner the market on shitposting we'll be fucking rich, Sup Forums!

It's anti nihlist

I have literally zero respect for anyone with cellulite. It means they have zero muscle and never try to improve themselves.

Boo hoo

what's wrong with body hair and cellulites?

lowering standart in every domain, including body aestetic.
Don't forget that what (((they))) want in the long ther is not only money, but power. They have money yet
What they want is absolute power, a society with 99% dumb slave shitskins and (((them))) in control of evrything.
That can seem insane but when you look things w/ this view you understand very very very much what happen.