Fuck Russia

Someone explain the "Trump shouldn't sanction Russia" narrative.

Russia invaded Crimea. When did we decide to stop smacking ruskies around? Goose is rolling over in his grave.

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We learned nothing from Iraq

Fuck this board

>economic sanctions of geopolitical competition for invading neighbors
>invading mudslime tarpit
can you spot the difference?

Ukraine is not our problem.

We got sand niggers to kill. WHy fuck with the ruskies?

missed your sentenced that said Russia did anything tangible to america.

The harder argument is why sanction them? They "meddled" in our election? Fuck off. They kill political opponents? Fuck off. They're involved in human trafficking? Fuck of..

Wouldn't it be great if everybody got along?

because russia hasn't done anything

You mean boots on the ground, or missile firing? Why do you dumb red necks think a shot has to be fired to be considered an attack?

Trump sold the U.S. out for an election win. Simple as that. He should've notified the proper authorities when he had the chance.

He didn't. If that's not clear you're as dumb as you are inbred.

Hey OP, Crimea has been Russian for hundreds of years you ignorant fucking hick.

Trump beat your shitty candidate without Russia's help.

>nonviolent attack
say what? this veteran doesn't think you know what you're talking about and when the draft hits bc of this fake russia bullshit and you ship off to serve POTUS Trump -- I'll laugh.

>Russia invaded Crimea.
How about minding your own fucking business you neocon piece of shit ?

>not understanding economic vs. military action
also, are you actually under the impression that we can maintain superpower status without actively suppressing the competition?

Russian separatists living in Ukraine are responsible for the fighting. Russia as a sovereign nation hasn't invaded squat. Also Crimea had a referendum and has a Russian majority. The peninsula was Russian territory for hundreds of years, it only became part of Ukraine due to Stalin's retardedness. The West must work together with Russia and Assad if we are to defeat the ISIS menace

>Trump beat your shitty candidate without Russia's help.

Jill Stein supporter. Fuck off.

Im too old for the draft.

Every country has the right to conquest and none have an obligation to defend "allies".

hey dipshits, it's not about right and wrong. it's about maintaining and projecting power.
>rome: let's just get along with everyone and let them settle our lands rather than attempt to subjugate them.
>worked out fucking great

Hey Rambo, Russia can destroy your entire nation in a nuclear storm that would make the flames of hell look like a cozy campfire. Are you sure you wanna go down that road?
One Sarmat alone can wipe out an area the size of fucking Texas.

>Russia as a sovereign nation hasn't invaded squat.
This is bullshit and you know it


>it's about maintaining and projecting power.
Get your priorities in check.

>isis is more of a menace than a once-superpower with thousands of nukes
top notch analysis. i now understand why australia is such a military tour de force

Your shitty candidate was one of the shitty candidates beat. She was the shittiest of shitty candidates.

And she also met with the Russians. Didn't do her any good, did it?

what does you american have to do with other continent wars and history?

Yes honestly what do sanctions against Russia have to do with Iraq? I think you've been playing too much 4D chess with yourself.

Stupid yank... when was the last time your army of fags and trannies actually won a war? And you think your fat and degenerate nation of Walmart zombies can succeed where Napoleon and Hitler both failed. LOL.

yes, that's why i want to continue dampening their economy with sanctions. how is this too difficult for you to understand?

do your homework. most debt is held domestically.
further, the priority IS correct. the world's only superpower holding the world's reserve currency doesn't actually owe any country anything.

Also, this. THIS
You have to do EVERYTHING to keep allis happy and enemies scared.
If Ukraine looks west, and Russia fucks it up, the west must fuck Russia, because:
- We expand our influence
- We put pressure on a competitor
- What happens is a warning for other, in a direction or another ("you can join the west" vs "the west is all talking and no action, the true power is Russia").
ANYONE that does not get this is either an idiot or a Russian shill.
Probably the second because this board is literally infested.

But Rome did try to subjugate everything and it toppled over because of it's size and corruption

Or you know try to do peace talks instead of making an enemy and an unstable ally
Also U.S. does not need to expand its influence whatsoever

>economic sanctions
>fighting a war with an army
are you seriously too fucking retarded to tell the difference?

Haha, excuse me sir, pffff haha, um, you aren't actually, you can't actually believe this? You aren't serious right now, right?

I mean fuck, you aren't actually serious with this, are you sir?

Are you?

USA overthrew a democratically elected government
We effectively engineered a coup that has resulted in the civil war we see today.
Imagine if the EU and China teamed up and overthrew our government and installed Hillary Clinton. Would there be any breakaway regions?

Russian politics are non stop whining criminals. They just don't stop flushing to us their shit propaganda to all our media. I'm happy that America did that sanctions.

I hope that oil industry somehow will go down in the near future and whole Russia will collapse as country with third world's economy and won't have any finances to threaten they're neighbor countries.

>yes, that's why i want to continue dampening their economy with sanctions. how is this too difficult for you to understand?

Alll you have achieved is to solidify a Sino Russian alliance. Americans are so fucking retrded, marching from one clusterfuck to another, never learning their lessons, and then acting all surprised as their nation falls deeper into the abyss.

>Trump sold the U.S. out for an election win
how so?
What did he sell?
His son agreed to accept evidence implicating Hillary Clinton in crimes that put the nation's security at risk

Pic related

Ever heard of MAD? Why would Russia and America go to war with each other. This whole Cold War 2 shit is just a meme put forward by the elites to direct society's attention to an external "enemy" rather than inwards

saying "empires get too big" is a tautology. nobody agrees on causality in rome's case.

BUT the point is that when empires cease projecting power, they crumble. hence my argument that we should continue the economic sanctions against arguably are main geopolitical competition.

its ironic you claim that they whine a lot

Don't you see where this is headed dick head?
Oh and by the way embargoes and sanctions are an act of war...
Little by little the path to open conflict draws nearer.

It was transferred by Khrushchev on his birthday for who knows what the fuck reasons....always Russian always will be Russian.

The "trump shouldnt sanction RUS" EIL5 (yes, its a reddit term, fuck off):

1. RUS is the largest consumer behind China & Saud in luxury goods, some markets like London, Luxembourg and Paris/Cannes thrive on Russian property and good spending (money laundering)
2. RUS is a major player in NGO politics, specifically anti-NATO rhetoric such as that seen in Serbia, Albania, Montenegro, France & Spain. Sanctions are seriously crippling many political bundlers/political assets
3. RUS is the second largest capital spender behind Saud and Malaysia on oil & gas exploration, production and infrastructure. Alot of companies from XOM to SLB rely on RUS to keep their stock market buyback programs functioning, and by extension stock market index funds need those buyback programs to justify their sales pitch to gullible retail investors
4. Russian oligarchs run state subsidized businesses which need cheap Russian govt. financing to compete in global markets, particularly in metal manufacturing & trade. Sanctions have crippled their ability to sell Russian backed bonds and allow Oligarchs to continue to finance their otherwise bankrupt operations
5. Sanctions and the inability to refinance the debts of the Russian state (Note, not the DEFICITS but the ACTUAL NOTIONAL DEBT OUTSTANDING) is fucking with Putins plans for Asian expansion (Kureal islands), and recapitalization of the Russian Army, Russian pension plans & paying off the Sochi debts.
6. Despite promising to pull back from EU and disarm the ICBM's in the HRC 2010 "Russian Reset" RUS has not delivered on anything in Georgia or Ukraine. Instead they have continued to arm up and expand foreign agent influence in NATO states while NATO has scaled back nuclear shield & defense agreements significantly. Until Putin re-enters START or retreats from Ukraine, its a lopsided deal structure for MAAD.
7. Putin is fucked, he can't back down in much the same way Chavez could not back down.

>main geopolitical competition.
its china
how is it Russia?
Russia is a crumbling morass with an economy not even in the top ten countries in terms of GDP

>Alll you have achieved is to solidify a Sino Russian alliance. Americans are so fucking retrded, marching from one clusterfuck to another
working so far.
[x] still reserve currency
[x] still largest economy
>pic related. mfw aussies lecture on the topic of geopolitical power

You do understand why that meme exist, right?

The US is a ponzi economy just waiting to collapse. Twenty trillion dollars you owe, think about that. Playing world cop is an expensive habit.

>little by little open conflict draws near
>cold war for 50 years
how ignorant can one aussie be?

So why do we need to push around Russia? They could be great partners.

> it only became part of Ukraine due to Stalin's retardedness

Now let's all countries allow to claim their territories that they had before ww2.

a) look up main holders of us debt. not complicated
b) the world cop and sole superpower doesn't actually owe anyone money
hence why we should continue projecting power

You abandoned the other thread community college. Why so?

>implying cold war never happened
>implying russians don't view themselves as our main competition
let's all play nicely and the hills will be alive with the sound of music

Fuck's sake, I don't go on Know Your Meme for every reaction image. I guess posting the chicken in this context is pretty ironic huh? Still though has Russia ACTUALLY set foot in Ukraine beyond Crimea (which is no longer Ukraine). There's a difference between Russians and Russian separatists. One lives in Russia, the other lives in Ukraine but wants to live in Russia

So you think China is ahead of us because of our debt? How old are you kid?
Our debt makes us powerful. Americans spend almost everything they make, and when they aren't spending, they invest. Do you know who saves money? Chinese people.

Ever heard of the term it takes money to make money? All you have to do is believe in the economy and it exists. Its simple, but only America and our Jewish overlords have figured that out. Its the reason we could invade your country after breakfast and be done before lunch.

because let russia be an oppressive third-world shithole by its lonesome.

This sanction can't touch civilians.
But reply will hurt me and my family:c

taste my ass, i've only posted in this thread

USG doesn't use GAAP and potential derivative debt is off books community college. Get back to super sizing and super couponing.

The real question is why should we sanction them?

Russia has more nukes than anyone else in the world, and the most powerful nukes. So you want to start a war with Russia because Russians in Crimea voted to secede and join Russia?

We never actually smacked Ruskies around, in the 1800's our interests were in different parts of the world. During the Cold War we didn't engage because both of us would be dead (MAD). Now we have no reason to fight, since the enemy was always Communism and not Russia. The basis for hostility between us is gone.

There's no functional difference between economic sanctions and a military seige. Sanctions are indirect aggression. Any difference you might perceive lies on the 47th chromosome now go fucking kill yourself.

Yeah maxing out the credit card is the way to prosperity. Fucks sake you people are dumber than rocks.

Sorry community college but I don't appreciate fatty feedlot downer meat.

On the National ballot, more than expected.

>met with the Russians. Didn't do her any good, did it?

Difference is Stein accounted for her meetings. She probably took money from the Oligarchy in good faith.

Didn't effect the election or her relationship with Trump.

>Russia invaded Crimea
Crimea historically belonged to Russia dumbfuck.
Crimeans Identify as Russians, do the math.

>muh derivative debt
see point b) a sole superpower and reserve currency doesn't actually owe any other country or entity

this is the old ben shapiro argument
you have to point out the damage before we can solve the crime here
please tell me what Russia has done to us
I'll wait

No, they couldn't. Russia as a culture is incompatible with the Western system. Russia is a system of cronyism and patronage. It is still for all intentions a clan based dictatorship with only the most primitive facade of legal rule, contract law and institutional structures. Nobody in Russia, not citizens or army actually believes in the Contract of Law or the State as benefactor. Russians view their country as a Con game mark and embezzlement as a way of life.

Contrast that with Westphilian governments. Even Sup Forums as a case study. US entities, even our CIA backed proxies will go full in on defending rule of law & the sanity of law. Sure, some (most) of our Dictators and Proxies are huge pieces of shit (Edrogan / Turkey), but every one of our allies will fight it out to the last man to defend the freedom of courts, the rule of contract law and freedom of trade. You can not make that same claim for Russian backed proxies or economic systems. This is a fact since 1951.

>muh nukes
kek ignorance of modern tech is hilarious

Well said.

read the thread you fuck nut. it's not about right and wrong. it's about maintaining and projecting power.

What tangible gains have we gotten from this imperialism? Are we collecting tax revenues and regular payments from all the countries our troops are in? No, those operations are sink-holes, and our soldiers are there on dubious grounds.

Does it make sense to send the army to depose 3rd world dictators and then bring those people here when everything goes south in their homeland? NO.

Also, why are our troops all over the world when we are literally being invaded by our neighbors to the south? You lefties forgot what the army is for. It's for protecting the homeland, not pointless exhibitionism for the sake of egos, or whatever.

And a leaf appears. LOL.

Sounds like a bad faith borrower to me community college. People drowning thrash hardest just before they go limp.

whatever loser
youre a fuckin strayan lol

>implying we should wait until we are "damaged" before taking action
this is the old trudeau "if you kill your enemies they win" argument

>being a warmongering neocon faggot
This is why pretty much everyone other than Americans secretly wants to see the US get absolutely fucked.

>keeps talking about community colleges
do you even have universities?

ISIS is more of a threat. Islam in general represents a literal, perennial, existential threat to western civilization. The prime aggressor tearing up Europe right now is, who?

You must be a baby boomer to have this flawed old perspective, either that or a commie leftist. Russians are part of western civilization and the same blood that flows through them flows through us. That makes us logical allies.

we all do the same shit, they just do it differently.
the time has come to grow up and respect each other.
It's the USA who is using its might to bully a tiny Russia until it fractures into tiny pieces. George Friedman from Stratfor has been predicting this shit for ages.

Amerika = The Ultimate Warriors. Sounds about right.

Rome wasn't really good at getting along with everyone, including themselves which was the problem. They spent a lot of time killing each other over who could be Emperor.

>Russia invaded Crimea

Crimeans voted for Russia to come save them because the EU, NATO, and US Neocons literally paid actual neo-nazis to oust the elected Ukranian president from office so they could install their chocolate king puppet.

You realize that the timeline doesn't start with Putin just randomly deciding to "take Crimea".

It started with an actual coup of the Ukraine by Western forces. The West took Ukraine, then Putin somewhat reacts to this move of theirs, but the West portrays Putin's tempered reaction as if it were an initial act of aggression.

Because we lost control over our government :(

But at least Trump seems to be against pointless wars, ostensibly.

>Anything that shows up controversial about USSR, Russian government responds with whining and faking facts.

If you don't believe check this: twitter.com/mfa_russia/status/885899982926229509

Russia just keep their revanchistic thoughts about bringing back USSR or at least annexating countries that were once in it, that's so fucking stupid.

If world wants to live peacefully and without wars we must support Crimea.

>muh ISIS
If this is your understanding of geopolitics you need to fuck right off back to plebbit and take the OP with you.

>sanctions and military conflict are the same
you are aware that russia sanctions the us and other countries as well? so should we consider them to be militarily attacking us? or are the two things actually different you dip shit?

too fat

Does it bother you that a Leaf's know more about Global Affairs & Strategic GEO-INT then your dumbass ?

Thanks for the Ausie shitpost. Suck a Koala.

I'm rich fag and can spot a boot licking morning marching pretender from a kilometre away.

Fight what out with who?
You're just talking about some ethereal enemy that only the good goys can fight and Russia can't cause he's a loser and has to sit at the retard table with Assad and Khamenei

Did someone say "fuck Russia"?

((((it's about maintaining and projecting power.))))

And why exactly do we want to fight against Russia? Is it so we can all perish in a nuclear hellfire? War with Russia won't end any other way.

How the fuck can Russia sanction the US in any meaningful way?
Reddit I...

you havent actually said anything
in two paragraphs you literally said nothing

Good goy

which is more dangerous to the us (fuck europe)?
a) a bunch of shitskins fucking goats and throwing fags off roofs
b) a modern military with icbms and nukes
>i am completely incapable of critical thought, so let's go with a) because muzzies hurt my feelings

Cry more you neocon shill fag