Why are fat women always so proud of being fat?

Why are fat women always so proud of being fat?

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What else do they have to be proud of?

it takes bravery to show their beautiful bodies to the evil hateful public. large people still have souls and need to be shown love and compassion

Cause they are to lazy to take pride in any other accomplishment

What better way to justify being a hamplanet than convincing yourself that it's healthy and normal to be a hamplanet?

They aren't proud.

I love this 'it takes such bravery to be hated by everyone' idea
Child molesters are SO BRAVE, everyone thinks they're the lowest of the low, yet they soldier on. Inspiring.

Denial, op. Denial.

>those fat sausage fingers


fat women are mentally ill. 25% of women in the US take antidepressants/psychotic medications so I wouldn't be surprised if it's a cycle of eating because she's on the pills and taking the pills because she thinks she's fat

They aren't... it's a way of hiding their shame.

Democrats will find a way to incorporate fat broads into the 2020 campaign to stand aside their perpetual underclass of lgbt'ers and niggers.

>Not just disgustingly fat, but also scowling and giving the finger
I hate the future.

Do not mistake the bitter, crass facade of denial as pride.

It's easier than looking in the mirror and realizing you need to take responsibility and take better care of yourself.

Sophomoric photography.

They aren't proud. It is reaction formation, they are actually terribly ashamed of themselves, so terribly ashamed that they act proud as a means of coping with their shame.

t. Amateur psychoanalyst

>you fuckin liar
Savage, Logan

Wow, powerful

Just imagine the stench..

Where are all the male posters complimenting her?

She dreams of being skinny.

She looks like a fate Kendal Jenner

They aren't really proud, it's just a front to cover their shame. They don't understand that all the have to do to lose weight is stop eating sugar.

Dammit. Why couldn't fat women be less fat? I mean be fat if you must but maybe not this fucking fat.

This. It's faux pride. If you're proud you can't be insulted when someone uses what you're proud of as an insult.

>Proud to be fat
>Call them fat and watch them chimpout

>Proud to be a slut
>Call them a slut and watch them chimpout

>Proud homosexual
>Call it a faggot and watch them chimpout

>Proud to be black
>Call them a nigger and watch them chimpout

>Not proud to be white
>Call them a fucking white male and watch them chimpout

>Call me a fucking white male
>Smile at having won the lottery of life

>Proud Mexican
>Lives in America

They pretend that their inferiority is something to take pride in because they have literally nothing else to define them, but this only lasts up until someone questions it.

Easer to love your current self than to work hard and love the best version of yourself
Weak people prefer blaming reality itself than to admit that they are in the wrong
People need to feel pride for themselves
They have being spoonfeed the ideas of "be yourself and never let anyone tell you otherwise"

I made a fat woman cry once. All I had to do was look at her.

They also need to be shown a diet plan and exercise routine.

>implying its something to take pride in at all


U can't eat pride

Are fat people perverts?

The rainbow added a new pervert. LGBTF. For fat people.

Fat people are fucking disgusting. Specially those who blame their fatness on "genes" or some other retarded reason except themselves. You can't get fat if you use more energy than you eat. There's no excuse for being fat.

What the fuck is that thing?

>Why are fat women always so proud of being fat?

They aren't. They are only pretending to be in an attempt to trick themselves into forgetting how much self hate they are filled with and because it's the only thing they can do to not have to admit to other people that they are lazy pigs.

It's like an alcoholic telling people they have their drinking under control, to the point where they eventually start believing their own lies.

This shit cannot continue forever. Bitchez like her will eventually have to go on the SHTF diet.

its how they cope

Did fat fucks vote for hillary clinton? Or did they get stuck at home?

To lower the bar so they have an excuse to be a fuck up.

Take accountability and make the change, or admit you have a problem. We're all flawed and no one is perfect, its better to build yourself up rather than delude yourself that being a fat lazy piece of shit is okay.

because they're proud of being childless and lonely.

Most of them have extremely low self esteems, and some of them think fake confidence will lead to real confidence. So they act proud. I'm surprised that an imageboard filled with autists and virgins wouldn't recognize that immediately

Fat pride world Wide.

Spot fucking on, dad

Where is your pride? Did you swallow that too?

I unironically prefer very obese women, but I'm not going to act like this fat acceptance stuff is anything but glorifying mediocrity and laziness.

I don't think most of them are proud. I think it's a bully mindset. Think of how the bully is usually not the brightest bulb but always claims to be the best at everything. Typically it results in a "if you make fun of me by calling me stupid, then I'll beat you up" scenario. In this situation it's, "if you make fun of me by calling me fat, I'll make other people think you're a bad person". This has happened until the masses have been brainwashed by the bullies to believe that it's "Ok to be fat". I could care less if a woman is fat, I just don't think its an attractive aspect.

They're not actually proud of it, its vocal "pride" to mask obvious shame

One fat person can make 20 bars of soap.

They aren't actually proud
they're delusional. Every single one of them has depression and a host of other issues.


Overcompensation because of feelings of low self worth caused by shame of lack of discipline, which they feel caused their poor circumstances in life.


She probably cried because you were a white male.

It should be easy to lower the bar when a fat person sits on it.

Stralia, there's a bunch of fucking dickis in the shape of redpills that need your participation. Faggot, emu concord shitskin AIDs. Fucking fuck you, I hate you you Chineses faggots. STOP SHIT POSTING ON pole!

its easier to act proud than it is to lose weight

All that virtue signalling somehow manages to be even more disgusting than the fat cunt herself.

I love how she's so "proud" of her looks yet she airbrushed the fuck out of her face.

Because it's the only thing that they have achieved in life. And it is an achievement, that often takes years of work - think of it like an advanced academic degree, but in fatness - can take 4-6+ years to reach the sizes of some of these hamplanets.

Do you know how the body works with respect to weight gain, BMR, TDEE etc? You can't just eat a lot and get fat, you have to progressively eat MORE to get even FATTER.
3000 calories a day, then 4000, then 5000, then 6000, etc. etc. etc. to reach 400, 500, 600 lbs+ weight.

>You fucking liar

t. Morbidly obese fsggot who's wife cops it from Jamal and Tyrone

Im sorry but if libtards are "serious" about fighting "global warming" they should probably tell these lard buckets to stop stuffing their faces, or better yet kill themselves

You have unlocked a new weight. Proceed to the refrigerator.

that image is retarded

you realize the most fat people in america are spics and niggers. american whites are no fatter than british whites

Fat Lives Matter



Because the alternative is accepting that they've made bad life choices and they can't emotionally deal with the concept of themselves as fallible human beings who make mistakes.

This picture is strong,like her tension.

> why are X women always so proud of being X?

imagine the kind of douchebag you'd be if people were always trying to get in your pants. now imagine everytime you did something retarded or generated drama you got even more attention. now imagine you thrive on this attention to establish your position on the pecking order, and historically your position within the pecking order determined the quality of male that got into your pants and the biological drive to get a hot dicking from the best man possible had been bred into you since before humanity lifted it's face to the sky.

This behaviour is only strange because social media and the internet has allowed parallel societies that don't interface with the wider culture to emerge. If we're honest all kinds of men root fatties, but there's more savage competition for the /fit/posters.

>your post

Stralia, your tiny penis and heart arrhythmia annoy me. I hate you like a land hermit crab caught by tourists that gets put in water hates water, before it dies. Fuck you Stralnigger.

Cognitive dissonance + chubby chaser validation + feminist mentality

Because they are terribly insecure about their weight, so they put on a brave face to try and hide their inner shame.

Go back to fucking your sister cletus

Women don't understand the concept of personal responsibility.

I'm more concerned about the comments encouraging this

You fucking incestphobe.

>american whites are no fatter than british whites
>britain is the fattest country in europe

they aren't. this shit is just another way for kikes to fuck with everyone's head.

yep that about sums it up

Actual biological answer? Women are the sexual selectors of our species or at least they're wired that way(society sort of changed that). If the genetic filtering of natural selection is more biased on one sex, then it makes sense that the less filtrated sex thinks would have less of an ability to reflect on their own flaws.

Men see other men and want to compete with them over female sex rights. They can rationalize a superior male and rationalize that they want to emulate that superior male to increase their chances. Women instead see a superior women and want to kick her out of the area so she can have all the male attention, never admitting or rationalizing that the girl is superior.

Would there be a need to? There is a high chance she'll pass on her genes she just has to work to get the best of the best, meaning a superior female heavily dips into those chances.

Fat women are an abnormality caused by an abundance of food, since this makes them incredibly undesirable they can't cope with the male rejection and instead attack the notion of superior female. This aggression is so powerful with things like the body positive movement because it's unnatural for a woman to be so ignored by men.

julia bus ate?

It's not like they can be subtle about it


Because mental illness knows no bounds.

Go hunt crocodiles you faggot fuck, make sure it's impressive, so your sister's turned on before you fuck her mother and post it to plenty of fish. Fat shit.

I'm starting to see a market for dolls.

Stick a kike on a pike.

(((fat people)))

Another fat pervert bites the dust.

>mfw she would only have to loose 20-30kg and she'd have legions of dudes trying to pound her when I slave away at the gym 5 days a week to obtain the body of adonis only to be rejected by women like her...

Being fat is very easy to fix by simply eating less, these people should be shamed for not having the smallest sense of discipline, they are worse than children.

very underrated post

kek look at that little piggy snout.

In most countries it's just too expensive to eat healthy.

Wtf, I love pedos now

One whole continents dedicated to mistakes....

>has family
>lives on literally nothing but what food stamps pay for

They should be dead.

Powerful. Powerful, indeed.

This picture is 100% bullshit and has been proven so many a time. Fuck off back to tumblr

>spending all that tax payer money on lemons
They had it coming.