
what went so fucking wrong?

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Literally the left wing, you didn't constrain the government enough.

White people being racist and homophobic.


This. White people is the reason why United States is a terrible country

>samefagging this hard

CIA niggers going after every President that tries to fix it didn't help


White people being racist and homophobic.


This. White people is the reason why United States is a terrible country

>quotes himself

You all got stupid.
You all got fat.
You all got addicted to this or that.
You all let whoring become acceptable.
You all let yourselves get fucked in the ass by a government that should've all be murdered the moment they got out of line.
You all spread your idiocy around the world essentially turning your country into a tumor.
You are the cancer.

Oh yeah, and jews.

Our ancestors gave the fucking government too much power.

Both the left and right are to blame. The left for destroying every shred of decency and culture, the right for reducing conservatism to "sound fiscal policy" and tax cuts.

You lived too long and too comfortably to avoid becoming weak and vulnerable. Hard problems of Western civilisation

Money in politics

>blaming the jews cause they are more successful than you.

How cucked did u guys get?

The Military-Industrial Complex. It's a black hole for our tax dollars, and degrades the average citizen's quality of life.

Americans got lazy didn't do their one job and keep government in check, slippery slope into massive imperialism and here we are today.

Women's suffrage

>Government system named after a planet
Sounds pretty good to me

Not enough Mongolians

Natural progression of capitalism

>Being canadian

>get shot

Central government.



Confederates lost.

USA got super rich super fast after ww2 and nobody knew how to handle it so the boomers got fat lazy and stupid, then raised their kids as if ww2 had just ended and everything in the world was made in american factories. shit got bad, then it got worse and it won't get better anytime soon.


Time to hang the bankers

This too


>defending the juice
>claims others are the ones who are cucked

Okay budday time for bed you're clearly not thinking straight.

>how cucked did you guys get
I should be asking you the same question leaf.

Selling out to the Fed. That and the government's ever increasing power grab over the years.

Money is buoyant and self adhesive. It rises to the top, and collects in a few large masses.

John D. Rockefeller was the root of all evil. He started the reign of Corporate and the war against citizens.
The IRS and Nationalbanks did the rest.

>Posting a quote he never even said.

Also, we're taking all your fine women. You can keep the one with diabetes. Thanks.


World War III is the answer. It is nature personified. The strong survive, the weak die. How dare us humans defy nature.

White men and women are the worst off, brainwashed beyond all belief. We must remember our ancestors the ones whose highest ideal was to die in glorious battle fighting for blood and honour.

Mein ehre heist treue. Loyalty to the natural order.