Is he right Sup Forums?

Is he right Sup Forums?
Has the world move to the left?
Hast the left won?

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Very good points

It's True. Can't believe people don't remember Trump was a democrat, though. Coupled with the quote of him saying Conservatives are dumb and easy to manipulate -- he's getting rid of the facade.

There isn't one point this guy has made that isn't reliant on a misguided/false premise. Regardless of his sentence structure and how neat the points look in bullet form, this is representative of disillusionment.

People have recognized that their good will has been betrayed and coopted by the establishment on both sides of the coin.

The left is right on economics though so some of the lefts economic wins are a good thing. Of course the left also supports (((international trade)))...

But yes he is right we have become far more degenerate, but that's not a victory of the left, but rather a natural decay of society from our decadence.

> chin up boys

>Coupled with the quote of him saying Conservatives are dumb and easy to manipulate
You're dumb and easy to manipulate for falling for a fake quote

He's right but he's also wrong. Most of those issues aren't actually shifting the window left except healthcare.


yep. just keep bringing it closer and closer to imploding.

I'm not going to look it up for you.

The left won in 1945 if not earlier. Half the shit he mentions isn't traditionally left-right, though. This LGBTQWERTY shit had nothing to do with the political left until a few years ago. Same with climate change.

Just admit you fucked up you fag.

The left always wins...until it loses. And then the right always wins...until it loses.

People form government to protect themselves from the worst of humanity. The worst of humanity is then attracted to the power government wields.

Most people are just too fucking dumb to realize what's happening until it's so far gone that violent revolution is the only way out.

>im not gonna pull my head out of my ass to do a teo second google search and find out that even liberal snopes debunked that bullshit
Do you need your safe space sweety?

Its exactly the same things the Bolsheviks were peddling in the early 20th century.

>Coupled with the quote of him saying Conservatives are dumb and easy to manipulate
You mean the fake quote that manipulated people?

I mean, I guess he's right.
You guys saw the Obamacare repeal loss, right?
And let's suppose the skinny repeal won: What did that gain conservatives? Millions more lacking access to healthcare? What the fuck?

Make no mistake, GOP gets the rope as well.

>The left is right on economics though
if you have never been involved in economics im sure they seem "right"


Obamacare will eventually fail, the only thing the left has afterwards is single payer, which no one wants because of cost and required rationing.

>Trans in military

Most people didn't even think about trans people until Caitlyn Jenner, and the response has been negative. Very few in the military support it, and it will eventually be rolled back.

>Gay Marriage

They have us on this one, but the LGBT movement is not entirely accepted, especially the T.

>Drug legalization

Drug use has declined dramatically, and I think that eventually the desire to legalize drugs will slow down as the more libertarian states hop on board and don't deliver the miraculous results. There's a reason not every state has legal brothels.

All in all, it's what we'd expect after two terms of a liberal president, and its possible that things might shift back after a republican. Notice he fails to mention abortion and guns, on which laws have drifted rightward even under obama.

>The left is right on economics though

They're definitely pushing back by trying their best to destablise in any and every way possible.

The problem is they've got all engines running at maximum horsepower and even then they don't really have that much push at any given time. This only gets worse over longer time periods, and it's very hard to see them maintaining this for the full 8 years of Trumps Presidency.

I have to keep reminding myself its only been six months. The left have been running around like headless chickens the entire time, throwing anything and everything hoping something will stick. The question is really, when not if they will run out of steam...

the pendulum always swings back

>damn 51% of the population to poverty
>introduce gibs to save these people
>the 49% can't get a majority to fix the system because 51% will always vote to save their own ass
>declare victory

Ignoring the (((man))) behind the curtain that is the real source of the problem, what he is claiming as victory for the left is nothing more than two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for lunch. The wolves might feast today, but there will be no sheep tomorrow.

I can't speak for anyone else, but to me the practice of promising more and more gibs for 15 minuets of power isn't something anyone from either side of the aisle should be celebrating. One day the ability to deliver those gibs will run out and suddenly you have a huge chunk of people who are in serious trouble.

>leftists are scared and panicking because winning
>republicans - who are losing - are happy and shouldn't be
t. redditor

I have a full time job my man, that puts me ahead of most of the neets here.
High taxes + low regulations is a good setup for the economy. At least some dems like this approach while no republicans are willing to raise taxes or cut regulations (besides Bannon perhaps).

I just meant the social spending, not the (((monetary policy))) or their (((trade policy)))

Ah yes, the pure liberal logic of

"The world is a fucked up nightmare but this is what we all wanted guys!!!"

Pure. Crystalline.

>low regulations
Does not compute.

My prediction:

The progressive movement has reached its final stage. We're already at a point where any reasonable form of progress has been incorporated into our society. The left has won all the victories that can be stomached by the common man, and then a few more. The SJW nonsense is going to become the only movement going for more progress, the sane liberals have, quite simply nothing left to fight for. Pot will get legalized in some states, then either be revealed as a health hazard and slowly become more demonized, or gradually become as accepted with the same opposition as alcohol. The progressive wing of the democratic party has already gone way past a sane point. The left will split into two parties and the Republican party will dominate and implement conservative laws on issues in a moral grey area. These laws, such as can an owner refuse service to gays, will become the battle ground on social issues. Either they will stay roughly the same for quite some time, or the let will rebound and do what is already happening in Europe. Bullshit laws that make sense if and only if you have a disgustingly perverted view of justice. Then far-right movements will gain huge amounts of popularity, and likely gain control of the government.

Progressives can't continue to push progress, because we're already basically at a point that's progressed beyond all reason. Look at what's happening in Sweden, young males have realized just how bullshit the government is and the far-right SD party is now the largest. The scariest, (or best seeing as this is Sup Forums), part about it is that these are mostly fighting age males. Fighting age males who are more likely to have high levels of testosterone, physical strength, etc. Far-right sympathies will start to become insane in the military. The chance of a Pinochet-like figure coming into power gets higher with every """progressive""" movement.

He is right on 1 and 2.

When society collapses we can finally kill all leftists.

The real question is "Is it sustainable?"

>Welfare State
>Productive Economy

Pick one.

>left loses the white house
>left loses congress
>left losese the supreme court
>the left has no good candidates to run in 2020
>but were still winning
let me tell you how Bernie can still win

Captcha: taxi service

Give it time

>Millions more lacking access to healthcare?
Millions more gaining access to healthcare because the income stolen from them to pay for useless healthcare plans could then be spent on healthcare.

>Hast the left won?

They will if they continue to control the education system and the media. Fill all the government positions you want with whatever flavor politician you like. If you don't get rid of the people building reality in the minds of children, they'll always come back in the next generation.

He will then call leftism a fight against the system.

*blocks your path*

He's right, the left takes two steps forward and only one step back.

>Saul Alinsky was right.

until they go full fucking retard and start telling kids to chop off their dicks. kids are gullible but not usually fucking stupid

listen to the leaf

>the left is right about social spending

The Left will win.

But they didn't win an argument or debate.

The decided to move to tactics that do not require reason or debate. They shut down any disagreement with shame tactics, denouncing all critics as racists or misogynists, etc. Then they literally flood the country with third worlders which gives them the numbers to win in a democracy and which destroys the previous culture.

these people are out of touch. If you put Obamacare up for repeal in a national plebiscite similar to the statewide plebiscites in California... Obamacare would be repealed.

We have tone deaf fools like Naam and Krauthammer thinking that the public wants a fix of Obamacare when the populace has been voting against Obamacare for almost 6-7 years.

Democrats lots the House and Senate over Obamacare.

The only people who want it are the Washington establishment and the entrenched lobbyists.

He's on twitter
Trumps in office


You see, the paradigm in which your views are considered conservative are super far to the left as opposed to a few generations ago.
>Transgender rights was a fucking joke less than 20 years ago.
> Same sex marriage was opposed by the majority of Americans in the 1990's >WHO GIVES A FUCK ABOUT MUH WEED?
The left controls the narrative on what it means to be a reactionary/conservative these days which means they are really in power. There is no solution other than waiting for the left to destroy the country to the point where they need a strong fascist leader or full balkanization.

>Then they literally flood the country with third worlders which gives them the numbers to win

>By almost every policy and attitude measure
this is why they're losing. Enjoy your Pyrrhic victories, retards.

>They have us on this one, but the LGBT movement is not entirely accepted, especially the T.
Eh if RBG retires or croaks and trump appoints another conservative judge i can see fag marriage being repealed

>The left is right on economics
Wtf I love ponzi schemes and paying for gangbangers' housing and food now!

>The American Republic will endure until the day Congress discovers that it can bribe the public with the public's money.

>a vulgar display of white manpower

None of the victories the left claims were the product of "mass adoption."

All their victories come from the courts, bureaucracy imposing minority interests on the majority.

When the left puts their desires up for a popular vote, they always lose.

This is why we don't have a national plebiscite or direct democracy.

Gay marriage has been imposed on Americans, hasn't been widely accepted.

You guys shiuld really change up the whole "post with nazi flags to throw them off" plan. It's not working.

The most liberal colleges in America are losing student applicants though.

>The chance of a Pinochet-like figure coming into power gets higher with every """progressive""" movement.
This we'll see the american Hitler/Cesar/Napoleon come to power in our life times and i cant fucking wait

Whether they're winning or not, they're wrong. I'll do all I can to resist them at every turn and teach my kids to do the same.

It's a loooong way from over.

Yeah he is right

Just look at the past 60+ years

Look at the presidential election in 2000. Even the Dems didn't want gay marriage and had to pander to Christianity. Fast forward to 2016 and even the Republicucks are pro-LGBT bullshit.

The right is now the left, much like how the libertarian left memes that Obama is right wing authoritarian and the Green Party is really centrist. The right is so far cucked that it's actually left wing when compared to the rest of history.

Also, who cares if the majority of the U.S. didn't accept homosexual marriage when it was imposed? It is now. Just look at polls or ask modern cuckservatives what they think of gay marriage. "Gay marriage is fine I guess but those transgenders are pushing it too far!". Look at how they control the narrative

You have a job
>oh goodie i guess you know economics then.

I don't want fucking communism and (((diversity)), if they would fucking go back to pic related's thinking I wouldn't have a problem with them.

This is alright. The one thing I'm seeing now that I've never seen before it's whites waking up, standing up for themselves and their culture, making the jew. You give some, you take some. Liberal pigs wanted identity politics, now they've gotten it. It ain't going away.

SD are not far right.

They are basically centre-left.
But of course, to a swedish queer space communist, everything is far right.

I think your scenario lacks ethnic conflict.

In a good case, there would be about a decade of active culture war. If all goes well, at the end of it, a good chunk of the white Americans would gain consciousness of their ethnicity. Then you would either see race war or apartheid style.

The non-whites, on their part, I think will try a communist revolution in US, in that decade. With the white clock ticking and while the jews are still in control of somewhat functioning country, it's the best time for revolution.

Either way I'm seeing us moving towards civil war.

Drugs,fags and throwing people on Medicaid which is shit healthcare with deadly results..If those are victories then the violence in places like Chicago tonight must be the super bowl, but we don't talk about any of that stuff...This country is a fiscal train wreck and this guy is happy he can get aids from a tranny and die waiting for a doctor..

I hope we get some decent Supreme Court justices to overturn gay marriage and abortion. Nothing in the constitution supports either of those things.

>all this winning where the conclusion is that the government goes bankrupt at the same time the people are cultural destroyed

Sounds like a reset is upon us.

People say this all the time. When fighting the left it's all or nothing, not waiting for them to have their fill. It wont end, there will always be more.

you fell for a fake quote

Trannys weren't even thought of 20 years ago, I didn't know they were a thing in my teens. Same sex marriage was the same way, it didn't come up. Weed, meh, really a non issue to me.

I think he's sort of right. A lot of leftist policies open a pandora's box that nothing can be done about. The mainstream right will continue to recede farther and farther left.
Nothing will change without major societal collapse.

This. They will never be happy and you should never give them an inch.

Why are leftists only for states rights when it comes to weed, but nothing else?

It would never get traction, you could literally have 90% of people for someone like that and he would be offed in an hour the minute he became a threat to any real power.

That's because politics are downstream of culture.

When there will be a lot of good conservative media, you will start seeing a change.

The right is the heeldragger party, it's entire purpose, it's place in the greater ((((plan)))) is to consume the revolutionary energy of people who oppose leftism and neutralize it.

They don't care they they're hypocrites.

He was the last decent president in a long time.

Don't worry guys, this is just Weimar 2.0 except this time, even more degenerate. Which means the pendulum swing is gonna be even more hard than Nazism. Maybe we'll actually holocaust the kikes this time too.


>Look at how they control the narrative
Because they control the media. They always accuse, attack and define, they are always on the offense while cuckservatives are always on the defense - This immediately puts them in a position of subordination.

the right has been absolute shit the past 17 years.

This is why I voted for Trump, and at the time I had no conception of how him winning would wake up the world. The boy ain't left, and he is a shitlord. Best vote ever.

I could see the supreme court reversing that decision, but I don't think there's enough observant christians to push for a law that directly challenges the supreme court ruling as it stands.

With abortion, there's been qualifications made that are slowly rolling back Roe v Wade. Can you get an abortion at 30 weeks? 27 weeks? 24? 20? 18? As long as it's incremental, I think there will eventually be a bill that effectively eliminates abortions by limiting the timeframe to a period where pregnancy is not detectable (say, the heartbeat bills).

But with gay marriage? You'd need a state that disapproves of gay marriage enough to straight up challenge it. I don't even think people like gays, but people are willing to leave them be rather than fight the media on it.

It might happen as a result of backlash, like trying to force priests to officiate a gay wedding, and the court rules that it's unconstitutional because no right to marriage exists.

Cheer up

>even more hard than Nazism
my god we might even achieve...
average traditionalism!!

>Still talking about the Overton window in the Horseshoe Theory timeline
Why are they always so late to everything?

Trump was honestly most useful as a symbol to the far-right factions that things are finally turning around. The bulk of his function was achieved in the moral victory we had at his election.
I don't bear ill-will towards him but people who seriously feel "betrayed" in any way by how he's acted after needed the reality check.

I agree. It was him or Hillary, for Chrissake. There is simply no way to please some people.

pretty much this. Whites aren't going to wake up with half-baked GOP "wins". It's going to have to get much worse in order to get most whites to support positions that goes against their "freedums and democracy" brainwashing

Everything the left currently values is a a rejection of older values sustained by a perpetual need to be victimized from those old values.
When they run out of past transgressions to victimize off of they'll start attacking the values they've already instated.

Progressivism is never ending, it will always find a new supposed injustice of old society to attack.

No. Leftists like to claim that in the end history always proves them right, but that is an illusion. The left are the ones who want change, while the right wants to maintain tradition. It's a no brainer then that all change has come from the left. What leftists fail to realize though, is that the right plays a crucial role in keeping them in check and that a lot of their ideas have failed, like communism and socialism. Since the leftists fail to understand this and only look at their historical achievements, they reach the conclusion that the left is always right and always wins. Basically, all leftists suffer from a bad case of confirmation bias.

They're already beginning to devour each other.

Bandoneon bro gets it.

Trump is a fucking disaster for the far right because of how political cycles work. The pendulum is now swung towards "the right" and now it will swing back to the left fucking hard. Trump marked the end of the right's momentum, and now he isn't even executing a genuine nationalist agenda.

This idea of
>at least he was better than Hillary
just proves the fucking left's utter domination of politics. In fact it would've been better with Hillary because it would've made the right swing back way harder. It would've created an American Mussolini honestly. Maybe the left even "allowed" Trump to win as a grand meta-strategy of keeping the tension on the Right's rubber band loose so they don't punch back as hard.

>The pendulum is now swung towards "the right" and now it will swing back to the left fucking hard.
after 2 generations

>"you should get educated and read this book of shit that someone else thought of to prove that i'm a complete dipshit that can't think for myself"
Really getting tired of hearing this bullshit coming from them.Reading is fine but they don't dictate how you should live or think.They criticize the bible for this but do it themselves.Unbelievable hypocrites they are.

And what's your name, little guy?

Adolf Julius Napoleon.