Sup Forums, when will the right resort to violence?

This has been a question that I've been looking for a answer to for awhile.
At what point is the right going to stop taking shit from the left and start dishing it out?
At what point is the tyranny enough to justify the use of 2nd amendment? Will it be when they come for your guns? It will be too late then. Communism is spreading like cancer, along with the surveillance state, the welfare state has grown hand in hand.
I ask to you who swear they stand by the constitution and Trump, when will you fight back?
Scalise getting almost murdered was the left.
Still no violence from the right.
Pacifism and cognative dissonance will lead to the end of the US.
At what point will you fight back?

When the night is the darkest and we are the strongest.

I wonder who's behind this post?

Sup Forums is a board of peace

>doxxes people
>ruins their lives
>posts about nigger/chink/spic hate every day

I already ruined your thread.
1 pic is 1000 words.
Your self bumping is powerless.


It's a start.

Trump was a release valve
The time for violence passed.

If he is harmed then maybe.

We have the intelligence to out Jew the Jew, and out nig the nig. Violence is a last resort.

Of Trump gets killed I don't know what I would do

Sup Forums is an abbreviation for polite; we just a different way of showing our collective kindness

I will also add, we know when our enemy is losing. The left is losing and they do not even know why. They continue to lose as we get stronger. The left will continue to get closer to the edge, then all that is needed is a small push off the ledge.

>reddit spacing
dont you have some censoring of threads to be doing?

Nothing since he's not your head of state

>This is about democrats
While the topic is about the right resorting to violence, your perspective is wrong.
The democrats arent losing, America is losing.
Consider this:
>Illegalizing the boycott of jewish products
>passing sanction 98-2 on russia with zero evidence of collusion, unless this is payback for ukraine
>expanded medicaid so much that both dems and repubs are afraid to stop the redistribution of wealth.
Both sides are complicit in this, as far as the actual politicians go. There is no right of left for them, just a big never ending swamp.

When organized gatherings start occuring, that's when the clashes will occur.

We've only doxxed people as retaliation. Si vis pacam para bellum

This is not about democrats. This is about right vs everyone else. You made good points. Also, Trump is more concerned about Ukraine, not the election, although they might have actually colluded with Clinton Camp, im not sure we will have to see how this plays out with Fusion GPS. The right is currently winning though. They left is having far more loses than we have, but we know why, they do not. That was my point. We are fixing our problems, they are only making theirs worse.

>best trump rally ever

Not sure. When is the right time to kill someone whose politics you disagree with? Unless your twelve or a Russian trying desperately to sow discontent in a foreign country, probably never. What exactly is making you so angry? Having your failures highlighted in the news?

When you read Siege

We dont need violence to accomplish our goals. Not a buch of niggers like you

We prefer to let you leftists bleed the remainder of your political legitimacy out in the streets. If violence becomes necessary, it will come swiftly and without mercy.

Its so true. The total tax burden in my province is averaging near 50%. 50% FFS there are literal communist countries that didnt pay that much

Why did the founding fathers fight ?

So yeah, its time. Buy standard NATO calibers.

It's because we're Christian and violence is detestable to our God.

Did the spirit of Steve Jobs tell your cult to start acting like violent degenerates, threatening righteous people?

>i'm just going to repost this comment i just made in a similar thread

the elites are trying to trigger violence, i don't play into that

it's simple, problem, reaction, solution. they create a problem, they control your reaction, the provide the solution. the problem has to be extreme enough to trigger violence from the people they want to shut down, then they have the support from the general public they need to put in place laws and regulations aimed at stopping what they'll call "domestic extremism", which will restrict the freedoms and civil liberties of anyone they feel like branding as being a part of this "right wing extremism" that you're being pushed into.

it's just 4d chess dude. figure out the moves or get played.

The meme is mightier than the sword.

give me a quick rundown

We on the right have a stake in society. We have homes, families, and communities we care about. We love those things and aren't going to destroy them simply because of what a few leftwing kooks do.

However, when they directly threaten those things we love to the point that we think we're going to lose them, we will fight. Brutally.

Seriously, if there's ever a 2nd American Civil War, the blame would be 100% on the left. It would only come after they stupidly insisted on threatening us to the point that everything we hold dear is at risk with their endless provocations.

fuck off CIA

We need to light a fire under the ass of the white masses so they will finally get up and fight for their miserable lives.

When people were getting their heads smashed in by Antifa at Berkeley should have been when we started shooting those pigs

Most people are so cucked they won't do anything until the jackboot is on their fucking neck...

why fall into such an obvious trap?

read this, figure it out
it's not a winning move

Never. The last hope for the right was Hitler, and he blew it.