Why are people trying so hard to turn Hispanic into a race in last five years...

Why are people trying so hard to turn Hispanic into a race in last five years? Why are so many non government charts acting like it's a race? Shouldn't brown people be called mestizos?

votes for the next election

Don't kid yourself, the white ones aren't the ones coming here. They live like kings in their own countries, and they are perfectly content to let the violent, illiterate shitlets come here for leftist gibs.
The ONLY "white" Hispanic group in this country that actually refers to itself as such are the old anti-communist Cubans in Florida, the ones left over from the revolution. The newer Cubans are exactly the same as everywhere else: shitskins who give the Left walking votes in exchange for more of the Right's money.

First off what is you pic about? Secondly have you ever looked at the general social survey they essentially treat Hispanics like a race. As does the US census. As much as they could be treated as a race at this point I think that there is a divide amongst Hispanics themselves. Are we really to consider the top 1% of Central American society as Hispanic when they are obviously white? I personally wouldn't lump them in with the half breeds but the US census does. I am too drunk to look it up myself by if you counted actual white Hispanics towards the white popular of the United States wouldn't it be around 72.5% white as oppose to the 65% or whatever it is now. Not saying that is an acceptable number as it should be 100% white I'm but you get my point.

This guy gets it

Call them Mestizos you fucking faggot

Hispanic is not a race and it will never be a race

If pure whites from spain have to be "White Hispanics" then it's stupid to demonize the word

Just because the brown ones breed like stinky rats doesn't mean we should blame their crimes on the white ones

This. The hordes of "Hispanics" flooding the country aren't MUH SPANISH, they are half human Tamale Niggers with the average IQ score of a sack of oranges they are barely fit to pick.

>Just because the brown ones breed like stinky rats doesn't mean we should blame their crimes on the white ones
We can dictate the terms of racial and ethnic slurs later. Right now we're dealing with an onslaught of brown-skinned guacamole goblins pouring in from Mexico. If that means firewalling the rest of the güeros from down south as well then so fucking be it.

Dont let the goyim know
If they stay here my taxes might increase

You think I give a shit about fucking latinos? I'm just saying we shouldn't blame pure blooded spaniards for mestizo crimes.

The ghost of Cortes will fucking rape your mother if you dare demonize the pure descendants of hispania

>I'm not demonizing the word hispanic so I must love mexicans

Fucking idiot.

to be fair i know some white Venezuelans who have left the country after its collapse. also some white argentinians who were lower middle class in south america have come here via tech jobs and whatnot

I'm a quarter Galician (inb4amerimutt), and half of my family immigrated from Argentina. They have a Spanish-speakingcircle of friends, and I will tell you straight-up, that the white """Hispanics""" never identify as such. The Argentines and Spaniards my family knows identify as white and only white. They will only identify as Hispanic to get affirmative action/assorted gibs.
Of course a sweeping generalization isn't going to cover edge cases. But you get my point.

Go LARP as a "pure Spaniard" on The Donald with the other retards. I do not give a solitary liquid shit if by attacking mestizos some of you "Spaniards" are caught in the crossfire. There is no perfect situation that can arise from this scenario and there are undeniably collateral consequences bound to happen. Go fuck yourself and while you're at it take care of the Taco Bender problem so we can look at you "Spaniards" with some admiration instead of contempt for allowing your underclass to flood our country.

Inb4 user says he wants to marry a hwite Argentinian

See pic, Argentina is like 40% white now I think.

So you would kill a spanish girl for the actions of criminal mestizo drug dealers?

How are you better than a nigger?

The ghost of Cortes is gonna fucking send you to hell you dumb motherfucker

There's still people of pure descent who do get labeled as "White Hispanic". Don't act like it's a thing you've never seen

I'm saying it's statistically irrelevant, and why you would want to be associated with shitskin filth in the first place is odd.

Sup Forums wants to deport this...

Her dad was spanish, but his family moved to cuba. Her mother is mostly European.

Your stupid threads have always been an annoyance but by this point they are just plain stupid. Nobody cares how far you will try and D&C. It just doesn't work anymore.

You realize it's not the "Hispanic" genes (Which there are no such thing as) that makes beaners brown

Your dividing and conquering by trying to much mestizos and non mestizos under "Hispanic"

Let the truth breeze out