Okay, where does the GOP go after this disaster?

Okay, where does the GOP go after this disaster?

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Well that depends on if they want to act like adults or petulant children.

Neo cons will probably be replaced with anti-establishment cons if not ousted by libs and brain cancer

We need term limits.

Move on to Tax Reform. Cut all the money you need for that from welfare and food stamps.

>implying the GOP can make progress
>implying they won't just continue to fail

The problem with electing people that detest and try to constantly stall government is that at some point they might have to actually govern themselves. It's like hiring pedophiles to teach kindergarten, it's just not gonna work out. GOP voters didn't realize this.

>Okay, where does the GOP go after this disaster?
Obamacare continues to collapse. The GOP does not need to go anywhere.

The Democrats will continue to wear the Obamacare weight around their necks until further notice.

lord Donald has spoken. Obamacare will fail miserably after numerous bailouts.

the people will revolt and vote out any Obamacare supporters left in Congress.

GOP re election successful in 2020.

Obamacare repealed 2020.

just wait a few years. jeez. McCain will hopefull be dead by then.

How can we move onto tax reform if we haven't done health care reform?

becoming more and more apparent this faggot just loves the spotlight.

It was always all about him.

Rot in hell stupid faggot, its not far away.

>cut programs that cost very little
>thinking that even makes a dent

But a Reuters poll shows the majority of Americans will blame Republicans if Obamacare fails:



Someone should've gotten up and given this motherfuck the Charles Sumner treatment. We need corporal punishment reintroduced at the highest levels of government.

Sorry, I'm drunk, I posted the wrong link. I will find it soon enough.

This is correct. Trump and the GOP are now playing the long game.

If Democrats think that Obamacare is magically sustainable, they're deluding themselves. Trump has already killed enforcement of the mandate by executive order.

The law cannot hold together without it and premiums are going to skyrocket as the insurance companies desperately try to cover costs.

Trump and the GOP are going to demagogue it mercilessly by saying, "We TRIED to fix this in July 2017, but the DEOMCRATS AND MCCAIN stopped us! Blame them!"

It'll work too. Obamacare has been the gift that keeps on giving for Republican politicians. It's actually not hard to see why they don't want it to go away.

user, please.

Obamacare has been literally AIDS infected cancer for the Dems for its entire existence and will remain theirs until the day it die.

It's gonna be a shit show. They can't even agree on the terms of something they've been bitching about for 7 years, how the fuck does anyone expect them to come up with a budget for the whole federal government when more individual factors are in play?


He's a RINO and a warmonger

I'll celebrate when he dies



All right here we go

Here's some:

And here's some more:

I swear to God I had more polls but I'm too wasted to find and link them so you can eat SHIT.

Next year im voting for every non rino/gope republican i can

Too late, if the US doesn't get its shit together in the next 4 years it's all over. Rabid Dems will be out in full force to vote next round.

>They can't even agree
They would if the neocons and faggot leftists didn't vote no just because Trump wants it.

LOL. They can't function already and you want to introduce more chaotic asshats. Good luck governing anything.

term limits are for assholes
obama would have clean trump's clock

Keeping on trying to create tax cuts for billionaires and failing to do anything meaningful.

don't blindly vote, look over who is running, look who's getting in, and if the guy getting in follows your ideals better, PUSH LIKE FUCK TO GET THEM IN.

the problem is alot of these clowns live off tax dollars, never really do much and when they do, its just to stay in office.

remember congressman have the absolute best wallstreet trading record in history. ask yourself.. why.

Trolling by procedure. Well played by the distinguished gentleman from Kentucky.

ok you guys but

what if you had a stroke out of nowhere

this is the shit that concerns me, it's the real reason I started this thread.

you could have a stroke at ANY time. what do we do about this? what's Trump's policy on spontaneous strokes?

>blaming leftists
>having majorities in every branch of government

Pick one

indict indict indict those who didn't follow Donald's agenda

My vote will cancel yours fag u mad

guys i have to poop
answer my stroke question!! > : (

Randlet 2024.... based motherfucker has my vote

Single payer.

I know you burgers have had it drummed in to you for a few generations about the evils of socialism, but you've got a socialised military - which is pretty impressive, imagine what you could accomplish with socialised medicine, instead of trying to make being sick a profit driven industry.

>Sup Forums the post

>obama would have clean trump's clock
But he didn't and in fact Trump cleaned Obama and Hillary's collective clocks.

>(((You))): B...But if... if... if... if...

Consider, for instance, that the ultimate outcome would have been the same if John McCain had simply remained in the hospital. In fact the entire ill-fated TrumpCare fiasco would have died three days sooner. McCain made a point of showing up and voting to open the debate just so he could defeat the whole thing in the end. Did he want credit for killing such an unpopular bill? Did he want to teach Mitch McConnell a lesson about violating Senate rules? Did he just want to stick it to Donald Trump one last time? Who knows. But he wanted to make a point.

The republicans have no clear leadership on Healthcare. They have been kinda limp of full repeal for a while now.

I can support it if I don't know what it is or its too fucking complex to understand or tell anyone about.

Trump Will endorse ant establishment GOP candidates for congress and will create a super majority in 2018. He is preparing the death of neoconservatism. People will vote for Trump's approved candidates. Watch and see, this is exactly why GOP has won the special elections. Idiot rhinos believe they can push back and retain power over Trump, but only Trump's guys will get to the congress. His populism is too damn stronk.

ew wtf is that on his eyebrow??

Hey, did you guys ever drink alcohol before?
Because it seems like you didn't
since you're not helping a drunk boy out over here
Are you all like

we kick out the cucks starting with paul ryan.

I voted for Trump, not the GOP. I guess it's time for Trump to endorse third party candidates to replace unreliable GOP Senators and Congressmen.

Great so instead of insurance companies raping my wallet to pay for leeches the government will be taking over that duty.

No thanks, the government has already proven it can't do anything correctly.

Ah, you seem to be misremembering. Barack Obama was not up for reelection. If he had been,. he would have won in a landslide.

>Why Obamacare is a mistake the post
The whole issue with Obamacare is it was a mistake and now we are all stuck with the mess.

>My vote will cancel yours fag u mad
You don't even know if we live in the same state much less district.

This traitorous scumbag can't die soon enough.

District doesn't matter in a Presidential election.

get the fuck out... if i have a serious medical problem, shit to mediocre socialized medicare is the last thing i want.

Kill yourself please.

Move on to to immigration reform. There is literally no issue that is more important, and I'm sick of Congress wasting its time and energy on health care. At this rate, nothing is going to get passed before the 2018 election.

What GOP? Republicans are fuckin cowards. I hope a hit team murders them and their families.

The whole issue with Obamacare is that a black guy signed it into law and now all the racists are shitting their pants

>Next year im voting for every non rino/gope republican i can

Pretty sure there's no Presidential election next year....

How do you know the opposite won't happen?

>Obamacare fails
>public blames the republicans in power for letting it fail
>vote democrat

Right back into the cuckshed, they almost got a foot out of the door too. SAD!

>Ah, you seem to be misremembering.
You seem to be misremembering that you and that nigger Obama do not live in liberal la la land but rather in the United States of America.

That nigger and his faggots followers felt like they had it under control and there was no way they could lose after 8 years of the nigger king. All you needed to do was past the torch on to the Pedo Queen. Well.... that is not how the universe works.


I didn't say that. I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. I'm going to get drunk on Svedka now.

joking or retarded? Reference is to midterms

answer me you horsefuckers

Obama never liked Clinton. Do you remember the primary in 2008? Those wounds never healed. Obama only tepidly supported Clinton because she was the DNC's nominee.


Which one of the 57 states did he do that in?

They've also found out after bitching for 7 years that repealing it would fuck everybody way worse than keeping the bill in place and they have no real solutions.

2018 supermajority. The problems with obamacare won't go away and its supporters will be unelectable.
McCain knows he'll be dead by then anyway so he loses nothing by going full accelerationist.

Most likely a scar from his recent eye surgery

>joking or retarded? Reference is to midterms
Holy fuck follow the conversation shitdick

It is much easier to bitch than it is to come up with a national health care solution.

at least the leeches would get cut off

>you've got a socialised military

So the same folks that pay 800$ for a toilet seat and just lost 2.3 trillion dollars in 2001 are going to be in charge of my health care? What could possibly go wrong?

Skinny repeal would have been disastrous without a proper followup, and I have little faith that Congress would have followed up after passing it. Congress needs to tackle the question of healthcare costs from the ground up, and it starts by examining why healthcare costs in the United States are so far out of line with the rest of the world.

i am, shithead

>The whole issue with Obamacare...
is that after 8 years and multiple bailouts it is still collapsing, rates are going up, and insurers are dropping out.

That "black guy signed it into law" and the whole country is struck with yet another problem caused by a nigger.

Now we all get to watch Obamacare and John "Brain Dead" McCain die together.

>Elected nigger
>Nigger ruins the entire nations health care and insurance system

Leave it to a nigger to fuck something and leave it for someone else to have to fix.

You're more likely to develop minor / routine conditions over your life - and you'll continue to pay through the nose for it as they price gouge you.

So it seems the republicans only option here is to offer a even larger entitlement.

>Well that depends on if they want to act like adults or petulant children.

>Next year im voting for every non rino/gope republican i can
me:LOL. They can't function already and you want to introduce more chaotic asshats. Good luck governing anything.
>My vote will cancel yours fag u mad
me: You don't even know if we live in the same state much less district.
>District doesn't matter in a Presidential election.
me:Pretty sure there's no Presidential election next year....
>joking or retarded? Reference is to midterms

If that happens we will have a civil war. Quote me on that. The U.S. is at a tipping point. Having a democratic dominated congress with Trump as president will push it over the edge.

>Obama never liked Clinton.
Of course. Hillary hates niggers.

>Blah blah blah Hillary was a bad choice
You faggots on the left love to claim you are so much smarter than us dumb old rednecks (even though most of us do not live in the US nor are we white) but you picked the literal worst candidate possible. You faggots are idiots.

Obamacare isn't here to stay anyway. Most Americans want single payer healthcare.

t. nip jew shill

look into the McCain Foundation and from whom the money was received and where the money was given. Also any John McCain/McCain Foundation 'help" with "children". Search (voat.co/v/pizzagate )to see if any leads are there. Any links with the Clintons, Podestas, Soros, Jeffrey Epstein, Rothschilds,? How about Navy time and the USS Forrestal? How about his daddy (Admiral) and the attack on the USS Liberty in 1967 by Is-ra-hell?

they let obamacare die a miserable death and democrats get the blame for it

>but it isnt their fault


holy Sup Forums

Trump will not be reelected. They will get the presidency and congress. We will be like most of Europe in less than a decade. We have 3 years.

what the fuck do you know about it kiwi?

thats not the way it was before.

Besides id rather overpay for top notch medical care than get royally fucked when my ass is on the line.

You be happy waiting months for cancer treatment... keep it the fuck put of here.

The government should have no business telling me when i can and cannot have treatment. Keep it the fuck out of here.

Shit up you retarded nigger, implementing a rule that you dont have to pay for obongocare anymore would kill that shit faster.

This is the smart political move.

Obamacare will continue to directly harm the Americans people and when the rates hike happen in 2018 the President on down can point to OBAMACARE and John "Insane in the membrane" McCain.

Clever leftists figured out Pizzagate is reusable retard bait.

>We have 3 years.
Probably right. The gates are going to open up soon enough anyway at this rate.

Maybe Senate and Presidency, the House is very unlikely

I want a civil war so bad i cant stand it

>Trump will not
Where did I hear this before?! HHHHHHHHHMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....................................

did you even reply to the right post?

You are looking at civil war at that point. Conservatives are done with liberals bullshit. If that happens I guarantee there will be some sort of civil war. We inch closer and closer to it every day.


NoFap isn't that hard man.

McCain is such a fucking shill. No wonder the scumbag got his ass kicked by the Dems in 2008. Hope the POS never gets elected again.

oh sorry guess other user was retarded :3

McCain lit the match that blasted a rift in the GOP and now Rand is making the rift bigger. Pretty soon the GOP will be a fractured mess that will be able to work LESS with each other than they did now.

The Dems have almost no power, anybody that thinks this is somehow a victory or 8D chess by the GOP is deluding themselves.

This is an epic FAIL, and basically kills anything getting done until the mid-terms. Tax Reform couldn't be done without Healthcare. There's a debt ceiling coming where Republicans will again tear at each other throats.

The #1 promise of Republicans over the last 7 years, to repeal and replace Obamacara, is dead. It was a lie.

And it's okay from Trump to say "let Obamacare implode" by Governors can't do that there will be mass consequences. They'll need to shore it up.

States still refusing the Medicare expansion will continue to suffer, and for no reason now that Obamacare survived.
