Mustache/Millennial Mike Vs Tim Poole

Who was in the wrong here?

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People with facial hair should be sent to concentration camps. All the more advanced societies (East Asians, East Africans) have evolved to be completely hairless.

I don't care who's right and who's wrong because they're both genetic waste.

Can't grow facial hair to save your life can you?

MM is the best

asian detected

Based Moustache

Tell me about Tim, why does he wear the beanie?

>China literally has festivals where they eat dogs

t. unevolved sasquatch

Moustache is a fucking hero.

That little Tim Poole wanker needed his beanie shoved up his pretentious ass.

The fuck did I just watch? I hate every one of these things.

>that oathcuck at the end
Seriously, these centrists are just as much our enemies as the lefties. We should just let them go at each others throats while we troll both sides from the sidelines.

Even your hero Donald Trump understands that Asians are the superior race.

If you look at photos of him when he was younger, Trump clearly had a five o clock shadow, but in more recent pictures, he has no facial hair at all. Being from NYC, he's probably constantly surrounded by high IQ Asians and has come to accept their inherent superiority, which is why he has gone through painful aesthetic surgery to permanently remove his facial hair in order try and look like them, as a sign of submission and respect.

Just admit it: whites are inferior. Even Trump knows it.

Everything in this video is shit that fat fuck screaming and the to nerdy ass fags fight over a fucken

Tims rant here reminds me of Les Grossman v Flaming Dragon from Tropic Thunder. He should just accept he's bald. It's sad when people draw attention to their insecurities.

Tim Poole is a SJW amateur reporter who got famous for staying up 21 hours on day covering Occupy Wall Street

Millennial Mike (aka Mustachio Mike) is a young guy who got e-famous trolling people at HWNDU and has since tried to turn his 15 minutes of e-fame into a career as a provocateur screaming Nazi shit at people, acting like an IRL troll, and crapping all over the "alt-lite".

You don't put your hands on other men in public. That's a basic rule of manliness.

If homeboy turned around and socked him he could probably get away with it. All he would have to tell the cops is that the guy made an aggressive action towards his head and made him feel threatened.

You put your hands on another man in public and you're asking for a fight IMO.

>Asians are the superior race.
>While he speaks English
>From a European country
>While using European inventions

How in the he'll do low t individuals like yourself survive in Canada without facial hair. Did you get teased at school for it?


Nice to see that crazy bastard driving lefty traitors nuts without even trying.
God bless him.

Holy shit Tim Pool is beta as fuck

Mustache guy was just having a laugh


don't touch people you don't know, you retard, don't be an autist in real life

yootoobers are cancer

I mean, I guess.

If some quirky dude just came up and touched my head or something and was like "Haha..H-hey man, remember me? What's up?", is that really the end of the world?

He was just goofing around and there to troll some antifa members. Even if you're a bit offended, sperging out and acting butthurt af about it kinda looks weak.

He should've responded by pulling on his mustache or something

>being this insecure about your hairline

The dude needs to stay off those fap roulette threads.

Isn't moustache Matt debating PJW on the holohoax soon?

>you won't have any teeth
>low test skinny fat balding betafag

Holy shit we need new e-celebs.

Can we get some non-embarassing people to get out there and do some cool shit? Or are the normal/cool people busy doing actually productive shit?

tim poole is a faggot dickhead and a fake

moustache mike is alpha

No one likes you.


I like this guy

Millennial Matt challenged that Paul Joseph Watson faggot to a debate about the Holocaust, and PJW accepted.

MM tweeted this:

This debate will be dedicated to all of the Europeans young and old rotting in jail for "thought crimes" Free Speech is an American luxury.

Hail MM

Moustachio knows what's up

>my hat is a disguise dude
>wears the hat 24/7 and in all yt videos
Tim should embrace his insecurities already

Whatever you say, Xing Ping

They both appear to be mentally unstable. Everyone there was... off. Fucking weirdos.

Those crazy fucks will be the ones who end up killing leftists. Just wait for it..

>East Asians


calm down nigger

>Millennial Mike (aka Mustachio Mike) is a young guy

Meth is a helluva drug, I guess..

>billboard with the definition of the word "bigot"

He should include the definition of "bigotry" too.

>not available in your country
What, did he flat out call out (((them)))?

Why do the antifa people hate Tim Poole then? Sounds like he's one of them.

Because they're fucking retarded.

for giving hate speech a platform or something like that

Letting his autism really shine through, muh hat makes me anonimoose.

Are you not familiar with his channel at all? He calls out the greatest ally NONSTOP.

This chucklefuck's day was ruined because someone grabbed his security blanket, boo hoooooo.

fuck off shill. is this the best you've fucking got?
i'm beginning to think they're dragging the bottom of the barrel when it comes to hiring.
sage this crap. it's standard d&c bullshit.

Go live in china then to be around the "master-race" lol faggot we could conquer your country just by blockading your ports. I am sure our jap bros will join in on the humbling of the paper tiger too. I'd do it to shut you manlets up for good

Nigger, the far-right have no reason to be allied with centrists.

Stop trying to make Tim Pool happen.

those oathkeepers tho

Gotta love the stache

Flag checks out

Tim Pool is a good guy. It's ridiculous that he's so selfconcious about being balding though, but I totally get that he gets pissed off as hell.

>don't be an autist in real life
how can one man be so wrong?

>The Virgin hat vs the Chad hat

It wasn't a surprise attack. He told him on twitter before the event that he was going to take the hat.

Why all this Pool hate?

Even if you disagree with him on certain issues he's a journalist with a great deal of integrety.

He's a bald cuck who leeches our money. I need surgery and he uses the money to prep the bull like the faggot cuckslime he is.

Oathcucks are more likely to kill an "ebil Nadsi" than they are to kill a leftist

Tim pool is a little insecure balding faggot
he looks fucking horrid without that beanie, no wonder he wears beanies 24/7 I'd be as mental as him too If I where that ugly the moment I lose my beanie.

It was assault for all those defending Tim, but assault can be defined as spilling water over someone, I'd argue even water spilling is more threatening than what Matt did, it was very casual and he gave the hate back. this had no calling whatsoever for the reaction.

Here's the thing ladies. Threatening someone with "taking your teeth out" after an assault like this is unreasonable force, even if it's just a threat, because guess what?
A threat of physical harm is assault.

So now we have assault of taking a hat from Matt

And a threat of imminent bodily harm from Tim

They are separate charges. plea of self defense would not hold for Tims threat.

Tim is clearly therefor the dangerous aggressor and is nothing more than a little insecure balding faggot who was embarrassed about his fuggly head.

Also, If anyone threatens you with "taking your teeth out if you come near me" and walks away, only to suddenly come back towards you, you have every right to preemptively assume bodily harm is coming to you, and defend yourself prior to an attack. So Ironically, Matt had more right to strike Tim In such a moment than Tim had against Matt.

That fat bitch in the back screeching, "You're a Nazi" was hilarious though.

Better angle

When he realized he was dealing with the chrome dome

>the virgin dome

>The Chad Mane

>advanced societies
>East Africans

remember that time he did an ama here after this happened because we were shitting on him so hard? that was pretty funny

Sure thing Ping Pong.

The only thing he brings of value is being on the scene of actual events. All of his actual commentary is worthless, he interviews like crap, doesn't ask good questions when he gets the chance, is way too worried about "looking cool", and is overall a big liberal cuck.

Based 'Stache makes the dankest reaction faces.