ANTIFA's patreon shutdown

>ANTIFA's patreon shutdown
b-but numale beard cuckman just hates the alt-right.

Sup Forums BTFO'd yet again, how much longer are you willing to act like professional victims?

Other urls found in this thread:

>disjointed and erratic attempt to type engrish

you need to work on slowing the fuck down and breathing normally, not posting, since you suck at it

>Sup Forums BTFO'd yet again
Jack Conte is a liar. They were not in front of the NGO ship.

Sorry, I was doing my best to impersonate a frog worshipping mouthbreather.

>ANTIFA's patreon shutdown
>Sup Forums BTFO
your a dumb nigger even by dumb nigger standards

You cucks will never win with this retarded mentality.

Barely anyone actually supports Antifa. The only people who actually benefit from the careless destruction that they cause are globalist dickheads who want to weaken a country from within.

LS, you, the alt-right, and ANTIFA are all equally cancerous to society is the message being sent. This is actual horseshoe theory.

It's a matter of time till the other side gets shut down as well.

Antifa is literally a terrorist organization.

Most right-wingers that get shut down by these kikes just say things that are inconvenient to the political elite. Big fucking difference.

But LS was shut down for interfering with rescue vessels. Do you just post whatever comes to your gut or do you have a single source to back that up?

that bitch and her beta orbiters got what they deserved.
And what's that weird shit she does with her mouth when she talks?

>But LS was shut down for interfering with rescue vessels.
They didn't interfere with it though. Jack Conte says in his video that if they stayed at the side of the NGO ship it is totally OK.

Now look at the position of their boat and tell me where they are.

It's funny that the cucked left is trying to use the same tactics the right used on their SJW crybaby shit. It just goes to show they are all about ME ME ME and never really respected their loser crybaby groupies. Get fucked losers lmao.

They think its great until it happens to them.

>Sup Forums

Nice try kike.

>rescue vessels
Human taxis illegally smuggling rapefugees into Europe all funded by the international Jew. KYS.

>Charities saving refugees in the Mediterranean are ‘colluding’ with smugglers, Italian prosecutor claims

Nice try

nice try

Syrians are semi educated Caucasians from an industrialised country. The Africans arriving by boat are illiterate HIV carrying pretty industrial monkeys that will immediately turn to drug dealing rather than work a minimum wage job.

Why would anyone want them? It wouldn't matter how Jewish you were or how much you hate whites. They will never make anyone money.

What's going on in this pic?

And you could even do that right.

Check these digits pleb

When Lauren Southerns Patreon got removed they said it was because she "endangered life". Some people made videos saying it was bullshit and they needed to provide an explanation.

Jack Conte released a video and in it he said that if they (Lauren Southern/Generation Identity) had stayed by the side of the NGO ship it would have been a totally OK form of protest. In his video there are clips of her saying to go in front of the ship but she wasn't in control of the boat, the people who were said no, and they didn't go in front of the ship, at least not in my estimation. What do you think? looking at the photograph would you classify that as being "in front" of the NGO ship?

They will take from the whites to give them money and elevate their social status by affirmative action and by making comedians, athletes, and musicians out of them to create pressure on the host country's women in a bid to brown out the West. Further, when resources are low and the landscape seems unsafe, white people stop reproducing.

They knew they weren't actually going to stop the boat anyway, not with a fucking dinghy while the coast guard is right there. It was just a publicity stunt to bring attention to the issue

Jack Conte is the co-founder of patreon if you're wondering who he is.

Where would you say their boat is in relation to the NGO ship in that picture?

They never got in front of it, that was obvious when I first saw this happen


How can they say it is a rescue vessel if it had no refugees on board? Aren't rescues supposed to be something that is unplanned? If it engages in these trips on a routine basis, it is nothing more than a human taxi for an illegal smuggling operation. The Coast Guard is a rescue vessel. Vessels commissioned by NGOs in bed with the United Nations and sponsored by globalist kikes making routine trips to Libya and back are not "rescue vessels".

>GEFIRA - People Trafficking




>How can they say it is a rescue vessel if it had no refugees on board?
That's another point. Not only did it not have any refugees/migrants but at the time the ship wasn't engaged in a rescue operation, it was 1000km away from the Libyan coast, in a harbor, in Italy. Anyway, i'm actually interested in whether or not anyone thinks that picture
shows them "in front" of the NGO ship. If you asked me i'd say they were off to the side of it and is completely in-line with what the co-founder of Patreon said would be a totally OK form of protest.

>I'm actually interested in whether or not anyone thinks that picture shows them "in front" of the NGO ship.
I think they were off to the side a bit as well. The green navigation light on the starboard side is still visible. If they were directly in front of the vessel, they'd either see both the port side red light and the starboard green light or neither. Either way, I think the Patreon guy was just talking shit and it really doesn't matter either way.

>I think they were off to the side a bit as well.
They're clearly at about a 45 degree angle to the ship. There's no way you can say they were "in front" of it when its direction of travel is going to take it right past them.

I doubt Patreon will change their mind but their video/explanation is a lie.

Yes, nothing more than damage control and it utterly failed. I for one will never use the service in any capacity and judging by the comments, I'm not alone. If we're to keep them from monopolizing this funding method, it's time to look elsewhere. We have to contend with enough monopolies trying to shut down free speech as it is, ie JewTube.

Patreon proved another Patreon is needed.

He kinda had to, competition is sprouting and they are using the Lauren Southern thing to steal away his customers.