Would you pick this up for a kek?

Would you pick this up for a kek?

what stats are you trying to collect hillman?

Only from the $.99 store.
Pdf will cost less

I'd torrent it.
Not pay for it.

it would be boring. If someone behind the scenes wrote up tell-all stories about her melt-downs, healthy issues, and other crazinesses, I'd buy it.

How is it possible that no one has done this yet?

I would literally use it as toilet paper if I were given a copy. Otherwise, no. Might check through a free pdf for trollworthy material, as there will be a ton. There will also be a ton of cognitive dissonance and megalomania.



nah. its contents will be sanitized and fabricated by 20+ of her handlers/advisors/huma.

It will contain carefully constructed "unknown secrets" a la "i carry hot sauce in my purse"

No, I already know what happened: rural and suburban retards.

they would quite literally fucking die

I wouldn't buy toilet paper from Hillary Clinton. She doesn't strike me as an expert in using the toilet properly.

>giving money to the enemy
no thanks. not that desperate for lulz

I would pick it up to throw it in a burning garbage bin where it belongs

I'll keep a keen eye out for a torrent and distribute it ASAP.

no . i would however print out the cover and make a book sleeve for a blank journal and draw pics of hillary taking saudi money and sucking off jews and drop it off in a library

Please post this if you indeed do it.




Is that the actually book cover? Bland as fuck

Yes. I see the story on Twitter.

I'd steal a copy to read but won't read it if she gets any money.

The fantasy story gets released in September. Expect a PDF at some point idfk.

>a liar and a cheater writes a book about why they lost

Yeah it's going to be 100% bullshit, no way I'd waste my money on that crap


This sadly

Isn't the copy already paid for by the store, thus meaning stealing ends up counting as a sale? (albeit at a loss to the store and not the publisher?)


Assange is a savage

>What happened?
>Hillary Rodham Clinton
Best cover ever.


go to Barnes and Noble and swap the covers for hardcover editions of this and 'If I did It'.

Is that the actual title/cover? Haha holy shit no way

she needs to show her tits or fuck off already.

It's too late for that, she peaked like 5 years ago

IF I did it by hillary clinton

>author's name takes up more space than the title
This book is going to be a trainwreck