MBTI General Discussion

Come here and post your types and talk about them. Then have fun getting made fun of for said types.

>INTJ Edgelord
>INFP crybaby
>ENTP will never shut the fuck up
>INTP forever alone
>ISTJ the ultimate NPC
>ESTP Chad
>ENTJ your future boss
>INFJ the ultimate form of horse shoe theory. He's either hitler or an SJW
>ENFJ sjw or normie

MBTI tests
>Beginner level
>Advanced level
>Bonus test

discord: 39dbhaY

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Last time I did it, I got INTP

And yeah I'm kinda forever alone


It's a special kind of hell, really.

INTP male is the most common person on Sup Forums user. Have a free bingo

yeah i'm really edgy

INTJ, barely.
Only 1 point into N, so a covert ISTJ

My boss and one of my colleagues are ENTP and they never shut the fuck up indeed



gifted kid... like, spoiled brat?

INFJ and lived the horseshoe life. Full on civic nationalist with beliefs like gay people and trans were being discriminated against, black people were put down by the man, etc. Then I went to Sup Forums. Gay people reproduce by pedos, blacks ruined themselves and keep doing it historically, trans are mentally ill and should be treated, the slippery slope theory is real, whites are being culturally and genetically genocided even in their own homelands.

I still don't understand what happened.

this psychology shit is for numale libs, what the fuck are you all doing

don't you have any varg threads to contribute to?

>the second time you get brainwashed it's true

Gullible cunt

I used to get INTJ when I did MBTI tests, though I've felt some marked changes in my thinking and behavior over the years. Nonetheless, the 'I' is pretty much inescapable for me.

Reminder that F types are subhuman trash and need to be purged along with niggers and jews.

ENTJ reporting in



What does this even mean?

means you're a filthy hippy

INFJ reeeeeeeeee-porting! However I've always been on the right. But yeah, people tend to say I'm either 8 or 80. Not much of a middle ground to me.

Aw shit

upgrading Railways to get them faster to the camps as we speak

E and F actually.

Autismos will rule the land.

ENTJ master race, here!

>Wanting a world filled with emotionless autists

>ENTP will never shut the fuck up
I can attest to that, as I am one and love hearing the sound of my voice

INTJ, I'm a fucking unicorn

feels good man

>tfw INTP

Am I really forever alone-tier? I can kinda see it..


infp fuck you faggot niggers


found it nvm

Where my ISTJs at

Still not giving a fuck

Should probably just off yourself now, why postpone the inevitable?

At least you got trips

The trips sustain me, it isn't so bad, I've got a handful of friends and pretty much always have. What type are you pal?

You're a woman or a liberal


I'm neither of them.


Logistician, figures why i cant get a GF

Does the INTJ wojak have a name? I keep seeing it.

But if psychological disposition dictates political leaning, than any and all political leanings are irrational and no better than any other, including yours

I'm an ENTJ. I did use to be an INTJ a few years ago, but I always get ENTJ whenever I do the test these days

My results

INTJ Edgelord reporting in

Just google INTJ wojak.
will probably know as well.

Masterrace reporting in. It's on us to safe the day isn't it?

Is there any literature on the plasticity of these traits/variables/personality types?
Or are you stuck as what you are?

I'm okay with it.


How did you change yourself to the aryan race?

>intp masterrace reporting in

kill me


What's the hitler personality?

STP masterrace, remove non STPs. All others are too emotional, we are beast of men, true masculinity, designers of our reality.

Just slowly became more social over the last few years.

kek at the ESFJ brainlets

Is it possible to live a normal life as INTP or are you destined to always be r9k tier?

INFP reporting.

I'm INTP and leading a pretty normal life

I've heard ENTJ but I'm not entirely sure

Guess I need to take up weed and drinking

>Just slowly became more social over the last few years.
But how do I stop overthinking?

ESTP master race reporting in.

Mindfulness CBT training

ISTJ is just a lower INTJ, you should know that.

>Mindfulness CBT training
Whats that?

I'm ENTJ, but I'm about 50/50 with S and N and 50/50 with J and P.

Is ENTP honestly evil?

Is it that bad i got 80% of that card except being an alcoholic and feeling superior?

>I put on my robe and wizard hat

Most people only overthink stuff because they're afraid of being judged. It turns out most people can't be bothered judging others because they're too preoccupied thinking about how others could be judging them. Most people will judge you more if you come off as a shy person/robot than if you were to say or do some stupid shit

Stop thinking and just do it, same shit applies for public speaking.
(might be a few typos, cbf proof reading)

ENTP is entrepreneur class and is Redpilled



This, just act before you think if it's something you want. Throw the hat over the wall.

>Obama is ENTP

I forgot, which personality i had. Is this INTP or INTJ?

>ISTJ the ultimate NPC
what did he mean by this?

MBTI is fucking horoscope-tier bullshit

if you want something with a bit more clout, take the big 5:


Then apply the aspect scaling to your results:


Now you should have a much more genuine reflection of who you are and how you operate in the world and you can use that information to build relationships that you fit well with, jobs that you fit well with, and a life you can generally make good use of.

Sort yourselves out, buckos.


INTP-T 18yo bisexual polish(with some admixsture of mongolo probably) girl reporting in
i got this result everytime since ive started doing these type of tests, maybe 4 years ago.

Many thanks


Two INFJ's in one thread? Gross.

I am so sick of being ENFJ and being looped in you with you mentally defective pricks. Every ENFJ I know, rare as we are, is pro-Trump and hates kikes. We also want to gas the other feelers.

We're the kind of people who'd give you the shirt off our backs to make the world a better place, and then you INFJ shitheels would bitch at us for the shirt not being "fair trade."

We're basically ENTJ's with empathy and you are ruining the society built by alpha males like us.

Grab your favorite MGMT CD. Go into the garage. Get into the car. Start it. Press play. Open the window and throw away the door opener.

You're .5% of the population and 50% of the reason TurboKikes™ have control right now.

End yourselves for the future of the white race.


What even is intuition, is that like just deciding shit instead of observing it

sounds like pussy voodoo

I think it is. I have done stuff through the years, but I've always been dragged into it. Now that I'm left to myself, I hardly ever leave the house. It's like gravity is pulling me back home everytime I leave.

Now, I have one priority and that is to start doing stuff. I have tons of ideas everyday, so if I can just get going things will be great.

so, if you are intp, you have ONE job: GET ACTIVE and DO STUFF

Just be yourself, eh lads? Well, it ain't that simple and most of it doesn't come naturally, especially if you're locked in numerous subconscious habits (of thinking and doing). Gradual exposition and cognitive restructuring is more efficient and less traumatic, plus saying "just do it" might just make most of these folks feel even more inadequate (after they try it and fail it), thus making a counter effect.

This one is ISTJ tho

Modernity has evolved to crush and frustrate the functions of the ISTP archetype. There is nothing in civilian life that can sustain us spiritually, ethereally. There are no wars left to fight or frontiers to conquer and our armies are docile and fat, in reflection of the New People.

will you be my waifu

I am level 89 wizard

You don't have to be a robotic shill as an ENTP if you don't want to. But Obama is an example of ENTP success nonetheless

It didn't come naturally to me either. Like any skill it takes practice.

Guess what I always get on these tests.

STP master race reporting in

>forever alone
Fuck you, it's just very hard not to be alone.

ENTP? more like ENTPOOR

INFP master race reporting

>tfw when too intellectually and emotionally advanced to connect with other people


such a shit-tier personality type

Oh, shit, you're right. I did this test long ago, here are my new results.

entp mafia

What is with the judging/perceiving gap?