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that statue is going to be destroyed as a response to the alt-left. they did it to themselves.

>Sup Forums
>guys let's tear down the lemon statue
>no fuck off retard

>guys look at this thread on Sup Forums about taking down the statue, that I totally didn't make myself 50 times over the course of two days!

Kys commie fuck

I fixed so many typos and my damn phoneposting ass still missed "Lemon".


>reddit.com/r/communism/comments/6u2qwr/Sup Forums_is_trying_to_tear_down_a_lenin_monument_in/

Fuck off faggot. Even the people in that thread give no fucks. Stop instigating shit.

Good, fuck that piece of shit. It's a stain on Washington State.

Watch out boys!

We got a master of psychology here!


I thought you were being whimsical.

Holy fuck, you are such a faggot.

An eye for an eye, this will happen and theres nothing that will prevent it.


You fuck with alt-left you get rekt. Bring it, faggots. My brother and sisters in the states will send you home in bodybags.

Reddit posts are not news.

just do what they do

boycott Seattle and Microsoft and all those local shops until the commie is gone

What if they punch you in the face harder?

Lemon Party

no it won't lol

>Sup Forums baiting itself to attack commies

Jewish tactics don't work on me

don't tempt us!

Meet me at 8 pm

It worked though...made me chuckle

This is so fucking retarded. That statue isn't up there to celebrate Lenin. I lived like a block away from that thing and it's right next to an awesome kebab place. People fuck with it all the time, graffiti, toilet paper, red paint on the hands and mouth, whatever. You're kind of encouraged to vandalize it, just so long as you don't be a dick and knock it down.

There's even a plaque on the bottom and if I remember it right, the guy who made it was from the Czech Republic and sold it for a few thousand dollariedoos because no one back in Europe wanted to buy the fucking thing.

tl;dr it's a local Seattle thing, nobody goes there and thinks "oh man communism is so great" and if you really want to, just throw some TP and red paint at it like people have been doing for years.

Tear down that Mason lodge in the background while you're at it.


t. facelet


go ahead tear it down, well melt it down and do something useful with the metal the way Lenin would have wanted and put up a proper statue of a REAL communist, Karl Marx

Just buy a bunch of skulls and lay it around his feet.


That kikery is coming down.

Eh. I got what you were saying.

Challenge accepted. its on :)
-Richard Spencer and the team

thought that was just a joke

>>>>Weaker Men

Fuck off it's going down.

But user that statue represents millions of people who were enslaved and murdered under Communism! It's the only socially just thing we can do!

Gommies are like failed women.

>top comment is "Go ahead, the statue doesn't mean anything. We're not the alt-right, we're not Nazis. We're not so fragile we need these things."
what did OP mean by this?

>Punch a nazi in the face.
One of your fags is dead bitch. We want a war to kill you.

good night red pride. Do not fuck with Nationalists yearning for freedom or you will end up like comrade in his tank here.

How new are you?

We don't care about your stupid statue; we'll be coming for you.

Dayly reminder - commies, afa and othe alt-feft shitheads are limpwristed fucks and cowards, that will cry for po-po help as soon as aone of them gets a knuckle sandwich. You are inferior to any normy, let alone a real WN.

This is actually on private land that belongs to the Freemasons so you can suck their dick.

Lenin killed millions of white people and is considered a hero to the left

That's all you really need to know about the left

>Not even Lenin was ideologically kosher enough to be called a real Marxist

Jesus Christ how much of a retarded purist can you be? Calling Stalin "not muh real communist" is bad enough, but Lenin? Which policy of his could you possibly object to?

well the police are their tireless servants after all

>you can dish it out but can't take it
Hmm I see