Oregon to pay for all abortions (even at 9 months)

Selective abortion up to the full 9 months will now be fully paid for by taxpayers in Oregon.

Oregon's bisexual female governor has signed into law the most progressive abortion legislation in the country.


The law violates the Weldon Amendment and was made in retaliation for Republicans' Obamacare repeal attempts. The Weldon Amendment bans Health and Human Services funds for states that discriminate against health care providers that refuse to cover abortion.

Trump can now end funding for Oregon's Health and Human Services appropriations. Cut them off absolutely.

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>> a leftist state aborting it's leftist voter base

I am no longer against abortion. Good people dont have abortion even when it's legal

Abort yourselves into extinction leftist. Ill even donate to your nearest Planned Parenthood

>The state's most populous ethnic group, non-Hispanic white, has declined from 95.8% in 1970 to 77.8% in 2012.

>As of 2011, 38.7% of Oregon's children under one year of age belonged to minority groups, meaning they had at least one parent who was not a non-Hispanic white

no comment

Interestinf point, because the law also makes it a state statute that no one can be discriminated against for abortion on the basis of race, religion, transgenderism, or citizenship status.

I'm not making that up.

Doctors aren't going to do abortions at 9 months unless the woman's life is in danger, don't be retarded. Let medical professionals draw the line themselves.

sounds good.

Appeal to authority

Get fucked amoral mollycoddle

Now make them mandatory unless both parents agree to carry to term.


Why shouldn't we allow and encourage non-whites and other degenerates to abort their children?

you dont need doctors to do an abortion

planned parenthood doesnt employ medical doctors

Because murder is wrong and it is determinably murder in the 6th-9th months.

This faggot was pro abortion until this thread started. Lost ass fuckimg leftist faggot

WTF I'm in love with abortions now

>abortion is murder
Pure opinion

"This faggot..." Ambiguous pronoun. Not sure if you're addressing me; but I am against late term abortion, generally for the right in first 2.5 months.

I said "determinably" murder, but let's not mince words: Something capable of a live birth is alive. Killing an alive human is murder.

That's where I personally draw the line, when the child can be born and survive with limited medical help

>killing your offspring isn't murder

fuck off kike

Oh I'd never do it, but if degenerates who can't raise kids do then nothing is lost

You can go have an abortion, but I'm not paying for your fuck up.

Sauce on 9 month abortions? Read a few articles and none mentioned it

I was pro abortion ever since I looked at the race stats.

I love abortion.












Yeah, no. Minorities have children so they can get gibs.










She should have been aborted

>Oregon v. Archdiocese of Portland

Can't wait.

What was his race?

Leftists aren't just born, they're made. Plenty of decent people went through leftist phases in life. Many (white) people who've had abortions go on to regret it.


>thinks killing people who don't have the same political opinions is fine
>abortion is wrong


>up to 9 months


I finally get the abortion debate there, I thought it was similar to Europe where abortion is only allowed up to like 4 weeks before the fetus matures


>abortion up to the full 9 months will now be fully paid for by taxpayers
Truly this is worse than the cartel skinning people's faces.

It's been around "20-24" for awhile, and leftists still rage.

6-9 months is absolutely murder and very, very few people disagree.

you seems to be one of the brain dead people who disagree.

>killing babies is wrong compared to killing adults


Does this really mean that people will be aborting at 9 months though? In theory, it could do that, but abortion in Oregon is probably relegated to 24 weeks or so, like a lot of other states, so they couldn't have 9 month abortions, correct?

Good niggers and communists will take advantage this should be promoted in all states, actively promoted in poor areas

>having double standards


the white left did abort itself into extinction, its the main reason the left now focuses on latino voters who dont believe in abortion.

Consider it as a small price to pay so you don't end paying for Ladasha and Democrat Tranny Boy's future.

>retaliatory legislation from an activist in office
this should go well

Nice source


Republicans barely ever have abortions but yet they fight so hard to remove them. Self destructive faggots.

Donating also.

>leftists and niggers decreasing their own population

How is this a bad thing?

I think OP meant this:

Crusade in the court room against the heathens

I wonder if this has to do with Oregon having one of the lowest college going rates by high school graduates in the country?


"good people" are few and far between
modern society is all the proof you need that subjection to nonstop subversive propaganda will destroy even healthy societies full of moral individuals
a libertarian response to these attacks will not lead to a better society

>claims abortion isn't murder
>that flag

Fuck off LARPer or Jew


"Since 2010, a number of states have enacted bills that ban abortion at 22 weeks, based on the theory that a fetus can feel pain at that point."

>says fascists can't be okay with abortion
>while fascists have literally gassed millions of adults

Come to Dr. Deletus, he'll annihalate that fetus

>implying gas chambers existed at all
Ok now I know you're a kike


it's perfectly okay to kill people who have made decisions hostile to the continued existence of your country
children don't fall under that

a nigglet cleanup tax is a tax with actual benefits

This is the first time in my life I saw how actual abortion procedure looks like.

Leftists, any leftists, whether "normie tier" or actual pedophile satanic jews, are demons upon this Earth.

I want to know what makes it wrong to take their lives. I'm not joking.

>up to full 9 months
that is murder plain and simple
leftists have conceded for decades that "up to a point, the fetus cant feel a thing" as justification
now faced with science and logic that leaves no ambiguity about the reality of human development starting at conception ie a human being, not yet a "person", they resolve to creep near post birth abortions
these are evil people

Time for this Governor to face some LEFTISM!

This, also niggers abort at staggering rates.

>inb4 JUDEO-christ cucks chime in with ALLLLL LIVESS MATTA, BABY! YEEEEE!

If they abort, so what? more room for you and yours.



Kek well said

And they call it a patriarchy.



Do we really want to woman who would get an abortion at 9 months to raise a child anyway?

Anyone who claims they are bisexual are attention whores.

Democrats are godless animals.

My thread didn't get any replies earlier but I was thinking the same thing, it seems like everything is in place trying to keep their population under control or reduce it.

>implying they're not going to have 7 kids and 30 abortions

Life is sacred. But leftists are all evil fucking whores. They aren't mentally stable enough to raise a child.

Kate Brown won't prosecute our former governor who gave his Oracle girlfriend a couple hundred million bucks.

We're pozzed as fuck.

That's a beautiful thing
>also off by one

The college system in Oregon is a sad joke tbqh.They have one, Nike subsidizes it but mostly for athletes. The Corvallis one is in a remote village pretty much. Salem the capitol has nothing. Maybe one? Portland has like 5 and they are all shit except for admittedly the medical school which is good.

They really need to unify their colleges badly like California does. If they did they would be doing a lot better.

So you're ok with this legislation?

We are sitting idly and parroting our "morals" while they literally (hate that word...) murder babies?

We already lost and we deserve leftist overrule over us.

abort the entire state right now pls

This good the browns and communists will take advantage I will pay to have nigger babies terminated

Welcome to our hell

Us adoption rate for newborns is 99.9%
There's no reason to abort when newborns are guaranteed a family that wants them