Alt-right is dead

Face it, you've lost.

All the events of this weekend truly did was expose the actual faces behind the alt right. A lurking, ominous online hate group that people hear about on the new sounded daunting and menacing, until it was shown to be comprised of young, low-testosterone, genetically unfortunate misanthropes who have never emotionally aged beyond 12.

You don't find strength in Trump because he's a fellow alpha white Roman warrior, you see eye to eye with him because he is the same small handed small dick crying child that you all are. He whines, goes back on promises, lives a decadent life completely devoid of integrity or decency.

I know you will all continue to flood this board with hate and anger, and you will never truly learn what you have to. But the reality that you all realize deep down is that you've lost. Because you are simply all too weak-willed to make changes happen in the world. You'll never fuck your high school crush, you'll never have the money you were sure you'd someday have, and you'll never succeed in spreading whatever perversions of opinions you call beliefs.

It's over gentlemen. Wrap it up and maybe go to a gym, apply for some jobs, and work on your social skills a bit. Maybe you'll hate yourselves less in the long run.

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I'm not an alt right, I just like the memes. The problem is that you guys alienate yourselves because you hate any one to the right meaning centrists, classical liberals, and actual right leaning people.

S&H these garbage threads.

no way dude. I'm quite a fan of libertarianism actually. I've studied Milton Friedman, Hans Herman Hoppes, Friedrich Hayek. I take what I want from different schools of philosophy and throw it in the pot. That is not the same thing as always going with what is contrary to mainstream in a dogmatic fashion. That is just as pathological as being a diehard communist.

I agree with the Brit

Anyone who is a black repoblican who is an Uncle Tom, any trans or gay people who don't agree which you are rackets or fascists. Any one who wants borders is rascist when all they want is to stop the bad ones coming in.

Alt-Right never existed you fucking idiot. It was a coin term for simpletons like you to eat up last year.

Holy shit you are gullible.

Right there, you're asssuming im a far leftist because I posted a pride flag. I posted a pride flag because I believe in LGTBQA+ rights. I'm not an economic leftist by any means. Those things get lumped together due to lac of education/intelligence. People who think of politics more as religion do that which is never a good thing

>Alt-right is dead
Which is irnoic coming from a faggot considering your death rates.

used it as an umbrella term to refer to all of you pimply faced, waifu-fucking freaks. do apologize for the media shilling

Why use the type of click bait that antifa have used before if you weren't? It is quite common for the to do so. And allthough I don't like to admit this, the alt right is becoming stronger. And it is because of people like antifa.

1. we already know Trump has a thick 9 inch penis. As a homosexual you should rejoice in this.

2. We are winning by a long shot. I'm seeing leftists on my feed take more moderate positions.

Leftists are scared and do not want to have to fight. They are cowards by nature.

not gay

>I posted a pride flag because I believe in LGTBQA+ rights
Which makes you anti-White.

> I'm not an economic leftist by any means.
Caring more about money than the survival of the White race? That too makes you anti-White.

>People who think of politics more as religion do that which is never a good thing
Said the faggot lover that treats government as his god.

Oh so you're a bigot against people you don't like.

Don't you have a klan rally to attend, skinhead?

You shills will get raped to death when we win

Never was an alt right. There's the right and a fringe element. No alt right.

see here's the thing. you think im trying to have a political discourse. im not im just telling you you are all pathetic individuals who will never fuck a beautiful woman. and that go ahead and have fun playing in the basement, but its not gonna go beyond that no matter how hard ya try

This is an /intl/, /leftypol/ and r/SRS demoralization thread. Hide it and move on people. Their tactics are failing already and we know they're raiding our board.

>I just like the memes
So you're literally and just another virgin larping as a Chad.

>nazi flag

Your demoralization campaign will fail, just like you lost the election. If you believe Trump's base and the patriots in this country don't see what you are doing, you're in store for a surprise. Your censorship campaign is just getting started..... wait until you pull pol and Disqus. They all will see your hand, and the we will unleash a campaign to destroy you like never before.

I must admit, I thought you were a communist. But this is because I keep on seeing posts like this done by the identity police.

I am sorry for thinking this but what you are doing is just mixing in more of what someone who was considering already alt right to become worse.
It is a shit political climate and it is hard to tell who is who sometimes.

>one rally where a fat cunt got run over by a nazi larper

Hahaha it hasn't even begun

obviously I care more about money than the survival of some bullshit idea. I dont give half a fuck about being white. because no one should "whiteness" is a conglomeration of too many different nationalities and ethnic backgrounds to really mean anything. thats why white pride is fucking retarded. black people can bond over facing oppression amidst a majority of people who arent lie them. Mexican is a nationality. Jewish is a religion and culture. White isn't shit. Get over it. Go read a book on history rather than getting your info from low iq retards like andrew anglin you pathetic cunt

>nazi larper
How come Sup Forums keeps calling him a Nazi?

Oh shit nazis are truly btfo this time

This is what the altright feed on to hate more people.

What's wrong with hate? Some things are terrible and you should hate them.

no, you won't. one of you pathetic freaks might do something kinda fucked up and then you'll just fuck yourselves further.

Conservatism is still winning the culture war. The left is losing and will continue to grow frustrated as they lose even more. Hell, television writers are even throwing their hands up.
Comedy writers, who have traditionally had their finger on the political pulse and culture in America, are giving up because no one's buying their brainwashing and bullshit anymore.
>“And according to Variety the general theme of the whole panel of writers was, “I don’t really want this job” who complain they are so exhausted trying to win over Trump supporters with there not-so-clever writing.”
In the few days that everyone's been distracted by a little "white man march", Trump has been making unprecedented strides to unfuck our country and end the poisonous PC culture from the left.
>Launched the Telehealth initiative that will provide higher quality healthcare to military members, their husbands, wives, and children and cut down on wait times
>Administration systematically dismantling Affirmative Action from college campuses and removing rewards or "priority" in admissions based solely on someone's skin color so now individuals have to stand on their own merits
>Federal judges (like the one who approved the UtR march and signed off on it) are becoming more conservative every day
>ICE being empowered more than ever and making deportations with record speed
We're getting what we want. We are winning this culture war and taking back our country.

"Supreme Court unanimously reaffirms: There is no ‘hate speech’ exception to the First Amendment"

Don't be disillusioned. Gen-Z (the kids of today) are the most Conservative generation of the past 60 years. The left has already lost.

Let's leave this to be archived

wow gee you know what OP your so fucking right. I mean I guess these mean i'll stop my racism and shitting up things for you leftist fucks.

yup you won. just cuz dem media says so

so you're admitting to being just as devoid of reason and prone to groupthink as the far left? see the problem here?

Wow you got me you demoralized me

I am now a celebrity worshipping, Harry Potter Star Wars referencing, obese, depressed, faggot transfaggot gay pansexual transsexual completely sane and well balanced wholesome 900 lbs walrus activist.

Wow you won and we lost wow what happened?!?!? WOW!!!!

bbbbbut cencorship! free speach amirite???

no, you're just an obese depressed faggot minus the other things

Op is gay

I think it's time to join up with these fucks

>not gay
Might as well be, faggot lover.

>obviously I care more about money than the survival of some bullshit idea.
And that's why you're anti-White.

>I dont give half a fuck about being white.
Because you're a race traitor.

>because no one should "whiteness" is a conglomeration of too many different nationalities and ethnic backgrounds to really mean anything.
Now you're a liar.

>thats why white pride is fucking retarded.
Except pride in buggery, right?

>black people can bond over facing oppression amidst a majority of people who arent lie them.
Niggers aren't oppressed.

>Mexican is a nationality.
Latino is a race.

>Jewish is a religion and culture.
Jews are race.

>White isn't shit. Get over it.
You're a racist ad a bigot.

>Go read a book on history
Written by an anti-White Jew like you?

>rather than getting your info from low iq retards like andrew anglin you pathetic cunt
Said the anti-White bitch who will hang on the Day of the Rope.

Your day is coming faggot.

The flag isn't what it means anymore, it's always used belongside antifa, BAMN and other shitty things.
And tell me this, you prosemed we were all altright, didn't you? I admit i was wrong, now you admit you were wrong.

I know rite? Hueuheuheuheuehuehuhue


conservative never meant FUCKING WHITE NATIONALIST you stupid cunt. that dos not even make sense. If you're a true lockeian classical liberal than you believe in the concept of natural inalienable rights. which never line up with authoritarianism. please do everyone a favor and go finish up that associates degree so you might have a bit of perspective.

I don't ram cars and people. You were so dangerously naïve it's hilarious

dont think it is sweetheart. i am sorry that your father used to take a belt to you. also, not jewish

Bike lock guy

I also have a strong suspicion you don't look people in the eye when/if you hold real conversations. So I think Ill pass on the rope this time around.

Those were some big boy arguments though! Very tough. Took you a while but it was worth the wait

>dont think it is sweetheart. i am sorry that your father used to take a belt to you
Not an argument.

It's okay though. We know you faggots have taken one too many blows to the head, if you catch my meaning.

>also, not jewish
Might as well be, you're doing the Jews work for them you faggot anti-White.

What's next? Are you going to say we should support Israel because the Holocaust happened?

I was unable to understand that degree of illiteracy friend. Try again or have a parent type it out for you.

good. continue to not do so and you won't face reality which will be a harsh mistress for you lot

At no point did I say or imply that Conservatism and White Nationalism were synonymous. You sound like a complete fucking idiot desu and I can tell you've been here all of 4 days. Carry your faggoty little ass back to bebbit, nigger.

blah blah blah
nobody gives a fuck what you have to say fucking cuck. your pet niggers dont give a fuck about you

Both antifa and alt right is shit. You both feed of each other.


>I also have a strong suspicion you don't look people in the eye when/if you hold real conversations.
Still no argument? Sad

>So I think Ill pass on the rope this time around.
Like you'll have a choice, faggot

>Those were some big boy arguments though!
I notice that you're too much of a coward to actually respond to them instead of just dismissing them out of hand like the coward you are.

>Very tough.
Said the limp wristed faggot.

I fully agree with this statement. I am not a lover of antifa. I get behind their message of anti-fascism but I think their tactics have been foolish

D... D. Delete this!

But user how can I be low-T when I find this woman to be the epitome of attractiveness?

faggot is a bad word are you sure you want to keep using it?

For a progressive person, you don't like speakers that are learning English. And by the way learn to have a valid argument.

No you challenge them.

>I get behind their message of anti-fascism
There is literally nothing wrong with fascism.

At least they knew how to deal with your types.

>faggot is a bad word are you sure you want to keep using it?
Yep! Faggot.

I assumed you knew English based on the flag sorry mate. Actual good luck to you learning it you're actually good at it for it being a second language i must say

>I don't ram cars and people.
OP rams people.

Every night.

With his dick.

Because he's a faggot.

literally nothing wrong... What happened to give you such a cancerous worldview? I feel sorry for you man..

>we will unleash a campaign to destroy you like never before.
le we are legion maymay

The heck is an Alt-Right? You keep trying to put everyone in one box when the only thing we have in common is our love of memes. I'm not even Nazi, just an old fashioned absolute monarchist


Lol, I was messing. I am just a little dyslexic. But I do like how you reacted. Will you treat me the same with a learning disability?

straight whites males are all fascists to them

lol well still not tryna make someone feel bad for being dyslexic

>literally nothing wrong...
Absolutely correct.

There's literally nothing wrong with Fascism or National Socialism.

Also, the Holocaust didn't happen. There's no evidence for it.

As for homosexuality...
Homosexuality is a self-destructive and dangerous mental illness, promoted and normalized in White countries by the Jewish elite and the Jewish-controlled media to the detriment of the White race, White traditions and White culture.

> What happened
Anti-Whites like you are destroying my race.

>to give you such a cancerous worldview?
Said the person that supports the genocide of the White race.

>I feel sorry for you man..
I don't care about the feelings of mentally ill buggerers.

Cry more, you whiny little bitch.

>Conservatism is still winning the culture war
I literally see no evidence of this anywhere in the US. The overwhelming trend is towards progressivism, both in pop culture and broad national policy. Trump ekeing out an electoral win doesn't change this.

Too true, but you forget heterosexual, cisgendered.


my grandpa was in the SS, and I uphold his legacy...

stop with the White race stuff

Dude... How can you not believe in the Holocaust? There is mounds of evidence. Just because you choose to ignore evidence that you dont like because you find any and all reason for it to be "fake" does not mean it is not evidence all the same.

I do not hate you man. I'm worried for you. Im worried this ideology is going to bring you somewhere you wont be able to come back from. At some point you may do something drastic, and you will not have the support you think you will and the world will react.

I hope that doesn't happen. I don't want to see anyone get hurt. I don't hate white people. I don't have enough time to entertain hate. It's a waste of energy. Put it toward something else

A girl kised me guys!!!!!

fuck yeah

What is your flag?

>nice attempt at subliminal suggestion.
The alt-right is not dead. It's just starting the awaken.
Sup Forums take note of these clever neuro-linguistic programming strategies to take control of the narrative and co-opt your thinking.
It's subtle and cunning. But it's just another strategy.
Fuck em

>Dude... How can you not believe in the Holocaust?
There is zero evidence.

>There is mounds of evidence.
No, there isn't.

>Just because you choose to ignore evidence
There is no evidence to ignore.

>does not mean it is not evidence all the same.
It can't be evidence if it doesn't exist.

>I do not hate you man.
I hate you. And there's nothing wrong with hating that which is evil. You want to destroy my race. You are evil. The good guys (me and people like me) will destroy you.

>I don't want to see anyone get hurt.
yes you do. You support the groups that are harming the White race.

>I don't hate white people.
Yes you do. You want the White race to cease to exist.

>I don't have enough time to entertain hate.
Except hatred for the White race.

>my grandpa was in the SS, and I uphold his legacy...
>stop with the White race stuff
What a disappointment you must be to him.

Say hi to your sister for me.

and LGTBQAP+ ?
or the + includes P ?

You're a textbook case of an arrogant snob. Re-read your text. You know what? your FEAR stink between the lines.

Please continue living your empty falsehood of a live elsewhere, here we tend to talk truth or troll, and you are too afraid of the first, and do not have a sense of humor for the second.



Daw, it just wouldn't be the same without your wise memes, cunt.

> Those things get lumped together due to lack of education / intelligence

This is absolutely correct. These things are often associated with one another because the people who believe in either of them are retards who need to be hanged.

Now, let's move on to a thread which is worthy of actual discussion, rather than the impotent mewling of the brain damaged OP.

Guys, how could 9/11 be an inside job...
If it came from the outside! Just shit posting

im really not trying for any weird thing you're talking about. im trying to introduce a dose of reality. I live in the world that is spinning and fascism will never be allowed to flourish in the West again. simply a fact. we know too much. things happen and people are awakened to them.

>"it's just starting the awaken"

Fooling yourself into thinking you're more intelligent than you innately are will also create sadness my man.

Anyone else just waiting for the war to start so we can wipe this leftist scum from existence?

Don't make fun of the mentaly retarded!

I do not want to destroy anything. that is the difference between you and me

come do it right now man! life has been boring me

join us brother

The Croat is correct.

For all the black pill hysteria going around now, look at how much ground we've gained in the last 10 years and how much of the youth is waking up. The cutting edge suffered a bit of a blow, but around half of young white people today are what would have been cutting edge ten years ago.

And there is no way back. You can't take the bluepill to counteract the redpill. It just doesn't suffice. Try as you may, we can't be brought back to stuff that we now know to be shitty politically charged escapism.

I truly feel sorry for you. And I sincerely hope that whatever toxicity is plaguing your brain will someday leave you.

nah everything is fine

you on the other hand are a gay faggot and you should kys

To deny the halacoust happening means to deny all those who prisoners of war.

lol op is gay

>But the reality that you all realize deep down is that you've lost.
What did we lose? What the fuck could we possibly lose if we didn't have anything to begin with? We were born in a time when men are deliberately effeminated to prevent wars. The only option for us to look like men is go to the gym, but very few have the motivation to do that because it is all for nothing. There's no decent reason to run in the same place and lift things you are about to put where they were. Men will always dream of fights, adventures, violence and wars and who else could be the enemy if not the ones responsible for effeminating us? We haven't lost shit. We have just started to gain courage. And it makes you unconfortable knowing that it will happen and you will join our side pretending you never doubted us. Cause we know you're also a virgin who lacks 'social skills' and dreams of fights. Also, stop self shaming yourself that you have a small dick, if women get to choose you, you're already a pussy, or that you can not be successful. Once we conquer it, we will have it all.