Gg net neutrality fags

gg net neutrality fags
I am sure glad these kikes dont have to pay more shekels to ATT

>>At CloudFlare, we are strong proponents of network neutrality. My co-founder, Michelle Zatlyn, sat on the FCC's Open Internet Advisory Committee. The work of that committee played a role in guiding today's vote. So there is a large part of us that is celebrating today.

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>When we kick off the thing you like, that's a victory for Net Neutrality.
I'm glad they're open and honest about it being a personal decision, but fucking come on.

>all the things are equal
>Some things are more equal than others

Glad it's finally settled

Digitalocean took down DS and hatroen hosting.

Big tough ancaps can't stand corporations having the right to refuse service to whomever the fuck they want

I actually respect Price for having the balls to go "I banned this site because I hate them and fuck them" instead of dancing around some virtue signalling bullshit about diversity


theres like 1 billion offshore hosting providers. Why are they getting their shit hosted through normie hosts?

Because they're mentally ill brainlets that can't even be assed to scan their hosts' ToS for content policy

Shit wasn't supposed to be political. Everyone was operating under this mass delusion that it could stay that way.

How is that not virtue signalling when they literally released a memo about their virtue signalling

stupid fuck

>doing something out of spite
>doing something to show everyone how much you care
are you daft

More importantly, where's the Stormer at now? I literally just started reading it last week.


If he had balls he would be a evil nazy.
He is just a stupid nerd, who made a stupid decision first and than admitted that.

Don't worry. Government loves money. Eventually government won't be satisfied with company A's contribution and will turn things upside down once more. This has all happened before and will again.

In the long run it probably doesn't amount to much of anything.

Regional monopolies on internet service are dying with advances in tech. Before too long this won't even be a conversation.

This might be a tad optimistic. But I think we are going to leave behind the roads we've constructed to confine the internet on/in for airports pretty soon.
Internet infrastructure will look completely different soon. We occupy too much area and have regions that are too sparsely populated to hope for a wire or fiber connection to each and every person

Grants dry up.

Let's look at the other side of things - What if ISPs decided internet gaming shouldn't have any place in the world. It isn't a productive use of our time and energy so they constricted our data flow so much that we couldn't play WoW, XIV, Runescape, Overwatch, PUBG, Black Desert Online, CS:GO, Rocket League, Rust, or whatever or any other game in the way we do now. You bet your ass people would start destroying shit, rioting, or boycotting the fuck out of a company. The backlash would be massive

That's why I'm optomistic.

The backlash would be massive. At the end of the day, we put food on the table for those people.

>it is important that what we did today doesn't set a precedent

is this faggot literally retarded?

HAVE A FUCKING CONVERSATION??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????


he is a liberal so yes

it'll be back they are working on it and its going to be bigger then ever I would imagine.

thats not really the point fucking idiot

No, no, they said it's bad, but it's really good. Don't be a Nazi.

Shoahed. Charlottesville really angered the (((powers))) that be and its offline for now

Why would a Nazi pay (((Google))) and (((Godaddy))) to host their sick pseudo-parody LARP site

Are they good goys?

Or are they just

Honestly I enjoy when those things happen because it means people might start looking into undeniable fully distributed systems more seriously.

you are a deluded idiot
if anything this guy is going to face backlash for daring to question his actions

They're so unafraid of the nazi alt right they won't even let them speak.

Are you retarded? You insulted each site you have some bias towards them having an argument with you is fucking stupid. You clearly don't give a fuck about free speech or being neutral on the subject. Fuck off back to lebbit where they can censor you for everything you don't deserve to be on Sup Forums.

but being a commie is ok?

oh, your a bongaloid, you goys don't have free speech, do you?

>Any Jew who owned a newspaper was pressurised into selling out. If any Jewish owner refused to do this, the government banned the production of his newspaper for a few days that could then become weeks and months. By using this tactic, the Nazis hoped to bankrupt Jewish newspaper owners. This is what happened to the Jewish owned publishing house Ullstein.

Cloudflare is using Nazi censorship tactics to destroy freedom of the press.

This is why we need Namecoin.

Ok then why did he go begging the Feds for net neutrality?

Nope I don't give a shit about the CEO denying service. I think him selling out his shilling because he mad is fucking hilarious desu

Net neutrality is specific to ISPs. It doesn't mean neutrality to meanwords. You should educate yourself a little bit

If you're going to bawl because the businessman denied service to some shitlord he hates, I hope you aren't crying every time a court tells a Christian bakery they have to make a faggy dildo cake

Ok but then why should I support net neutrality so this faggot can have cheap internet?

They probably shouldn't of called that lady who died a whore.

It was in bad taste and made it ok to kill them.

Because you won't be able to stream trap porn without paying for the alt-right package to your local ISP provider, which on average makes 2800% revenue/costs already

She probably shouldn't have been a fat communist whore then

There wasnt any problem before NN ruling

does this shit work?

>I don't give a shit about the CEO denying service
when they are a monopoly it's wrong that they should be allowed to deny service unless the content is criminal in some way

being a satirical nazi isn't a crime

is the bakery a monopoly?

>we cannot have the debate while the daily stormer is hosted with us


>It doesn't mean neutrality to meanwords.

yes of course it does you moron. you are neutral to all packets.

possibly on purpose, now they are a martyr, and have generated a fairly big splash in normieland

look how pathetic this anti-White cuck ceo is being, he'll never regain his reputation again, or that of his company. alternatives will arise

it's strange so many companies are being outright anti-constitution/anti-trump. how does it make good business sense to target and upset 50+% of your customers, and potential customers? right-wing people tend to run more businesses, it's blatantly a breach of their fiduciary responsibility

the internet companies are just hypocrites, that's all. They like to larp about chinese freedom fighters when in fact, they are very afraid of what is socially wrong.

at least this is highlighting how much monopoly power these big ineternet corps have, not sure how any legislation against them will get through congress though

or does the anti-trust division of the DOJ have the power to regulate them already?

We need to make a list of all of the degenerate shit that he still hosts

>when you don't know what net neutrality is or want to change its meaning to suit your agenda

> have the power to regulate them already?
Well the supreme court has a already said growing wheat on your own property is somehow commerce between the states so I dont see why not

See it's this kind of raw ignorance that leads you retards to host nazi content on google of all places

The point is that its useless shit that does nothing to stop censorship
All it does is save companies like netflix google and facebook shekels

>want to change its meaning to suit your agenda

t. netflix

The 1st doesn't apply to businesses brainlet. Nazi garbage also doesn't make up more than 1% of their customers

I'm not sure any businessman on this earth gives a dead rat fuck about omega males' feelings over a new car

hmm, how would we go about that?

good plan though

yes, but that then makes it federal jurisdiction. the question is if there are already anti-trust laws on the books that can be used, or if they would have to pass a new on in this hostile congress

>The 1st doesn't apply to businesses brainlet
so what's the rationale behind bakers having to bake cakes for anyone?

>Nazi garbage also doesn't make up more than 1% of their customers
yes, but how many of their customers are 1a supporters? whilst you may be correct that it doesn't apply legally, ethically and morally it does, or at least is perceived to by ~50%+ of the population

> "Not set a precedent"
Too late.

>The 1st doesn't apply to businesses brainlet. Nazi garbage also doesn't make up more than 1% of their customers

Yes, it is time for them to accept they aren't different from other big corporations. They don't care about 'le internet freedums!!', just business.

chekkked, and THIS


>ethically and morally it does, or at least is perceived to by ~50%+ of the population

If you actually believe this you're in as big a bubble as the jittery lefties. Talk to some normies and see how many give a fuck

They have accepted it. They just release these statements for publicity. They'll get like 5 vapid lefties making up for the zero revenue from some shitheads that were almost definitely on the free plan

>shill endlessly about wanting the net to be treated like a utility
>except that a company can deny you service for wrong think because muh free markets

I must be missing something.

>If you actually believe this you're in as big a bubble as the jittery lefties. Talk to some normies and see how many give a fuck
give a fuck about corporate censorship?

what makes you think I know any normiees?

also, you dodged the question. a huge section of the public still believe in the principles of the constitution

and explain the logic of bakeries being forced to bake cakes. I'm open to being convinced

We should find out what porn sites they host and unleash the feminists

I'm sorry you seem to have me confused with some strawman in your headcanon

I run my own VPN server and TOR relay because I'm not a DDIQ that relies on corporate jews to be nice to me

Unite The Right really scared the kikes. These websites are going to have to start hosting themselves in personal server systems.

Dodge what? The Bill of Rights doesn't apply to businesses. Discrimination laws protect against physical discrimination (like you), not people rejecting you for your stupid ideas

might have to go back to mailing lists or nntp

so which part of the BoR requires bakeries not to refuse any order?

You can also add Hatreon to that list, by the way. They got shoahed by Digital Ocean just today.

None of it. Anti-discrimination laws do, dumbass. That's me pointing out the hypocrisy of you crying that Cloudfront has to allow your dumb ideas but it's so mean when the government makes people serve gays.

What a coincidence that everyone who supports net neutrality are deciding to shutdown and block political sites/users they don't while the big bad ISPs who net neutrality was meant to constrain have actually remained neutral in this controversy.

*don't like

The tech industry is massively hypocritical. Doesn't matter though.

This is a good reality check though LARPers! The law doesn't give a shit about you and nobody gives nearly enough shit to change that! You can't even secure your own websites, what people are you going to secure?

My understanding is that even with those precautions the corporate Jew can still get at you.

Please show us all the path to freedom woke one.

ATT are /ourguys/

CNN boss in crosshairs if AT&T-Time Warner merger approved

Be persistent and distribute it. Be a plague.

Look at how good pirate community is at evading the Jew. That's not mean words, that's literally shitting on their shekels.

so bakeries can't discriminate, but internet domain registrars and ddos protection sites can?

but that isn't hypocritical, please explain

I'm genuinely interested

is this in your shill breifings or something? kek, stop using words wrong

When will this meme die?
95% of feminists love porn and promiscuity because it turns sex as a tool they can use to gain leverage over men. It also breaks down the idea of a monogamous family structure, or "patriarchy" as they call it.
Only ones opposed to it tend to be fringe and are a minority.

at least explain who you think is larping

Of course you're a LARPer. You're not a Nazi or Ancap. You're too ignorant to be genuinely fighting for the white race, your whining goes against the principles of Ancap. You're bitching about the Constitution but you don't even know the very basics of it, like what it actually applies to.

what a ridiculous charge

when did I claim to be an ancap, are you seriously retarded?

I'm just asking why bakeries are different to ddos protection, please enlighten me

this guy comes across as a fart sniffing egotist

This has nothing to do with net neutrality, moron.

Net neutrality is about government policy concerning internet providers, contracts and rules for the industry.

Not specific private website hosting and their internal policies.

yup, very rare to have these people in charge of major corps

Already explained the difference between ideological and physical discrimination. Sorry for using the wrong pronouns, guess you're just a butterball in a trailer salty that the niggers friend cucked you.

Idk how you can be on the same website as Sup Forums and not understand basic Internet security. Like do you all just sit on Sup Forums crying all day? Your enemies aren't going to be nice to you or play by your ideals, take it into your own hands.

>guess you're just a butterball in a trailer salty that the niggers friend cucked you
yes, I can see how being fat and in a trailer would discredit my opinion, how tolerant of you

just to get this straight, it's ok for web companies to discriminate against turd burglers, and it's not ok to refuse to make nazi cakes?

what are you talking about? I'm just asking about your hypocrisy. of course they are attacking, but they are trying to hold sand, and they will either be brought to heel by legal means, or alternatives will arise, and they will fall from grace

let me explain it to you fucktards

if you use someone elses service you agree to their terms regardless of whether or not "net neutrality" exists. And they can ban your ass off of their shit faster than you can say 9/11 was a jewish conspiracy

If you host your own server you can shitpost whatever you want and net neutrality would mean your shit-filled website would be as fast as your server can upload data.

Net neutrality has fucking nothing to do with freedom of speech on twitter or godaddy. Enjoy being a victim though.

come one, how does a bakery differ from ddos protection?

>american culture
>say 'fuck' and 'ass' publicly and in written documents

Um he literally just said it was an "arbitrary decision" Doesn't that make them liable for a lawsuit?

Mommy they're breaking the Constitution though. Sieg heil, gas all the kikes

>I'm the CEO of a major internet services company

>excuse me whilst I sniff my own farts

I wonder if he will enjoy the dotr?

also I love how he tries to play up that he's still the destination for content neutral services after he just "arbitrarily" "kicked someone off the internet" because he was having a bad day and didn't reverse the decision. Fuck cloudfare and this is coming from someone who hates stormniggers.

It's on Tor.

are there any alternatives yet? I might start one


just giving a link to the .ru site atm

because ddos protection is so complicated that only one comapny can ever dew it?

oh wow, some anycasting? some filtering and dynamic fw rules? oh wow, if only I wasn't fat and in a trailer, maybe I could do it

might just force bakeries to make nazi cakes for every DS article instead

still no answer why bakeries are not ok to discriminate, but ddos is

bruh you can't even fucking spell. how are you going to code and launch a website from your shitty trailer?