There has been an on-going effort on Sup Forums by Leftist shills to divide the Right.
You may have seen them:
>hiding under right wing banners
>making threads or comments for the intent of depleting morale
and the like.

I am calling for ALL RIGHT-WINGERS to come together, regardless whether you're a Civic or Ethnic Nationalist, an AnCap or Confederate,
we need ALL of our Right-Wing brothers to UNITE to crush the Left's attempt to destroy OUR Nations,
to destroy OUR Cultures,
to destroy OUR Heritage,
to destroy OUR Rights,
to silence OUR Voices.
The clock is striking midnight, it is time for action.

Godspeed, gentlemen.

Long live America and the constitution. Leftys take your communist socialist ideological nonsense back to the garbage can from where you belong.

holy trips

Stop trying to hijack AnCaps and Libertarians. You are a collectivist. No one gives a shit about peoples skin color, culture, these are arbiter things that mean nothing in the grand scheme of things, you can have it and keep it if you want, totally okay. If you are Scottish, wear a skirt or whatever.

The only action is a physical removal of all collectivists. A reminder that we fought Nazis and Communists alike in this county. Both of which are a threat to peoples right, liberty and freedom. So suck my balls you shitposting LARPer.

Fuck the alt-left and fuck the rich jewish bastards!

FUNNY. You're exactly who i'm talking about. Thanks for proving my point. But yes I do agree on physically removing commies.

u rah

And Nazis. They are one and the same. Authoritarian Collectivists.

Nazis are national socialists...leftists. And despite what one may say Hitler did credit success to Marx.

The fact of the matter is that nazis first and foremost want to secure a future for white children. In the current political climate they are far more of an ally than an enemy due to wanting socialist policies. And I don't know a single natsoc that would want to implement socialist policies when they know these policies would just benefit minorities.


#TearDownRushmore General, get in here, we need to mass trigger an awakening of normal Americans now before removing monuments is normalized:

ANCAPs are mentally deranged.

No one on the right wants to unite with neonazis, you dumbass. You need us. We don't need you. We don't want you. You make us look backwards and give the left ammo. We're china, you're north korea. I wouldn't shed a tear if the left destroys you. I just hope they don't take everyone on the right down with you.

Go found your own NatSoc party which will inebitably die in obscurity as the american nazi party did decades ago. Please just gtfo and stop begging for unity you'll NEVER get.

I would stand beside any Libertarian, any Traditionalist Worker, any National Socialist, any white man determined to defend what is good and righteous in this land. Even those nonwhites, though I cannot claim to champion their causes, can at least find in me an ally in the fight against Communism on my soil.

Difference of opinion and ideology can never thin our blood. Nations are not comprised of people who are merely like minded, they are not kept by any chance group of people. Nations are made and kept by kin.
We were always brothers.

This poster is a kike.



Fucking this. My grandfather died in the Rheinlands. Fuck you jerkoffs who goddamn are pissing on his and his many fellow servicemen's memory by fellating a crazy assbag and giving any credence to his insane ramblings.

Left and right is a meaningless scale. Libertarians will never side with racial collectivists or slavers.

What must happen is classical liberals, libertarians, and conservatives must unite to crush all forms of collectivism and bring authority and power back to the individual.

Your grandfather as well as mine were lied to. We entered war for economic reasons. We sent our young men to kill other young men at the behest of an international power that hates our people.
If you want to do your grandfather justice stop hating your own people, cast off the polarizing lenses of modern politics.

Not in regards to Nazis, no. Like, I don't give a shit if the holocaust itself was real or not, there are still so many outright fucking evil and insane things that we know for a fact that those assholes did that the war was warranted and just, even if the reasons our leadership entered it were not. Fuck any piece of shit American who proclaims himself a Nazi.

There is no black and white morality when it comes to political entities.
US Administrations are responsible for absolutely reprehensible human experimentation, violating the sovereignty of nations, killing hundreds of thousands of civilians only to install puppet regimes in foreign states. The Nazi party did nothing other than business as usual for a government. Same for the British. Though these same world powers had absolutely no issue giving full pardons to any scientists, doctors, and intellectuals willing to work for them after the war.
All of the big advances in US medicine came from Japanese researchers that experimented on Chinese prisoners. Our NASA program would have been set back a decade or more were it not for Nazi rocketry. Is that evil? Is the US evil for treating morality as a simple thing of convenience, only relevant when they decide its so?

There is no reason for an American to hate a German. Or a German to hate a Brit. Or a Brit to hate an Italian.
This division is not created by common folk. Men do not naturally come to hate their own blood.

> shills hate these threads

Expose the alt left to normies, expose lefty pol

Found the leftist shill.
Friendly reminder that if you can't unite, you get rope

The bond of kin is stronger than political creed.