Give me a good...

Give me a good, solid reason to keep believing in a Natsoc ideology in America when the only people who are openly Nazis are people with the same or lower IQ than the minorities they claim to hate. The high IQ white people are not on our side, but are blind moralfags that don't realize they are puppets of marxists.

I'd much rather have the current system we have now, as jewed and flawed as it is, than have an authoritarian state ran by redneck Untermensch.
These people would probably try to kill off or deport minorities as soon as possible and in return destroy America's economy instead of thinking it through long-term.

Other urls found in this thread:

Most of the far-right today are people on the right side of this image.

You get a paycheck from a Soros backed organization

Please elaborate


\ < fuck niggers
\ \

>I'd much rather have the current system we have now, as jewed and flawed as it is

Nice try faggot


Your not going to believe what im about to tell you, but youre an inferior faggot so it doesnt matter.
I have. WAIS 2 iq of 140, and check my flag...

You gonna cwy? Dont cwy baby....
And im easily a 9.5 out of 10

Not all neo nazis are bereft of german blood, inferiorboy.
Think about that next time you hypothesize that all neos are irish american faggots like yourself.

Dont kill yourself

Those neonazi public figures are mentally ill attention whores/paid to start shit in front of CNN cameras

>strawman: the post

Whats wrong with NatSoc? Don't you believe in welfare? Don't you believe in a social safety net? Don't you believe in giving people a helping hand up in life?
Thats all NatSoc is, just for our own people. Whats the problem with that? This country was founded explicitly for whites. Are you saying you don't support the values this country was founded on?

Why are you so unAmerican?

well if you like the ideology its fine. you have that right. I'd personally just discuss it online and try to enjoy some memes and just have fun without trying to build any sort of movement out of it. and yeah, I agree with your last point. i don't think they're awful people or anything, it just shows that they shouldn't get power over others (just like most people).


I'm not Irish, and IQ is not everything that is of value in a person. It's important but not everything - and it can be fabricated through flawed tests or repetition in taking IQ tests.
I understand the need for this idenitarian movement for a white nation but I don't want it be run by people who are degenerates like the modern neo-nazis you see today. This would be counter-productive.
Technically, being American is fighting against Nazis AND Commies and being "free".
You can't make this claim, call my post a strawman and then support it with logical fallacies of your own.

Pretty much. I was watching the live Charlottesville periscope or whatever of the mustashioed guy with the lisp. He took over Baked Alaska's phone I think. Seemed to be a bunch of autistic nerds who spend too much time on Sup Forums and behave like memeing internet trolls in real life. Was really cringey. If this is the common face of white nationalism, it's not habbening. Jared Taylor's ramblings and Identity Europa's small activist actions are more effective.

>Even more strawman

Being American entails fighting no group aside from the British crown. There is no merit to your words whatsoever. The founding fathers would have had peaceful relations with Adolf Hitler's political movement. The motto of this country's architects was to be peaceful towards all nations but have binding entanglements with none. Our involvement in each world war was explicitly because of unAmerican binding entanglements.

Why are you so unAmerican? Why do you hate the American people so much? Why do you try to defame your own countrymen?

Facist=collectivism by race
Communism=collectivism by class
Do you see the similarities?
Fuck humanist ideologies
Capitalism for life

>Why do you hate the American people so much?
I do not hate the American people, I only condemn what is the average American today. I would put this same criticism of my own family and even myself, because it is very necessary.
The average American is fat, stupid and brainwashed by the current system. You are delusional if you do not believe this is the case.

>The founding fathers would have had peaceful relations with Adolf Hitler's political movement.
Based on what? I could make the same claim and say the founding fathers would have rejected any form of authoritarianism.

I would argue that America going full fascist is much more unrealistic and a pipedream as opposed to removing the current problems it has in it's flawed democracy now.

Letting the people who identify as Nazis today would be a nuclear solution to all the problems we have in America today - and there is a good chance it would blow up in our face and destroy the fabric of America and what makes it great in the first place.

Iq isnt everything, youre right,
But its about 80% of everything, and the rest is math ability.

>IQ is about 80% of everything, and the rest is math ability.
Hmmm.. this actually sounds like the polar-opposite of a leftist article headline that people like you and me disdain buy into

>I don't hate Americans
>hurp de durr Americans are so fat and dumb

Why do you have to lie about what you really believe?
The founding fathers were very clear about their stance on foreign policy: friendly towards all nations, binding entanglements with none. This was exemplified with the Treaty of Tripoli. Though I know you're so ill educated that you've never heard of it.

You've done nothing but show complete contempt and animosity for your countrymen. You've done nothing but show hatred for white people, even posting literal Antifa memes.

Why are you such a hate monger?

>Facist=collectivism by race
>unironically being this retarded

The bulk of the Nazi movement have always been and always will be lumpen proles. They are not smart, they are not educated, and they are not reasonable. They certainly are not the stock of a master race, if such a race exists.

>throwing stones in a glass house

>all that marxist projection

Have a look at the IQ of the Nazi party

What are you saying my homosex friend?

But its true
Both lead down the same path
And you idiots are too deluded to see it

The bulk of the Communist movement are true proles, i.e., a good 90% or so of the population.

"openly" this is where everyone is fucking up we go to work we work on ourselves our family our friends we are everywhere around the planet Patience Perseverance Strength

Yup. Every high rank individual is like 130 up

Yeah, the proletariat.

The working class will always make up the bulk of any group that's based on the people, and they'll be the average.

The bourgeois, the "educated", are the privileged filth.

Assuming that I hate Americans because I point of very necessary flaws in the average American is silly.
Taking away what is American from history from the 1700s but not 1900s is silly.

Calling me ill educated when you cannot tell between simple parallels is not only hilarious, but proving my point in the OP that retarded people like you are the ones who are taking up a fascist ideology.

The ideology works for Whites, with self-determination; an almost White ethnostate. It would still have its problems but for each problem there would be a solution, not a band aid made of feelz.

For now; kiss the pink part of your Lilly White ass goodbye, because the Jews now own you Goyim.

Look around at your history being destroyed right in front of your eyes. Welcome to the Weimar republic/Berlin ~1930. We had a good run, but with Jews you lose.


It's virtually impossible for a functioning White to have a lower IQ than a NIGGER.

>even more hate
Why can't you deliver a single truthful statement? Why are you doubling down on actual Antifa memes that defame white people? Why are you filled with so much hate?

I love my own people more than I hate anyone. If you were capable of the same you wouldn't be so pitiable.

It's the same with National Socialism too, you mong.

The USSR and Nazi Germany were made up pf the same working class people.

In the west, the working class make up the bulk of the current systems of liberal capitalism. They're the same people.

What you're seeing is the vocal minorities on both sides. If they instigate anything substantial the more reasonable right/left wingers will be there to help guide it to a quick and reasonable conclusion. Our role is the conclusion, not the beginning.

If you take inconvenient truths as hate exclusively then I have nothing more to say to you.

Cool. Enjoy your authoritarian state run by Negroid Untermenschen.

Amen to that man.

>those beady eyes
>that schnozz

Thanks for the top tier laughs you libtard chucklefuck. I'll enjoy having a good ol' laugh tomorrow failing you and your pink haired friends who "fucking love science!!!" but can't pass a first year maths course. All the libtards get filtered out by what should be high school maths revision, 90% of the people I've spoken to past those courses and in the department are right-leaning (comparatively to the current center) or are full Sup Forums. I loved coasting through my undergraduate degree passing every course without investing a minute of study while every smug liberal chucklefuck pulled their hair out for months and failed out of their first year courses.

When Sup Forums tells you that your average leftist, regardless of how "educated" they seem, is actually a low-IQ brainlet with no quantitative skills whatsoever, it's not just a meme. It is 100% the truth.

National Socialism is the logical extension of nationalism, it just means you use the economy to benefit your people instead of letting Bezos do whatever he wants with it

If you're not national socialist you're not fully red pilled

And if you use national socialist symbols in contexts where it actually hurts your cause... you're either not very smart or not fully red pilled

I have a basic understanding of the why of why Germany went to war and what Hitler wanted to achiever for Germany but as I am English/Scottish and Irish I don't have a string attraction to that specific history AND as they were a homogenous ethic group NATSOC could work.

it simply can not work here and we will NEVER eliminate non whites from this Counrty and to think you will get there is delusional..

best you'll get is what we already have... live in a white area.. where I live is 98% white to the point that when I see a darkie my head snaps around like what was that?/ you;re only going to make all our lives harder if you start marching for mass exterminations of non whites because "we own this place" etc... This is not 1930's Deutschland..

>he thinks we're letting the skinheads take control of anything

bitch they're the guard dogs, not the brass
get the fuck out of here with your egalitarian concerns, like we'd let skinhead-types up the ladder the same way the left lets its pet minorities dig in

you're the one afraid of them, I'm not even on their radar. sucks to be you, I guess

And his paths shall be many, and who shall know his name, for he shall be born among us many times, in many guises, as he has been and ever will be, time without end. His coming shall be like the sharp edge of the plough, turning our lives in furrows from out of the places where we lie in our silence. The breaker of bonds; the forger of chains. The maker of futures; the unshaper of destiny.

You described Hitler too faggot.

I borderline agreed with this UNTIL...

>senior in college
>roommate/best friend is 6'4'' pure blooded German
>decides to take linear algebra
>catching up on pre-med prereqs
>tells me he's being tutored by Eric
>assume Eric is Asian, Jew, or some Bob Lazar, white nerd type
>one day we pass Eric in the quad
>friend tells me that's his tutor
>he's a chubby heart of darkness, blackest African I've ever seen
>>I know Eric
>he can barely speak English
>met him in a remedial writing class
>fuck you I got a 1500/1600 on my SAT
>just blew off the entrance exam
>back to Eric
>never understood why he was admitted to our school
>always assumed affirmative action
>friend says Eric integrates derivatives with such ease, it's like he's writing his name

You can believe me or not. It's a true story. I'm well-aware of Charles Murray's work, but the truth is it's almost all environmental and blacks are just broke as fuck.

If this pure-blooded negro had that kind of brainpower, then my preconceptions were false. Yours too.

That said, all lives matter.

> Daniel Frieberg
> Artkos Publishing
> Publishes Alexander Dugin ex KGB aka National Bolshevism
> Dugin is cool with Israel 100%, he thinks they've "built" a great system (by stealing it from the US)
> Spencer also agrees with Israel racial theory
> The race push justifies Israel's hatred towards Palestine, Iran, Syria, and eventually you, goyim.
> Alex Jones features Dugin like a good guy
> Trump doesn't exactly disavow the altright bc its useful for destroying white culture and identity
> City officials start taking down historical landmarks of American History, specifically of the South, which were vehemently anti-bank; just like Bolshevik revolution 1917.
> Blacks, Jews and SJWs now attacking G. Washington and Andrew Jackson monuments because racism

Not much longer until they burn the constitution and bill of rights because they were written by racist slave owners... Keep playing into their politics of cultural marxism.

Hitler was E1b1, predominantly found in Northern and East Africa and the Arabian peninsula.

The Shadow shall rise across the world, and darken every land, even to the smallest corner, and there shall be neither light nor safety. And he who shall be born of the Dawn, born of the Maiden, according to Prophecy, he shall stretch forth his hands to catch the Shadow, and the world shall scream in the pain of salvation. All Glory be to the Creator, and to the Light, and to he who shall be born again. May the Light save us from him.

This group has been a problem for over a decade. These are your LARPers. They co-operate with Schlomo

hyuck hyuck!
You sure is right buddy ol' pal! The chance of niggers and whites having the same ol' IQ? Ain't a reality!!

The people in the circled region obviously don't exist

Keep telling yourself that you bourgeoisie retard

shill eat a cock, shill eat a cock right now

>I'm a shill for calling out flaws of a movement I would be a part of otherwise

>it's almost all environmental

It doesn't matter where you put Africans, they always end up with a retarded average IQ, and IQ regresses to the mean anyway over multiple generations. Flynn effect is also a dumb meme that leads to the mistaken belief in liberal brainlets that the linear increase in IQ means people are actually getting smarter, instead of just "better" at solving IQ puzzle. Flynn effect trends show an increase of 20 points in West African IQs since the sixties... But that means that those countries had 50% of the population with an IQ of like 55 and below in the 1960s, there are non-humanoid animals that score higher than that which are incapable of interpreting language, yet Africans were at least capable of speaking and comprehending language even then.

Easy, believe in the ideology without openly labeling it as such. NatSoc, as a threat to (((them))), has been demonized so thoroughly over the past seven decades that mentioning it in anything but the most negative light is tantamount to social suicide. So the only people who go on to mention it in the current climate are either insane or clinically retarded.
Or government/leftist plants.

White nationalism is our prime concern. After that, we just need paleoconservatism with provisions against usury and race laws, and we essentially have NatSoc. Just don't call it that so you don't scare away normies.

Nobody is falling for your retarded concern trolling. You're not "calling out" anything or anybody. Skinheads aren't NatSocs any more than pic related is.

i know that jew goblin on the right.

Daughter of the Night, she walks again.
The ancient war, she yet fights.
Her new lover she seeks, who shall serve her and die, yet serve still.
Who shall stand against her coming?
The Shining Walls shall kneel.
Blood feeds blood.
Blood calls blood.
Blood is, and blood was, and blood shall ever be.
Luc came to the Mountains of Dhoom.
Isam waited in the high passes.
The hunt is now begun. The Shadow's hounds now course, and kill.
One did live, and one did die, but both are.
The Time of Change has come.
Blood feeds blood.
Blood calls blood.
Blood is, and blood was, and blood shall ever be.

IQ is 75% hereditary, and the gene matrices largely responsible for higher cognitive function have been identified, now cataloged as M1 and M3.

It is no environmental, no matter how much you want it to be.

Except natsoc threads are usually filled with the most well-read people on this board.

The man who channels stands alone.
He gives his friends for sacrifice.
Two roads before him, one to death beyond dying, one to life eternal.
Which will he choose? Which will he choose?
What hand shelters? What hand slays?
Blood feeds blood.
Blood calls blood.
Blood is, and blood was, and blood shall ever be.
Blood is, and blood was, and blood shall ever be.
The Watchers wait on Toman's Head.
The seed of the Hammer burns the ancient tree.
Death shall sow, and summer burn, before the Great Lord comes.
Death shall reap, and bodies fall, before the Great Lord comes.
Again the seed slays ancient wrongs, before the Great Lord comes.
Now the Great Lord comes.
Now the Great Lord comes.
Blood feeds blood.
Blood calls blood.
Blood is, and blood was, and blood shall ever be.
Now the Great Lord comes.

Many NatSocs have above average IQs! The problem is they're SOCIALLY retarded. You gonna change your mind when you accept that?

I mean I don't quite like Neo-Nazis or race-identitarians but honestly a few of them are very intelligent and hyper logical. It's silly to label all of them as stupid just for their political opinions.

Do whatever.

Nobody cares, retard.

I don't know why you are simplifying my posts to be retarded concern trolling, I'm putting in effort to defend my perspective because I fucking WANT natsoc to be successful
Do you really think if the majority of the people in this movement are like the guy in the first 9 seconds would make the movement succeed? Of fucking course not.

If people reading this very thread are unironically openly Natsoc in today's America, on the street fighting commies, you have to understand I am not trying to demoralize you. It is necessary inconvenient truths.

the reason is huuurrr duuuh huuuurrrh durhurrrrr huurrrdurhduuuuu

got me??

>shilling this hard
Can we start banning them please

Neo-nazi are nothing but attention whores trying to shock people. Any real nazi would be in germany fighting for the fatherland.

It's literally german nationalism so why the fuck are they in America?

What does the bell curve look like for those chimps? That's what I thought. We're all human beings.

The major mutation separating us from the primates was the fusion of the 2nd and another chromosome, giving us 46 instead of 48. We used to think that Neanderthals had 48, but we now know that's wrong.

They've identified a couple of mutations that may affect brain size, that emerged out of Africa, but the science is inconclusive about the effect on IQ. And one of those mutations arose a mere 5-6k YBP, meaning it didn't affect the Asians, who on average have higher IQs.

On that note, East Asians are genetically related in time more closely to Africans than any other group. What gives?

I recommend a Times article called "All Brains are the Same Color."

Why not just say you think niggers smell bad and are ugly and you don't want to be around them? And you don't want your grandchildren to have their genes?

>it is necessary inconvenient truths

It isn't truth, it's concern trolling. In your first post you're comparing actual ideologues with random prison gangs and drug runners. It's moronic. It makes it all the more apparent that you're not actually a "natsoc" if you think random idiots like the maori I posted are "part of the movement" just because they stick germanic symbols on their t-shirt and make a nuisance of themselves. Hitler's brownshirt enforcers were of a higher level of character than skinheads, because they were working class ideologues who at least, for the most part, understood what they were fighting and what they were fighting for.

>with the same or lower IQ than the minorities they claim to hate

Not verified, into the trash it goes.

>The high IQ white people are not on our side

This nigga forgetting that this board is made up of high-IQ autists and pretending it isn't.

>blind moralfags that don't realize they are puppets of Marxists
He thinks that hating Marxists = being a Marxist, what a fucking rube.

And it shall come to pass that what men made shall be shattered and the Shadow shall lie across the Pattern of the Age, and the Dark One shall once more lay his hand upon the world of man. Women shall weep and men quail as the nations of the earth are rent like rotting cloth. Neither shall anything stand nor abide... Yet one shall be born to face the Shadow, born once more as he was born before and shall be born again, time without end. The Dragon shall be Reborn, and there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth at his rebirth. In sackcloth and ashes shall he clothe the people, and he shall break the world again by his coming, tearing apart all ties that bind. Like the unfettered dawn shall he blind us, and burn us, yet shall the Dragon Reborn confront the Shadow at the Last Battle, and his blood shall give us the Light. Let tears flow, O ye people of the world. Weep for your salvation."

>Hitler's brownshirt enforcers were of a higher level of character than skinheads
So where is the equivalent of these high-character brownshirts today? Why haven't they made it apparent they exist?
It makes no sense for them NOT to stand out for the movement, because then the whole image of the movement are randoms idiots that you have mentioned.

But no, I'm totally a concern trolling shill and not someone concerned about natsoc succeeding.

>What does the bell curve look like for those chimps? That's what I thought. We're all human beings.
>The major mutation separating us from the primates was the fusion of the 2nd and another chromosome, giving us 46 instead of 48.

This is a pretty good meme, it reminds me of that fake OccupyDemocrats image with the "20% of blacks are smarter than 50% of whites! Racists BTFO!" text. On an interesting note, it is still inconclusive if humans and some great apes can produce hybrids or not. I think it'd be a pretty sad day for libtards if someone made a humanzee.

I don't want you to be a natsoc you faggot. You are indecisive and weak. I want you to commit suicide.

I want him to live and see the day when a glory rises over this nation so that he will endure the shame of knowing he had no part in building it.

The wheel weaves as a the wheel wills.

>when the only people who are openly Nazis are people with the same or lower IQ than the minorities they claim to hate
The way you phrased this tells me several things:
>you've never actually met any Natsocs
>you've never contacted any IRL groups
>your only exposure to this type of person is Sup Forums where you are handed the worst cherry picked examples by other kikes and shitskins
>you're probably not white, or you're not confident you're "pure enough" to be considered white by such people
>you're probably part or full Jewish
The whole point of this thread is to scare people away from these movements. If you're not doing it deliberately as a psyop, then you're such a good useful idiot, you replicated your own indoctrination for others totally unconsciously in automated fashion. Well done, you're not worth the air you breathe.

>It makes no sense for them NOT to stand out for the movement, because then the whole image of the movement are randoms idiots that you have mentioned.

Maybe, just maybe 2017 isn't 1930? Maybe we have the internet, a completely different culture, and the better part of a century of social conditioning? Maybe because the working class people who used to be part of the brownshirts could be identified using modern technology even when they're wearing masks, as what happened to Eric Clanton, and because they do have jobs their entire economic position goes from favorable to dire within minutes?

You are not arguing in good faith, you are pretending to hold opinions you don't actually hold. Perhaps if you actually were a self-described national socialist, and had been exposed to the thoughts and concerns of the people who actually do constitute its modern revival you might not have made such a retarded thread.

>It's literally german nationalism so why the fuck are they in America?
They hate freedom.

Gee I wonder why only sub 80 IQ, dredge of society types openly support the ideology that will get you blacklisted from every job ever and shunned from polite society.

How the fuck does this make sense?

This. It's even worse than it looks - ones who have it together enough to shower and make a sign are actually above average compared to the ones we're talking to online.

>shunned from polite society
Lemmings often think of themselves as "smarter" for being good lemmings.

Because neo nazis don't generally believe in national socialism they believe in white supremacy. Hitler was not a white supremacist. In fact if Hitler had his way the white man would have left africa, the middle east and Asia alone for their native people's to rule. You can't be a white supremacist and a national socialist, if you are it's because you have no idea what national socialism is.

Start promoting real national socialism and not this "GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NAO!" Nonsense.

Pinko bedwetting lefties talk about punching Nazis.

Good freedom loving Americans sit back and wait and smile knowingly, letting the Nazis talk. Turn the talk into action, and you'll find out how well our weapons training is coming along.

I'm not sure of the second burger is baiting or he just didn't understand that his graph prove that most whites have higher average IQ.
And whites are actually considered retarded if their IQ is below 70.
It's been shilly in here lately.

This confuses genetic distance with chronological separation (though even the claim about homoerectus is wrong, as that group developed 1.9 MYA, whereas humans emerged 250K YBP, and Eurasians branched out around 70k YBP). They are not one and the same.

Consider the alligator. It's cousin, the crocodile, is separated by tens of million years, caused by the separation of the American and African continents. But these species haven't mutated much.

It also shits on its own point by bringing up dogs. The fact that size, color, appendage, etc. can change so quickly through intentional genetic breeding in such a short time shows that the divergent phenotypes of the races is ultimately irrelevant to their classification as a species with the same basic characteristics. The only selective breeding for intelligence that has occurred among humans has occurred among a small percentage of elites and has no significant impact on the general population.

It also confuses genetic distance with physical distance, which is really strange.

Tldr; this is some clown talking out his ass

Nazi Germany used SA rednecks and brutes a lot

What iq test do yall use?

>Give me a good, solid reason to keep believing in a Natsoc ideology in America
>in America
Take it to Europe...

I just heard Dr. Steve Pieczenik on Alex Jones tell Owen that Heydrich was a Jew probably because his mother's maiden name was Krantz and is recorded Catholic so I guess he's implying she converted

IQ 143 ... tested three times, over 30 year period

The high IQ NAt Socs, dont let themselves get caught in the media trap. We know they will lynch us, and we will lose our jobs and suffer damage to our careers and businesses, So we keep it on the down, and give anonymously to groups that represent our interests.

Old skinhead here. My siblings and I run a family business that grosses well over a million a year ... its not much, but it supports our families. Why would I risk that.

Id rather donate money to AMren, DS, Trump and the rest of the goys fighting for white survival.

Dont be afraid of the nazis marching in the street. Be afraid of the ones who graduated from that, wear suits, and hire people.

What is your stance on mulattoes?

You forgot your kekistan flag, faggot.

That's the point. Most people who are dumb enough to be openly natsoc are going to look like those on the right of the image. Well read natsocs are hiding their power level for now