To honor the memory of those brave warriors the kamikaze and their fellow comrades who fought so steadfastly I hereby...

To honor the memory of those brave warriors the kamikaze and their fellow comrades who fought so steadfastly I hereby humbly present to you my American benefactors this image of a statue standing tall and admired by all at our national shrine for our war dead in your own time of national sorrow.

Please also draw strength from this video as well and savor your eternal victory and rejoice in the fact that your monuments will never be overturned and desecrated by foreign invaders but rather by your own mulatto children.

I congratulate your everlasting triumph.

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To be honest, we kind of fucked you over by not taking your side in WW2. From what I've read, Emperor Hirohito based most of his ideas off of book he read about America during its expansion phase, and it's kind of hypocritical to say what he did was wholly wrong while we defend our own westward expansion. I see no reason why that statue shouldn't be there. Your country fought bravely, and hope that we can pull ourselves together before complete collapse.

i like how the japanese sounds when they are pissed.
also is that guy fucking retarded?


No he is not retarded he is Canadian.

Time to tear it down you fascist nip bastard.

unlike niggers, I'm not rendered senseless by the sight of some subhuman shithead that my people splattered across the pacific ocean before nuking his fucking retarded-ass parents

two nukes was not enough

Is there a difference?

lol, edgy. The bombs should have never been dropped. Only the fattest and dumbest Americans think other wise.

That level of irrational violence is what a nigger would do if they had the bomb.

>lol, edgy. The bombs should have never been dropped.

Wow! Somehow, your shitty internet post caused hundreds of thousands of nips to come back to life!

Oh, no...wait. They're all still dead. Because we nuked them. Twice. And there's nothing your retarded nigger ass can do about it except pee your pants on the internet.

Huh well. I like the insults. That was actually bretty gut. Great Job Nipanon.

How can a culture so polite and dignified roast so savagely. No... It is because they do it with such dignity that the roasting is so brutal.

Bravo Japan, Bravo.

>recommended videos


Japan is in a much better place now. WW2 was just teaching the Japanese a lesson in not being imperialist fuck bags and invading your neighbors every 8 years.

>Wall Street
Slave Owner

honestly I think we did 'em a favor with the nuking. if we hadn't taken a hard line like that the soviets would have likely invaded and there would be a communist north Japan like korea and vietnam.

overall I think we made a mistake not partition the pacific into Japanese and American spheres of interest before the war, but I guarantee if the Soviets had invaded the Emperor would have been deposed and what's left of japanese culture today would have been replaced with marxism

Canadians possess less intelligence.

>literally helped develop a constitution which gives people the ability to free themselves via speech and violence if necessary, and the first option of speech no longer works

>faggot millennials use violence to suppress speech and fetter everyone
They're children and destroy that which they do not understand.

if they go after wall street they'll stop being paid

Your atomic bombings killed slightly over 129,000 Japanese. Allow me to place this figure into perspective for your mind which cannot by nature comprehend numbers. By comparison around 300,000 Americans pass on every single year as a consequence of your country's widespread and shameful obesity.

Please consider that fact and take a moment to go back and directly compare the numbers yourself. Write them down on a notepad and perhaps concoct an illustration to help yourself understand.

To settle this matter please take a minute to ponder this question: that the voluminous fat of your own corpulent posteriors is yearly over twice as lethal to your own people than the two atomic fireballs put together were to mine and that this gelatenous deathtoll has persisted for many years year after year and each year rises.

Realize that it is more condusive to life and wellbeing and flourishing to suffer nuclear bombardment than to be as fat as Americans.

Your fat is a far more potent weapon than your nukes and you have only ever use it against yourselves.

Please now before you fantasize about dropping another nuke I ask you in all sincerity and hopefulness for your own sake to drop your Baconator before you take another bite you insufferably stinky barbarian savage pig.

>Two nukes wasn't enough

america deserves their own nanking

What do you mean? Doesn't America already have its own forms of salted duck dishes such as that famous of Nanjing?

This is really awesome trolling tho

Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere when?