HTG | New Management

Good evening team, this is Jensen.

I wanted to update the HTG thread that we all know and love but I wanted to add a bit of a twist for comments if at all possible. I’ve been working computer forensics and computer science for years along with higher end CRAs for a little under 10 years.

>>INB4 What the fucks the point?

To keep it brief, I want all of us to band together and work on making HTG a thread where we can truly begin acting as a collective to take down these kinds of individuals. We all have an interest in the subject matter and I think it would be a waste of talent if this didn’t go anywhere besides thread archives and so on.
>>The plan

I have a plan that I am currently fleshing out and will provide a link for download once the OP has been successfully published, ran through and some general information has been divided up. Now understand that something like this may take some time, but from what I’ve seen from all of us at Sup Forums is that something like this, us, we can make a difference. I believe this full-heartedly.


Currently I will only be posting threads on Sup Forums unless this is something other individuals would like to get involved in.

>>I don’t want to do it.

That’s perfectly fine, I’m mostly looking for things to eat up some time and I would love to actually be doing something that benefits someone. If you don't want to join, be my fucking guest. If you do cool.

Other urls found in this thread:

How's that plan coming?

Fairly well,
I should have the OP proposal open and available for everyone here in a few days. Work and what have you.

Bumping this shit


I think this supersevengirls Youtube channel might be suspect,
The girls always wear short skirts or shorts and three sixes on the blackboard look creepy.



tldr on htg please

what is it?

Human Trafficking General

what was wrong with old management?

This is a hijacking by shills

kinda looks like that..

Daily Dose, keeping an eye on you edition:

Previous relevant thread

Bump for justice!


First and foremost, what kind of information leads us to this being a potential hit.

Which reminds me, inside of the OP proposal we should add a section on identification and form factors. Pariphanelia and the sorts.

I am simply organizing a formal OP as a collective so we can take this to another level

Do I look like a shill?

Keep watching, more to come in the following days

Thank you

Where did we receive this information? If this is legitimate I'm going to begin compiling a directory of images along with codes used by perpetrators.

Post a thread theme.

And that image was anonymously dropped in one of these threads, but I assure you that most are legitimate. Furthermore, it can hardly be construed as comprehensive.

Been seeing a lot of "Good Humor" symbol umbrellas at gas stations

I will also be reviewing any archived threads in order to begin saving and compiling information.

Theme? I suggest OP Game Over

I don't know what that means. Link it from Youtube?


Better idea? Please share, I would love to hear it

Also, welcome back

Any chance you're feeling tired? I don't see this thread going anywhere.

I'm working on notes, to be honest.
Not tired. Not to mention I've responded to every reply within the thread. The mockup should be done in several days however this is mostly an initial communication.

Okay, great.

What I have so far are as follows:

1.) Forward
2.) Introduction to our mission
3.) Explanation of OPSEC
4.) The Burden of Proof
5.) Investigation | Probable Cause
6.) Maps and Geography
7.) Communication | Sup Forums | CryptoCat | Proton
8.) Reportable Templates
9.) Emergency protocols
10.) Master Records

Display your geolocation flag, just to sate my curiosity.

I did.

Some of the symbols we know come from this official FBI doc

This is excellent, perhaps I should be developing a scrubbing tool to review WikiLeaks documents too

I only see you using a selected UN flag in this thread.

Also consider certain animals, like butterflies and unicorns.

Only thing you guys will be getting from me in sense of location

Content that appeals to younger crowds.
Serious question, what is the farthest we have gotten to any busts?

fuck this is stupid america is on the brink of civil war and yes it will happen soon and you faggots are trying to take down low level shit heads that will never get jail time. its the fucking mafia that does this shit they run it misery solved. mafia started in america around 1880's they fucking run america.

In order for us to work towards larger objectives, we must first establish a collective and work on items which are within our span of control and influence. If we focus on items outside of this scope we will never be victorious.

Also, this spans further than the United States, this is a global issue that affects millions of people. Don't you think anyone high up is involved in any of this? Once we have that, we can work our way up.

>HTG awareness
>UN Flag

You should probably ask your pals in the EU how they are doing with that.

I think he meant Geographic Location

I plan to, also

If we are to have a global influence on something like this we must first have a handle on our operation as a whole. Once this is finished I have individuals in the EU and China who would be willing to move forward.

The best way you are going to stop HTG is to start with the network in Northern Africa and Southern Italy and follow the money trail and connections with the NGO ships in the area.

It will also help if the EU would take a lesson from Poland and stop providing social welfare benefits to group of people who can barely muster an IQ above 70. Unless they WANT their economy to crash by 2030-2050.

what part of the mafia runs america do you not understand? they are on top and world wide.

Once that is done, then go from there. Human Trafficking is a problem and I agree it needs to be stopped. But you must also plug what makes people form HTGs in the first place.

You're explaining this to me as if I'm not aware
or this isn't something I'm involved in.

I like the way you think Canada fag

Also, would anyone else like to add an overall mission statement for our cause?

Don't forget to put "sage" in the Options field when you post.

You think me a newfag?

I'm not really sure what to think.

hopefully, I may in time provide a bode of confidence.

Any hints or spoilers you'd like to provide? Make this thread worthwhile?

Getting screenshots


Not even close to finished 1/2

Well, don't let me stop you.


OP is faggot human trafficking is all g with me, i don't give a fuck

What's up with her hands? She looks spooked out , too.


>that flag

Who /exhausted/ here?

Funny enough I need to head to work, or at least get ready for it.

I'll keep working on my break and what not, but i'll be back on after my stint.

Until then.

Just don't do anything I wouldn't do.

But won't that ruin the fun?

Until tomorrow


Then out them , caracci is , or maybe was , the head of the mob in nola , after marcella died and a few were in between. Caracci might be dead by now , the old man lost track of shit and couldnt get his meds right. Jack rizzuto was always talkin g to him and was a noticeable pervert.

Stop larping or i will have alfredo shoot that ass.

Let this thread die, thanks.

Of course you don't , schlomo wasserman schumer menendez.

>doesnt have the copy pasta posts that are at the standard beginning
>taking this long to try one of the most basic disruption strats

Times change my friend.
Untill tomorrow.
Thanks for the sage, now unless you have something to add may I suggest be >>Sup Forums

Also, what part of new management do you not understand?

Nighty night.

... Work I'm afraid


Fun shit, appreciate the images though (:
More secrets later.

You're killing me.