So I've been thinking

So I've been thinking.

Was Uncle Adolf really our guy, or was he another pawn on the grand chessboard of the Jews?

We all know he didn't really exterminate any of them.

Israel wouldn't exist without him.

Starting WWII is tricky because the Soviets would have eventually attacked, but had he concentrated on them and simply contained the French instead of ally with the Soviets, it would be easier to say that he was opposed to Communism rather than simply using them as an alliance of convenience. He could have steamrolled the Soviets in no time flat had he gone to war with them immediately.

So instead he played right into their hands for "muh ethnically German reich" and it led to the greatest catastrophe for white European gentry in it's entire history

Thus delegitimizing Nationalism pretty much forever, when he could have chilled out and been the shining example of Nationalism working in perpetuity. As word spread of his successes, nations one by one would have eventually followed suit, and he wouldn't have to fight anybody.

He may have been right on a lot of things, but that may have been because he was told what to say. In the end he did more harm than good.

>Muh eternalJewish conspiracy where everyone's controlled opposition

>Israel wouldn't exist without him.
It would have, and it would've had a larger population. Thank you based Hitler.

Uncle Adolf was /ourguy/ before /we/ were /guys/.

No matter how independent I am, no matter how little I respect any authority other than my own, no matter how high I rank myself compared to other people; I still put Adolf at the top.
Adolf is der Fuhrer.

ur based my guy

>Israel wouldn't exist without him.

Boy howdy, you are some kind of stupid.

Zionists were planning a Jewish state for decades before WW2. And they were already planning a "genocide" as a means to justify that state's formation. If Hitler didn't exist WW2 would have just happened later, the holohox would get rolled out during that war, and just like that Israel exists. The zionists only needed the chaos of a war in Europe to create confusion so they could make their 6 million claims

1. Jew Conspiracy is false. Jews merely have a higher IQ so they are disproportionately in positions of power and authority. In other words they lift your society from nigger tier to 1st word status.

2. Hitler sucked. He didn't believe in 2A, didn't believe in free speech, killed political opponents, mainly killed other "white" europeans. His murders and Stalin's probably lowered the average IQ of Europe by a couple points. In edition his eugenics programs went far beyond simply building a master race to infringe on personal liberty and freedom.

Make no mistake, living in Hitler's Europe would not be the counter-culture paradise 4channers dream of creating but a nightmare, almost as bad as communism.


Yeah, and he lost Prussia forever.

He ate two hotdogs.

>Jew Conspiracy is false

>they are disproportionately in positions of power
Which only adds credence to the Jewish conspiracy since they use those positions of power to do things like flood nations with muds

>didn't believe in 2A
He was German, not American. They didn't have a 2A, but guess what? Ethnic Germans actually could own guns.
>eugenics infringed muh rights
that's rich


This man has got it

>he should have chilled out and let Nationalism catch on
>we all know the Soviets would have eventually attacked

Pick one

To he fair, he might have had the bomb first had they not gone to war thus deterring the Soviets perpetually

He was ourguy.

hitler was gay

Hitler was only human. He made mistakes too. They put up one hell of a fight being between two giants.

>lives in cuckland
>lets akmed be the bull

>muh eternal Hitler was a degenerate theories
He had an illegitimate child in France, and had Eva Braun as a lover while he was Fuhrer.

>Which only adds credence to the Jewish conspiracy since they use those positions of power to do things like flood nations with muds

Because Merkel is a Jew right or the Swedes are Jews too? Face reality, these decisions have NOTHING to do with being Jewish.

Jewish Conspiracy is the alt-right version of the patriarchy. See group disproportionately in position of power, blame them for all problems, no thinking required.

>that's rich

Have fun being sterilized because you're a subhuman. Or being sent to political prison because you disagree with a policy.


Still hate Nazis but I gotta give credit where it's due.


Nope. He really was /ourguy/ through and through. He was the real deal.

Kasner sounds like a German name and kazmierczak is clearly Polish. Ya obviously they would change their last name from Polish to German in the 1930s given the climate. No proof of any Jewish connection except that Jews lived in that city. Pure speculation, nothing more.

read the culture of critique.

read the wiki. looks like your typical pseudoscience mental masturbation trash.

Israel was already promised to the jews well before the second world war. Hitler was the unwitting catalyst, but it would have happened regardless.

He underestimated the jews and what they would be willing to do. Put yourself in Hitler's shoes. Would you consider even for a moment that your political enemies would have the balls to fabricate six million murders? It's easy to point out his errors with 7 decades of hind sight.

In the end even Hitler was just a man. A great man, but a man none the less.

Why do you hate us? Do you really know what we believe?

False, even if you account for Jewish IQ, the nepotism in of the jews is overrepresented. Jews are only 2% of the population, IQ alone doesn't nearly count for the discrepancy. I have been in pharmacy and there are in fact several jews there that don't deserve it, but got in purely on nepotism. Jews are subversive, caused Marxism and Communism, have been kicked out of over 100 nations, are responsible for bringing the caliphate to Spain by letting muslims in. Weimar republic had trannies, first sex change ops. Pornography was invented by the jews. Blacked porn was created by jews and is promoted for political purposes despite it not being profitable (lesbian porn is most popular, blacked/interracial is waaay less popular). etc etc etc. Germans made tons of inventions and contributions to physics and scientists before jews wormed their way in. Also, East Asians have higher IQs than whites too. That doesn't mean I want to be ruled by them. The only reason they are here is because we were too nice and let them.

Walt Disney was anti-semitic because he knew how disgusting and degenerate Jew humor was. But that didn't prevent Levin from worming his way inside, and then getting his friend Goldstein in, and then they help their friends out... and all of a sudden all the top execs are Jewish. And Hollywood is Jewish, and the media is Jewish. These are not coincidences.

They've bred themselves to follow neurotic rule systems laid out in the talmud. Fun fact, why does Jewish heritage traditionally get passed from the mother but not the father? Genes are not significantly different from the 50/50 split. It's because jews were so neurotically afraid of literally getting cucked by another cheating man (jews jewing jews) that they had to come up with such a backwards rule. There are plenty of complex rules jews follow, like not turning on a light/button on the Sabbath, so they will have the light stay on all night before the Sabbath to outjew the rule.

Perfectly said

Hello JIDF.

Well put.

I love how they try to Jew God by litigating his commandants. Like wearing plastic bags while in planes in case they fly over cemeteries.

I wonder how they justify letting their women fuck niggers in porn when they aren't supposed to touch non Jews

Maybe they take a shower after

Yeah, this is absolutely true. What a man.

In your mind

>Why do you hate us? Do you really know what we believe?
>the 25 point plan is literally a white nationalist version of Bernie Sanders.

White nationalism isn't bad per se but socialism is the antithesis of civilization.

Well put.

NatSoc = gibs for low IQ whites instead of low IQ blacks. Has same incentive problem.

It is hard to not admire him.

Just think of it:

>pisspoor painter living on the streets in Vienna
>patriotic volunteer in WW1
>gets wounded three times
>Iron Cross award
>becomes leader of minor party
>party grows so much that he can start a Putsch
>gets wounded again
>fights the commies till he finally wins in 1933
>has like 50 attempts on his life, survives all the time
>is fluent in Englisch and French
>knows most of European and Asian philosophy
>knows almost all facts about every topic
>inspiring voice and speeches that are still today unsurpassed
>not a coward
>does not award himself any medals he didnt earn
>not corrupt
>not greedy
>believes what he says
>in wartime he only ate what the soldiers got to eat at the front

Everyone knows the goose bumps you get when you watch videos of the Third Reich

Here is Hitler with a melee weapon of street fighting

Yeah no. You didnt get gibs if you refused to work despite having jobs offered to you you retard.
Only deserving poor got gibs.

Exactly. The fact that these stupid spergs cant get this around their heads is astounding (but also very typical) kek

We only really subsidized medicine, some infrastructure rebuilding and health fitness programs for students and kids.

You were obligated to work in Nat Soc Germany. There were no gibs. Also pic related.

>not realizing there were no real gibs in Nat Soc
>not realizing it was illegal to be unemployed for more than a certain amount of time

You were only obligated to work if you would live off the state otherwise. If you were wealthy and live of your own funds you could do that of course.


I actually don't think wealthy people were allowed to lounge around. Not sure how it applied to them. Hitler often spoke about the entire populace being obligated to work.

>You were obligated to work in Nat Soc Germany.
They had so many jobs that there was literally a shortage of workers and NSDAP Germany had to import foreign workers from surrounding nations.

High IQ that's why they have the least number of people life alive out of all religions.

High IQ are people from Afghanistan who keep up with their sticks and stones.

Those were ideological speeched, there was no law that forced you to work if you could live of your own funds.
Of course that didnt excuse you from military service and stuff.
It was just not allowed to become a leech.
If there were truly no jobs or you were injured the state would support you. But if you denied a certain amount of job offers you were forced.

Why do you ppl look up to a complete moronic looser who nearly destroyed his entire nation....I guess birds of a feather flock together ?

I don't see why teenagers and burgers in general hate this idea. Do they expect people to just die if they get sick?

Everyone can be a jew pawn even you or me. What if we got MK Ultra'd and subconsciously serve jews.
The only way to be sure is a global nuclear holocaus. Jews can't trick anyone if everyone is dead.

I thought about this myself. But he was so right on everything. His speeches were truth. He spoke pure truth. It was the aftermath/ communist/ jewish influence after the war that tarnished his name and ideology. Hitler, Literally, Did Nothing Wrong.


AnCap and to an extend Lolbertarianism is as retarded as communism. It is detached from reality.

NatSocs say; if there are people that weak minded that they can be influenced by a sect like scientology, why not ban scientology and influence the people ourselves so that they work with us instead of against us, societally speaking.

Only suicidal retard would screech about muh freedumz here. Muh freedumz made the US 56% white.

It's because we always see lazy, fat Americans and we fear that socialism will encourage more of that, until resources run out and we all starve. NatSoc is definitely better, especially if it's true that it requires you to work if able-bodied. But of course it gets complicated once you factor in skill neede for some jobs, but it seems better than our US welfare system + low-wage Mexican caste system any day.

So edgy!!!

The idea was that it is better to pay people welfare money and have them work even if its just cleaning the roads than having them sit at home and do nothing.

Nat Soc also bans usury (makes people lazy and undisciplined), bans war profiteering, rent seeking parasitism, ends debt slavery federal reserve and central bankster scams.

Nat Soc is eugenic in general. Oh ya and we also banned fast food and other shit which harmed people. Hitler even wanted to ban cigarettes.

>Oh ya and we also banned fast food


To be fair, people didn't realize just how bad coca cola was for you then.


I'd be okay with that.

>will be influenced by bullshit religions
>won't be influenced by bullshit politicians

I think it is okay to drink that if you are not a weak person. If you are used to labour from the beginning of your life coca cola cant fuck you up.
Like people back then drank heavily sugared home made lemonade as well and nobody was fat.

It is really a good questions how we would deal with the challenges of modern time like smartphones, internet porn and fastfood in a NatSoc state.

Everyone is and was. NatSoc is common sense politics.

>misrepresenting my argument so badly

A lot of gibs in natsoc Germany were "earned" as in given to wounded soldiers, war widows, or families with a shitload of children (remember Germany was encouraging high birth rates).

Yes. Also the so called Ley-Settlements for workers are interesting.

>settlements with a lot of Garden-park like area with houses intended for workers
>instead of paying rent workers pay off the house that they own after the last rate
>without interest
>freed workers from renting and basically burning money
>gave them property without taking it from somebody else