No Cville police video???

Why, with all the police monitoring the Charlottesville event, have we seen NO police video? No body cams, no dash cams, nothing from the crashed chopper. Only the one propaganda vid & pic of the crash, over and over.

Other urls found in this thread:


And according to CBS & TMZ, the police helicopter that crashed had been monitoring the event. What did they see? Where's the video sent back to base, or even the voice traffic?

The MSM has said the police pilots "lost control." The TMZ story says the helicopter broke up in mid-air.

Helicopters, especially police helicopters, don't just break apart in mid-air, with no explanation or investigation.

NTSB claims there was no distress call, no flight data recorder, no cockpit voice recorder. Nothing.

It also says the investigation will take up to a year and a half to complete.

There was another helicopter in the air near the police helicopter - it can be seen in the video from the golf course, and heard on the TMZ video.

If there's a helicopter close enough to be seen and heard moments after the crash - whose helicopter was it?

I think it was some antifa shining a laser pointer at them

There's also no video at all of the patsy being apprehended. No dash cam, no body cam, nothing at all. With so many police, especially right after a major accident had just occurred - why is there no video record to confirm the official tale?

Heh. Sure wouldn't explain why the helicopter broke apart in mid-air.

"But it was *lots* of Antifa."

You don't know. Your only option is to cook up the craziest conspiracy that appeals to your emotional, irrational mind and stay awake late at night doing "research" on meme websites for college kids.

SPOILER ALERT: Pedo reptile race of [your least favorite sports team] fans did it and you are next omg nowhere is safe, meme about it more QUICK!

The helicopter was a Bell 407 police model, similar to this one (in Virginia Beach livery) here.

Note it's equipped with stabilized video monitoring.

cos niggers dont like cops

>t.George Soros

Such a weird post, too. It's so scripted and vague I can't tell whether it's a shill on someone's payroll or a bot of some kind.

The Richmond Times-Dispatch says the helicopter was one of two helicopters relaying real-time video.

>over and over.
That's the key thing.
Over, and over.

It's like America is being bludgeoned.

Governor Terry McAuliffe, a lieutenant in the Clinton crime family, knew both pilots.

NTSB issued a news release, saying in part:

"The purpose of the flight was to provide a continuous video feed of activities on the ground, which was accomplished with multiple helicopters."

This means they must have video from both before and after the car crash.

And that means the police have video of either the arrest of James Fields...or the escape of the professional driver.

and not a single security camera of any of the days events

The cops in the chopper weren't inexperienced. One was commander of the VSP Aviation Unit, and the other had been part of Gov. McAuliffe's personal security detail for 3 years.

it's obvious that they saw something they shouldn't have

Nope, there's absolute control. Only one image is allowed to be enter the public's mind.

This level of coordination and control leaves little doubt this was a planned propaganda event.

The three-hour interview with James Field, the Ohio soldier in that pic and webm.

NTSB says "Investigators are working with local authorities today to recover the helicopter wreckage to a secure location."

NTSB was one of the government agencies charged with covering up the shoot-down of TWA800.

There are conflicting reports of when the chopper that crashed arrived to monitor the protest. One report had the chopper there, another had it arriving hours after the crash. With multiple surveillance helicopters it's hard to know which one was where when.

That's just you struggling with your crippling autism.

VSP says it was the first fatal helicopter crash in state police history.

This piece is essential reading for anyone on Sup Forums - or anyone trying to conduct online discourse.

It identifies the standard techniques of disinformation agents (i.e., shills) and makes them easy to recognize.

Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation

More than likely they saw something they weren't supposed to, just like Terrance Yeakey.

Honestly, this was my initial guess.

It's always possible it was simple mechanical failure, but given the car crash itself seems like a planned propaganda event it seem very possible they saw something that would contradict the story the Clinton-Soros-MSM forces want to present.

It occurs to me they could also have seen something earlier in the day, that information could have become known, and they were taken out on a later flight. There's no statement I've yet seen on how many flights they'd made that day.

Go ahead and try to image search a picture of the rioters smashing Fields' car, I'll give you extra points if you can find that image sourced from the media. They are deliberately framing the narrative, this is one of the most insidious campaigns I have ever seen - Trump was right during his Trump Tower press conference, he's looked into it more than they have - in fact they are deliberately concealing information and lying.

I'd also want to caution that the entire story that Fields was the driver, or that particular car was his car, hasn't been established at all. (This is similar to the discrepancies between airframes in the 9/11 operation.)

Fields is just the Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (patsy for the Boston Marathon operation) for Charlottesville.

This is important not just for accuracy, but also because trying to "defend" Fields - and using the power of weaponized autism getting him acquitted - will just lead to more of the race war that Clinton, Soros, and the globalists want.

Yes, there's something very wrong with Fields being charged, but it may even more wrong that that. It may not be the case that he was even there at all.

>It may not be the case that he was even there at all.
So all the more reason he should be acquitted. Maybe it is in the cards like you said and he does and it sparks even more shit but what's the alternative? Let him get thrown in the clink if he was behind the wheel and simply freaked out at a literal mob descending on his vehicle before and after?

Either way this whole thing is suspect.

The location of the helicopter crash is also strange. The protest was in Charlottesville. The chopper had traveled to the northwest, to a wooded area outside the city.


In this picture Old Farm Road is the site of the crash, Charlottesville Airport is where the helicopter was being flown out of, and from the NTSB report where it was headed.

What had drawn them that far away from the protest?

Location or nearby where protestors may have been bused in?

The chopper had apparently already crashed 7 years ago. I didn't even know that airframes could be reused after a crash, doesn't that seem like a really bad idea? Seems like cost cutting caught up to them.

>So all the more reason he should be acquitted
Oh, definitely. The point I was trying to make is by trying to defend someone they believe is innocent people unknowingly help reinforce the propaganda narrative and cover up that the whole story was staged.

Alex Fields has schizophrenia, the typical person they always use for patsies.

They were recalled to escort the governor is the official story, no?

they are white males, they mean nothing to them.

user you're asking the right question let me refer You to this general named William Guy Carr everything will click together.

NTSB and VSP say the VSP helicopter maintenance program exceeds standards, and in a police state like Virginia the VSP doesn't want for money.

Mentally unstable patsy? What a surprise.

Mentally ill are the only type of people they attract/target with their honeypots.
The entire march and the resulting bussing op. are all suspect.


Even if that weren't the case, of all the days the chopper decides to give up it just happens to be during this. I'm just trying to garner how their deaths add into this at all if not for a cover up of some sort.

One day the full story of this guy Sirham and MK ultra will be unmasked

Want to say my theory but I believe it's too close

so many things fit together it made the wall come crashing down between us.

the true birth of a nation.

It's hard enough seeing this all now. Must have been incredibly difficult for Carr knowing it 75 years ago. Who would believe him?

Even today Wikipedia has to demonize him as "a topic for discussion among fringe conspiracy believers."

It would be interesting to know the whereabouts of Jim Field right now.

Have you heard of this guy(see pic)? He was recently framed for trying to detonate a bomb in Oklahoma city bank. He was schizophrenic too.
>"We as a family are extremely distraught about this situation with our son Jerry Drake Varnell, but what the public must understand is that he is a paranoid schizophrenic and is extremely susceptible to different types of ideology that normal people would deem immoral. Underneath his condition, he is a sweet-hearted person and we are extremely shocked that this event has happened. However, what truly has us flabbergasted is the fact that the FBI knew he was schizophrenic. The State of Oklahoma found him mentally incompetent and we, his parents have legal guardianship over him by the Court.

More news regarding Charlottesville


>Charlottesville Police Officer Tells All

Federal Judge Glen Conrad responsible for the death of Heather Heyer and the bloodshed in Charlottesville.

>Gregg Jarrett on Fed Judge Glen Conrad (skip to 54:30min)

Money is behind the protests, not activism. ANTIFA is a paid actors organization.

>Craigslist Ad for "$25 an hour protesters", for guess where...

>Why Was This 'Crowd Hire' Company Recruiting $25 An Hour 'Political Activists' In Charlotte Last Week?

They want the deaths, so they can continue lumping them on top of Dead Cow Girl, so normies will subliminally think the rally was deadlier than it really was
pic related

Two good pieces on Sirhan and the lengths the government will go to make sure their patsies stay permanently silenced.

I think one of the more important things we can do is show how the police are either suppressing the video they have (coverup), or intentionally did not take or keep any (showing premeditation).

Doing the internet detective work is a fun puzzle, but I'd think the bigger change would be to get people clamoring for other views (which parallels the idea that there are more than one side).

"Where is all the police video?"

It's always this way with a psyop / hoax

Which is why we need to start pushing for the release of the police video. The video either exposes the psyop, or their refusal to release it does.

One last bump.