This has to be a new low

How does it feel knowing that in the past weekend you've done so much damage to your public image that people are rooting for fucking JUGGALOS over you?

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Starting to sound a little frantic there mate.

Trump supporters vs. Juggalos will be the meme singularity we've been waiting for.

Man... what a vortex of clusterclownfuck

nice try MSM

How does it feel being an increasingly desperate propagandist? The DNC still doesn't know your game is about to backfire. kek

>Claims alt right is more violent than alt left
>Participated in black blocs and caused damage millions of dollars.

Black bloc is just a strategy that can be stopped by anti-infantry strikes.
Your side is also to blame, there are always violents in every side. And you still believe in the illusions of MSM? Just stop watching CNN, WaPo, HuffPo, Nothing But Crap or any other of such MSM source. Their reliability is drastically decreasing.

Can someone elaborate on the political mindset of a 15-25 year-old, presumably White male, who cares enough about ICP to go march for them?

I know little of ICP these days. Aren't they the ones who made fun of Everlast for having a heart condition?

Without reading the article because I'm blind, I heard about this March it's been planned for years now to remove ICP fans from the FBI list of gangs.

Say what you want about juggalos but they have some dope-ass music

I hope bronies decide to march as well.
>Rainbow Dash Brigade kicks everyones shit.

juggalo betrayal this is worse than the horus heresy


Is this real life ?

Oh Lord please let us kill some fucking JUGGALOS first to start this off with a real bang

every juggalo i ever met hates niggers with a passion, sounds like one big party

>ICP cultivates fanbase of lower class and lower middle class white kids who like to listen to rap, wear clown makeup, and consume drugs
>as a result ICP concerts involve a certain amount of drug dealing.
>although this isn't uncommon for any rock concert or even band related subcultures (think grateful dead and phish), since the Juggalo subculture models itself on circus/carny culture with heavy influence of gangster rap gangs emerge in the subculture
>the whole ICP kayfabe makes it hard to determine which juggalos are part of criminal organizations vs which ones are just scummy rap fans.
>Law enforcement scrutinizes juggalos to figure out which ones are the "real criminals" and the civilians who are just doing "petty crimes" feel this scrutiny is unjust

Truth is painful
The GodEmporer knows this its why he banished both sides

who are these people? lol

Juggalos are either trump supporters or bernie bros this is gonna be a shitshow lel
>Proud Boys
Hope the juggalos fuck these cucks up

No one wants to associate with bronies, not even lefties. Bronies are the most babby redpill for normies.

Jugallos are white trash so they're probably 90% Trump supporters

Suk dese nutz