By this logic, Islam is ideology and can be banned

By this logic, Islam is ideology and can be banned
Islam killed more than nazis
You cannot pick and chose
Ban nazi and Muslim
Or ban no one

Other urls found in this thread:

There is no paradox, since tolerance isn't relevant to a good society.
Classing itself neither as tolerant nor intolerant.


Most Neo-Nazi groups have memberships of under a hundred.

If you were to ban both groups mudshits would still get the hardest hit.

The truth is that leftists ate not tolerant. Their ideas of diversity and cultural inclusion are warped as hell, they hate Christianity yet love Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism and atheism. Not to mention anyone who disagrees with them is the ultimate evil.

They are not tolerant. They hate themselves, their family and their own kind.

It seems that tolerance is just an excuse for violence then. It's a house on a shoddy foundation.

Then why have tolerance at all.
I want a black only state in the south and all crackers in it to be either deported all killed.
But you would give me a platform to express my opinions, but have double standards toward cracker nazis.
Or just ban both because you want a egalitarian state with authoritarian laws to protect your "free egalitarian utopia"

By other words your "tolerance" and "freedom of speech" is hypocritical garbage... "democracy" is hypocritical bullshit.

Forget the (((government))) doing anything that would benefit the society. Not even Trump can do anything about (((them.)))

can't the same be said about illegals and "refugees" ?

Take your pick. You either stop social change or stand the fuck out of the way of those who want to stop it, nazis or otherwise (let's face it, most people who are against fucking Abdulah blowing them up aren't nazis in the first place).

dont they see this can be applied to them as well?

Geeze Popper really is an idiot. I've read some of his stuff but this really takes the cake

I'd love for someone to tell me what he thinks he hopes to accomplish with tolerance (emphasis one what he thinks. If you havn't read the guy don't bother responding)

Yeah except freedom of speech has fuck nothing to do with tolerance you kike popper
Freedom of speech guarantee the right for people to talk their mind so that the government won't be able to suppress discourse and become tyrannical.
Free speech was put as a safeguard against the power not for your 21 century favorite word "tolerance"
But just as OP said they should then render unlawful islam.
I hope you posted that on the stupid site that made this stupid image and tried to shill with it

yeah thats the point idiot, the left is hanging itself
dont interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake

worst part about it is the fat undercover cop in the second picture a couple meters away doing nothing

This is so retarded to so many levels i don't know where to start.
If you don't tolerant other people rights, why should they tolerate yours?
If you don't tolerate them, aren't you the one destroying the tolerance?
If you preach intolerance and persecution to somebody who has a differnt political view, shouldn't your movement be outside of the law too?
What about the slippery sloope that is happening with "You don't want to punch a nazi? YOU MUST BE ONE THEN?", isn't that what you are preaching yourself?
If a tolerant society needs to be intolerant, why push to have a tolerant society if is impossible?
Do they realize they are preaching exactly what they hate?

By the same logic we should ban virtually all Communist and Socialist movements, not just National Socialism.

>they hate Christianity yet love (...) atheism.
Not any more since it critized Islam.

If that is true, Mr Popper is a retard. And it is a very undemocratic idea. IT is like saying if the Bad People are allowed to speak the stupid people will vote for them. Why not just stop letting the people vote and get over with it?

>unlimited tolerance can lead to the extinction of tolerance.
That makes no god damn sense at all.

>When the intolerant and the tolerant are pitted against each other, intolerance always wins.
Why? What are the precedents to this happening?

The true redpill here is it really isn't Tolerance vs Intolerance, it's Liberal Intolerance vs Conservative Intolerance. They're just pretending their intolerance is the correct kind of intolerance.

this nigger is right

they are banned and illegal but nobody has bothered to arrest them

Therein lies the problem. You are now literally questioning the very fundamentals of Western civilization, that is to say that modern secular liberal democratic values are universal and unassailable.

No one will take you seriously because it opens up a can of worms that the ideals preached are not absolute and therefore not true. This isn't really their fault, it is sadly a product of Western society falling for their own propaganda and denouncing the actual Truths and pillars that have brought them today's success.


I honestly just asked from my favorite SJW-lolcow on twitter why does she condemn nazis, but looks in other direction when the weekly muslim attack happens. I told her she's a hypocrite if she doesn't condemn islam if she condemns nazis. She instantly blocked me, made a smug tweet how she just blocked alt-right nazi, and then that tweet got 10 retweets under one minute by her cuck friends.

Erry fucking time. I wish I could meet some of these people in real life and ask these same questions in an environment where they can't block or dodge my questions. Of course they would probably resort into screeching "NAZI NAZI NAZI", in which point I would know I have won the argument.

By the way, why isn't
a meme yet? Leftie cucks should be forced to play by their own rules. >national socialism is socialism of peace! #socialismofpeace #naziphobia


I agree... That's why tolerance doesn't (or shouldn't) exist in the political field.
If you tolerate the ideas that are akin to yours but reject those that don't accept your ideas that's not tolerance, that's convenience.

And it's true, if one side tolerates and the other doesn't then the tolerating one gets eaten. That's what movements like BLM or FEMEN are taking advantage of. Their only power is the tolerance of others, if people had some guts and didn't give them a pass they'd got BTFO from their very foundation.


But by not tolerating the intolerant, you become intolerant yourself so by your own logic we shouldn't be tolerating you.

It's also a joke that the tolerant ones ended up being "destroyed" by Nazi Germany - they joined in.
That's not tolerating and getting destroyed, it's finding that almost every man has the ugliness that Nazi Germany represents to most people - this was replicated pretty fantastically in the Stanford Prison Experiment, but the only thing we seemed to learn from what was SHUT IT DOWN and we classed it as intolerably inhumane and daren't tread on that unpleasant territory anymore.

Instead we get people acting like the savages they are, but they mark their victims as "intolerable" or "Nazis" so that they can excuse their violence as heroism.

Why didn't you post the original?

>Guess his religion



>the answer is

I always say that these people reach none of their conclusions themselves, but rather use their 80 IQ to retroactively rationalize what they're already expected to think

Forget the last one, here comes the more original original

>I would really prefer if you be quiet.

Nice pic.

you made it right now?

whatcha doin, rabbi?


The problem with the logic in the OP's pic is who gets to define intolerance? Especially when the left is tolerant of everyone except white people and more so white males.

Just let everything fly, the good ideas will triumph the bad ones will die out.

>"So, we need to be more than intolerant with some intolerant minorities. It is not permissible to use “American values” or “Western principles” in treating intolerant Salafism (which denies other peoples’ right to have their own religion). The West is currently in the process of committing suicide."

Remember when communists banned islam? Pepperidge farms remembers

On smartphone but someone seriously needs to make this about Islam while keeping the artists style and name. Ben garrison their ass



Still has swastikas on the flags on the second panel, get your proper religious iconography sorted.

You forgot Jews, schlomo.



i dont know what hes doing, Ahmed. You tell us.

Then you became intolerant and oppresive towards a groups, good job, you played yourself.


Same goes for every religion and political ideology.

This is what happens when tolerance becomes a virtue per se, without any consideration of the very thing being tolerated.


So be tolerant when it furthers tolerance for it's own sake. God I hate these people.

they leave out the bit were communists controlled German cities and openly trafficking adults and children

thanks, greatest ally

>thanks, greatest ally

Well that's some fine autism.

Islam is a religion. Like Christianity. Of Bhuddism

You don't ban those even though ISIS claims Islam, nazis and kkk claim Christianity, and Tamil Tigers claim bhuddism.

The fringe doesn't represent the whole or mainstream.

Intolerant extremism is a cancer that must be killed, or it consumes and kills the tolerant host

I'm questioning the logic of wanting a black only state when pretty much all black run states have devolved into gigantic, crime ridden shitholes that lack basic infrastructure. I mean, I would love if all the groids just up and left the North, but I fail to see what they get out of it other than an excuse for U.N. welfare payments.

Short time, many mistakes. Hopefully this will be the final.

#notall amirite? Justin ftw. Dude weed lmao.

thaanks rabi


But the problem with Islam is that it's fundamentally incompatible with western society unlike Christianity and Buddhism. Said religion promotes violence, rape and suppression of freedoms. Plus, there has not been a case of Christian or Buddhist(lol) extremism in ages. Islam is an actual threat and most acts of terror committed these days are in it's name. It's intrinsically violent to it's core and anyone who willingly follows it knows that.

>Buddhist(lol) extremism in ages
there still happens in some oriental shithole I heard


Then the host isn't tolerant.
The conclusion you are somehow failing to reach is that Intolerance of some things is necessary and good.
You can't tolerate extremists seeking to upset social order, you can't tolerate criminals seeking to hurt and destroy you, you cannot tolerate a rabid dog biting your face off etc.
You are Intolerant. We are all intolerant. What you call tolerance is actually a manipulative piece of sophistry where you use artful rhetoric to try and persuade people to give up their values in place of your own.
When the Left speaks of "Tolerance", what are they talking about? Gay Marriage, Islam, Abortion. All things they openly support. They aren't "tolerating" those things, they are supporting and advocating for them. It's a total myth that the Left is "tolerant". When they say "tolerance" what they mean is "people on the right sacrificing their beliefs to suit ours".
It's no different from the right telling the Left they should stop supporting abortion, faggotry, and Islam. The Left just falsely claims "tolerance" in order to characterize people on the right as evil.

Only against Muslim encroachment from what I've read, which should say plenty when even Buddhists won't put up with that shit.

>t. "The Open Society and Its Enemies"
Hmmmm. Open Society, where have I seen that before. Really making me think.

Should a white society tolerate anti-whites? The answer is no. It's a paradox but unlimited tolerance can lead to the extinction of whites. When we extend tolerance to those who are openly anti-white the tolerant ones end up being destroyed, and tolerance with them. As paradoxical as it may seem defending whites requires to not tolerate the anti-whites.

In Myanmar the buddhist extremist target muslims.

The problem is that in some magical unknown to me way it became a fact that those people were nazis
they aren't
They were protesting against exactly this kid of bullshit
you are right wing = you are racist nazi literally hitler

While over 50% of muslims in Britain alone think that being gay should land you in prisson, and a little bellow that think that suicide bombings are justified

Shut it down

>You cannot pick and chose
You can if the rule of law is abandoned for the whims of rulers.

>tfw when not nazi but dispise islam
>tfw rooting for both ideologies being banned

This is the perfect metaphor for the modern leftists, yet they will never realize it.

I'd actually love to see that comic remade with Muslims replacing Nazis.

This guy gets it

>dumbphone users don't put any attention to the thread they're viewing