Can you be a nationalist without being a white nationalist? I love my country and consider myself a nationalist...

Can you be a nationalist without being a white nationalist? I love my country and consider myself a nationalist, I just want my government to serve the people of the nation first and foremost instead of foreign countries because that makes the most sense to me. I don't care about race. Does the term nationalism have racist connotations or is it just "white" nationalism?

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Of course you can be a nationalist without being a white nationalist. The problem is that the left can't see the distinction. Tell anyone you're a nationalist in this country and you'll risk being called a nazi.

>does nationalism have racist connotations
only if you talk to someone aligned with jewish interests.

Read the book "The Next American nation". Yes, you can be a nationalist without being called a racist, especially if your idea of nationalism is the creation of a new America by the merger of all the races and languages into something new.

Seems like that everywhere though.

I called myself nationalist years ago, no one cared, they thought it just meant patriot and so did I. Now it's a synonym for Nazism apparently. I don't get it.

You sound like a stupid civic cuck. No better than libtards.

Yes. America is and always has been a country of immigrants.

I think the word your searching for is "real American"

I feel like the United States needs to get it's shit together at home before we try and tell other countries how to live. Race shouldn't matter to folks here because we are a nation of immigrants but that's a hurdle that the nation can't seem to get over.

You can be a European Nationalist (in the vein of Rome) or a Pan-Arab Nationalist (in the vein of the Islamic caliphate), these terms however are broadly defined by Race and an overarching ideological drive

LMAO just stick to patriotism and libertarianism or whatever you call freedom

your "nation" deserves to be annihilated


white nationalists are clowns.

embrace civic and economic nationalism

"race" is a social construct

You can pull of nationalism in a America if it's by ethnicity. There is American pride English pride Italian pride Irish pride once it becomes white pride it becomes autistic

I gotta leave for work in a minute, but look up the wikileaks podesta email on "nazi." They more or less say its their last resort heavy artillery if "they are extremely right and you're extraordinarily wrong."

The word nazi is bleated endlessly now because it does an effective job of stirring up people's emotions, far more so than the usual leftist insults.

It's okay Somalia just let it all out

Yeah we've had that for years. It's called patriotism

It is my most deeply held belief that America must become reborn through a process of recreation of its people. We must merge all the peoples within our land. Only with a new American ethnicity, a new American language, and a new culture can we become great again.

How is London, how is that British Empire? All well?
>God save the Queen
lmao pathetic

England is my city btw

As of gender I suppose ?

Get lost please


Yall folks know that our language is moving away from English. English used to be a dialect of German 1400 years ago. We already making ourselves something new.

What I mean to say is embrace the change. Dont fight 'gainst it. I hope I done explain it well.

Yeah it's called being a civic nationalist as opposed to being an ethnic nationalist

The country you live in was never designed for you

Certainly no where in Europe can you either. Nationalism has to involve ethnonationalism, and the argument doesn't work in the US either.

Ah yes, explains all the blacks present in the founding days of the US.

It's a completely modern concept (19th century) to equate citizenship with living in a particular land. In all societies from the first imperialists in Sumeria to the western world in the mid-late 18th to 19th centuries were divided into class with slaves and indentured servants being one of most prominent classes.

In America you can only be a civic or white/black nationalist since America is no ethnostate and ethno-nationalism isn't applicable there.
In Europe however, I'd say most of the people here are ethnonationalist. Purely because they have more of a connection to each other than purely just race, namely ethnicity. Besides, white nationalism is relevant only in non-ethnostates.

Sorry for my retarded English.

>Thinking I'm actually an Anglo

Basically this.

Fuck off, we're full.

Nationalism is for spergs that think their feelings are more important than justice. Touting your nation makes you just as much of an asshat as BLM activists and ISIS.

Good goy

>Can you be a nationalist without being a white nationalist?

No, I can sense you pussied out after the rally

We never needed weaklings like you anyway

S-stop it Americana-chan, my penis is for snackbars only

Indeed, What is the point og being a nationalist If you aren't also a White nationalist, unless ofcourse you aren't White.

Of course you can check out LKY and Singapore famalam

Gender is a useful social construct like manners.

Race is not.

Yea, it's called civic nationalism and as long as we keep importing 3rd world populations it will be our undoing.

Tough Shit


No, that's silly.

You can be a Nationalist of your Nation.

We like it when you stand for your Sovereign Nation.

Its good to oppose the NWO

>Colonists and pioneers

Europe always ..used to be.. about pride in your race and every race was meant to have its own country. This shifted into pride in your 'nationality' and then they slowly made everyone believe that our nations are multicultural, therefore you may be allowed to be proud of the country you were born for any reason, unless you are part of the ethical race of the country

It wasn't so much white pride which is a modern American movement as pride in your specific ethnic group, obviously knowing the people of Europe are all closely related.

How can you have ethnic pride when your ethnic group becomes a minority?

For example, how can you be proud to be an Irish-American if there is a dwindling number of Irish people in Ireland?

All the stereotypes you associate with said group become redundant when the nation itself no longer retains them. When 'Irish' becomes synonymous with a large number of non-whites who have recent immigrant ancestry, your attempt to link yourself to that culture becomes cringeworthy.

Why cant we just all be proud to be American? Why do we gotta be proud about the color of our skin?

I didn't mean that. I mean like pride in the various ethnic groups that inhabit Europe (whom are all white), for example in Britain it was our Celto-Germanic culture from Britons and Anglo-Saxons and the people who came here, the Belgians, the Jutes, the Vikings, the Angles, the Celts, the Saxons and the Normans, etc.

We're all white but specific pride in nation and your ethnicity needs to be promoted too

someone who put his people and country first.
So yes you can obviously be a nationalist without being a "white" nationalist. White nationalist are actually the new strange ones as "white" people is a new term alien to most nationalists and there is no country of white people.
White nationalism is a mostly new world phenomenon that is simply a reaction to globalist and international politics. Its ofc also a reaction to the mass immigration and diversification of a former quite homogeneous country.
You wont find white nationalist in any number in Denmark. You will find a shitton of nationalists though.

You can be a western chauvinist

It's called being a civic nationalist, and yes you're a cuck for it.

A nation is your people. You can't be a nationalist without a nation, dumdum.

nationalist is a term too hardcore for weimerica.
you're a civil patriot cuck.

Yes, this is called being a civic nationalist or a cuckservative or a gay little fag bitch. They certainly exist but we true Sup Forumsacks are not particularly fond of them. Sage.

Race is not a social construct. Nationalism is as its just a modern perversion of basic tribalism. Race is a scientific reality.

t. Danish Nationalist

Because white culture and heritage is what built the fucking country.

>luring us to your civcuck nationalist thread with this pic
hope you get aids, faggot

That's called patriotism

>/leftypol/ or Shareblue LARPing as a Nazi

we have been seeing that a lot since this week end

America is already a deeply patriotic country. You are focusing far too much on bands of leftists on social media who have always existed since the 60's, and will always be sceptical of patriotism/nationalism.

Ask any foreigner that travels to the US. You cannot visit a single town or city without being inundated with American flags. Civic patriotism runs deep among many groups of people.

However, if you abandon any ethnic association to your nationalism, then the next logical step is to ask why should American nationalism matter over humanism? If merely stepping on magic dirt makes a Mexican a proud American then is being an American so important at all? Especially in an age of dual identites and fluid movement of people.

Also, I would argue that American history will never be viewed with the same idolatory by all groups of people.

Blacks will never appreciate the Founding Father's in quite the same way as White Americans. Your Founders were largely White nationalists, and your heroes of the past owned a significant amount of the current African American population's ancestors.

Robert E Lee and Stonewall Jackson, who have entered the American mythos, will never be appreciated by non-whites.

You can have an American nationalism based on a post-1960's world. It will be very different to the heartland's interpretation of nationalism though.

I also feel like, in the long run, civic identity is never quite sufficient enough without a common story. There will always be a desire for people to identify with where they are truly from.

America can become multicultural, but much of the rest of the world won't.

can you burgers explain a non-native English speaking Dane what the difference is?
We only have nationalism here so that is why I am asking.

Yeah, if you wanna be a fucking cuckold

What is the point if not related to race?
I guess it's different in europe than the US. Over here all we need is to stop the insane leftist from flooding us with migrants on welfare. America won't be changed in terms of race.

White European immigrants.

Civic nationalism with an immigration policy so strict that only the very smart or determined could enter is what made America a "successful" immigrant nation.

To be perfectly honest, we seem to get caught up in political system too much. The determining factor of a society is the strong will and intelligence of it's people. This fact alone is the only reason the Soviets were able to hold themselves together long enough to contest us.

Capitalism's works well in separating the wheat from the chaff, and it's the only thing keeping America on top through this terrible immigration policy we have had since the 60's.
