Fuck all fascists


Other urls found in this thread:



the people who are pushing this are now also fascists

you need to add Alt-Left & liberals to this as well.

Not a bad petition to get white supremacists antifa and BLM to be made domestic terrorists. Alt-right on the other hand are not a cohesive group and just represent people with views to the right of what would traditionally be considered right in America. You can't label them as terrorists for holding views.

Not all liberals are fascists


radical centrist dictatorship NOW



>Zemir Begic
He looks like one of those cool Bosnian guys.
Rip in peace based Bosnian

Signed it, but I agree with that alt right in general shouldn't be recognized as domestic terrorists.

Alt right preaches hate just as much as the others. While they may not push for acts of terrorism the speeches they give incite violence. To be honest I side more so with the alt right but things have gotten out of control.

Technically I'm alt right, but I'm not violent. I mean, what is the NAP for? Most libertarians jokingly advocate for pinochet style removal, but it's because antifa and ancoms are so unworkable, that they incite violence against us, hence violating the NAP (why we mention Pinochet).

I know it is just a troll response but they also scream the same argument that they are just responding to hate. Both sides are fucked up anyway.

Can you edit petitions? If so, you should edit alt right or you'll never get support here.

No way I would remove alt right they all need to be held accountable for the actions of their group. Even if you are alt right you have to see where this shitvis going.

Are you a centrist, a normal liberal, or a conservative? I don't disagree that messing with the system as it is now will ruin everything that's being worked towards automation and freedom from unwanted labor, but I also want free competition between voluntary hierarchies (like government) to come up with better ways to establish rule, especially with competition with AIs which can come to govern us, and the best competitors' systems should naturally win over everyone.

And even playing around with race relations will be useless once people can choose their genes via engineering (however I'll stick to mine because I'm not a transhumanist, and would voluntarily choose to die off eventually, after living a happy life).


>white ethno state

Who the fuck wants that? America is a sovereign nation, not some Jonestown freakshow

>who the fuck wants that

It's not funny anymore. What are you all waiting for, fellow Americans ? Come on. Do it. Start a civil war. Hopefully, all the trash posting on this board will die, for the best of this world.

Not if mook moves the servers. Also, there are worse shitposters like from Australia and Canada.

Not going to happen, most Americans don't care this hard about politics. Plus, cops would simply kill everyone who tried shit.

Far Cry 5 Is going to happen. This is absolute madness. Everyone is mad in this country or what ? I shouldn't be asking this on Sup Forums but still. Some people think it's something we can still make fun of ? What about you just get killed ? THIS, would be fun.

Why not just label all whites as terrorists? Obviously such an evil race must be exterminated by the morally righteous communists

Jonestown was multiracial idiot.
They were literally communists

It's not about being white or not. It's about the paradox of giving rights, power and freedom to people dangerous for the rights and the freedom of others people


That's not the point you dope. The point is that the alt right isn't an organized group like the others

All of these organizations already are classified as ADTOs by the DoD and DIA. Besides, the Alt-right. Which, simply does not exist. Each Far-Right and Far-Left Group is classified and categorized by their Ideology(even AnCaps are on the lists).

More and more Alt-Left Groups have been being added since the Dallas/Baton Rogue Terrorist Attacks on Law Enforcement and more Alt-Left more than ever since Charlottesville.

The United States Communist Party is the newest re-addition. It is simple, any extremism that threatens the status quo of the Republic and Federal Executive is not tolerated by the Armed Forces.

I am smart enough to keep my White Nationalistic beliefs concealed on and off duty, and only bring an American Flag; if I go to a Freedom Rally - which all of you should start doing.

I only carry my off duty sidearm and badge concealed under (legal under LEOSA if I am on the sidelines) for my protection, and protection of all near me.

I used reddit spacing for the retarded Leftists and Normies here.*
