Year 2070

>year 2070
>sexbots are everywhere and cheap
>artificial wombs exist
>the only way women can attract men is pic related
how will Sup Forums exist in such a dystopia?

Other urls found in this thread:

>that phone case
>those fingerless gloves
>dem goggles

You may have accidentally an antifa, kind user.

Why is your pic the only way women will attract men? Couldn't you Just customize their bots?

It's Jessica Niggri, so it wouldn't be any surprise.

Secluding myself from society in a Christian commune with my family.

We'll have our own country by then... So we'll just reject the world's degeneracy.

cuck keep falling for the female jew

Barneyfags all need to kill themselves

>how will Sup Forums exist in such a dystopia?
dude, we shall thrive there, it is not dystopia at all, it is what we strive for
/mlpol/ may have been infested with faggotry, but it was jew free!

Wait... that ATTRACTS men?
wew, lad men turn much gayer in the future than they are today.

Hey man, sorry about getting kicked out of the band. You were too good for them anyway if they couldn't understand the noble cause you fight for every day. Good speed.

I'd hit that, tits are ok, face is ok, and everything else is just funny addition
I could even roleplay for 1 or 2 shags, but then I would like something else

they all need to die

I hate them


Kill yourself

Goddamn it, I just fapped.

>Jessica Nigger

WTF went wrong?


hang yourself

Ok good, It's him. I just wanted to make sure it wasn't a fake. What's up Lee?

In a nutshell, this.

Fucking hang yourself faggot. Get blown into shit, fucking waste of life

>the anti-/mlp/ poster from Sup Forums is a gypsy

Love you too. Remember when we discovered your true identity Lee?

I hate them

I do

pretty much will still only be basement dwelling Sup Forumsack degenerates using sexbots/blow up dolls.

you will always be too pussy to talk to women

>the only way women can attract men is pic related
Stop being retarded. Once sexbots are around it will force women to be traditional virgins if they want to marry

>implying id ever fuck a dash

neck these fags

I hate them all