Over 620,000 Americans died in their Civil War

Over 620,000 Americans died in their Civil War

For what purpose?

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The Union fought so that the Negro could safely impregnated his granddaughter.

They didn't want those fuckin taxes! abe Lincoln was a cuck. literally no one gives a fuck about slaves, abe Lincoln didn't even think they should be treated as good as whites

South had to much political power over the US.

States' rights.

Thai Spammer detected

Bankers in the north wanted control of the Mississippi and deep water ports in the South

It was a war to allow states have their own rights instead of all states being controlled by a central government. The marxist history book revisionists made it look like it was a war about slavery to make themselves look like the good guys.

What is your major malfunction numb nuts?

The entire South voted against Lincoln, Lincoln won, the South seceded legally.

Then the North invaded. North US Best US, but it really was the War of Northern Aggression.

Secession is not legal except through revolution or unless every other state agrees to it.

The south tried a revolution and they failed.

>north fought to increase federal power
>they wanted to fuck the south over economically as well so armies destroyed everything they could, farms, equipment etc
>when war was over the value of southern equipment had halved
>when black man was freed he couldn't find a job anyway because there was no market to sell to any more and they had to resort to gibs and theft
Such a great war

So we could do it again.

The Union bought cotton off the Confederacy because otherwise they couldn't make uniforms and tents. Guess (((who))) handled the trade permits.

That was actually not the case until the Supreme Court ruling of 1869 (after the war). Before then secession was not mentioned anywhere in the Constitution or Supreme Court rulings, and thus fell under the 10th Amendment.

I'm not kidding at all when I say the secession was a peaceful and legal separation and we invaded them. We're essentially the Romans, conquer territories (south, texas, hawaii, puerto rico, guam) and letting them have their idols, so long as they pledge allegiance to you first.

Now we're telling a territory they can't have their idols. It's a bad idea, as an Empire.

To stop mass immigration.

Lincoln wanted to give slaves rights which in the south in many places would leave whites outnumbered 10-1.

Essentially disenfranchising whites in their own states in their own homes. And making them subject to the capricious whims of the Negro.

Imagine if Obama had said in effect, no one but blacks have the right to vote anymore.

You'd go to war over that. So did they.

Elite bankers

Da confederatees wanted to become their own nation.

>That was actually not the case until the Supreme Court ruling of 1869 (after the war).

Common law is not prospective, it is retrospective. When the Supreme court decides something is the law that means it was always the law, they just hadnt realised it until that moment. Its a legal fiction but again, that is the law.

The civil war did not start over anything related to slaves. At all.

Jesus fuck.

There would be no Republican party without anti-slavery. There'd be no secession without the Republican victory in 1860. The Civil War was fought over slavery.

it was 880,000-1,000,000

You're entirely right user. The civil war was fought over state rights. The state rights in question that the federal government sought to infringe being being slavery laws, was simply a coincidence

It was under the American Constitution because up until that point it wasn't explicitly in there and therefor because America is an explicit government instead of an implicit it was legal.

The Constitution explicitly grants the government the power to put down rebellions. The Founding Fathers weren't right wing hippie faggots.

The American Constitution is literally written to say that 'We might not have thought of everything so if something comes up, add it'. Says absolutely nothing about retroactively being law. That sounds like some stupid EU shit.

Well, let me try and tell you.

So when the American colonies were first released from British rule we then set out to make our own institutions and policies. From this we eventually made the conclusion that African slavery was still best for our economy simply due to the fact that we needed it in place of unfavorable geography in the southern region.

This unfavorable geography disallowed the South an easy means of industrialization, thus forcing human labor to be prolonged even further than need be. So, from this we get a desire to perpetuate chattel slavery on behalf of the South at the expense of the negro. Fast forward some 90 or so years after the fact and tensions over this topic have boiled to an extreme. Northerners see Southerners as second class citizens and culturally inferior, whereas the South sees itself as distinctly American and the heir to that title as the North had imported to many foreigners.

So, when a candidate comes to office from Illinois for the presidency, he isn't given proper representation in the South, and the South almost unanimously votes that it doesn't want him as president. instead, because the North has the majority of people and essentially gets to decide what happens to the South, the South sees this as a triumph of true democracy over the concept of republic, and they decide that it's not worth sticking around. They secede. The North sees this and is pissed because their biggest cash cow, and third largest economy in the world just left them because they essentially selected their leader for them, despite them not wanting anything to do with the man.

So shortly after their secession, South Carolina decides to fire on Fort Sumter as they saw it as a hostile foreign entity on their own soil. Many states followed suit to form the confederacy. The North, knowing that it couldn't survive without the resource rich South decides to declare war. In the later years the purpose of the war would be distorted by- cont.

That's for litigants whose cases or terms are not finalized at the time of the ruling. The civil war was over with 4 years before the Supreme Court ruled on this.

In 1860 President Buchanan publicly said the federal government does not have legal right to deny the states a secession. The South seceded the following year. The North invaded.

We are the conquerors, they are our territory. I don't apologize for what my ancestors did, but I acknowledge they did it. Same thing goes for all Native American lands. We invaded, it's ours now. They're allowed to worship their old leaders and spirits.

the lolz

Fifth Jew-Repitle war. Jews supported the South, Reptilians supported the North. Chess, baby, chess. Do you dance?

for kek

cont.- Lincoln to include the concept of abolitionism to further conscript liberal Northerners and as well to have an excuse for the Negros to come and fight for them trying to destabilize an independent Southern economy.

To conclude, it was essentially the second war against globalism, and globalism won.

>North "hey we are going to become an industrial empire, fighting mexico was fun, lets have more fights"
>South "no, we are a republic of independent states, we should not meddle with other nations"
>North "no, we had an election, we are going to be an industrial empire"
>South "are we being detained"
>North "God fucking damnit it isn't 1776 anymore we have to change"
>South "No, southerners wrote the constitution, we wrote the declaration, you northerners are nothing but a bunch of fucking immigrant catholics and shit, fuck off"

The biggest mistake in British foreign policy wasn't letting the Colonies go, but not backing our true kin in the Confederacy when threatened by that Catholic mob of big government freaks.

There was some token support and funding from private individuals but if we had fully committed to the Confederacy it would have been a lot better for everyone down the line.

manifest destiny. we need from east coast to the west coast and a nice even 50 states because god wills it fuck yeeaa


for the fuck of it

USA (and the individual states) are common law jurisdictions. the wya the common law has always worked is that once the courts decide something, it applies retrospectively. If that causes unacceptable problems it is up to the legislature to overturn it through legislation.

When the Supreme Court decided seccesiion is illegal, that means it was always illegal. It doesn;t matter whether you like that or not, or you think that shouldnt be the law, that IS the law until either the constitution is ammended by the legislature or the Supreme Court decides it was wrong.

That's a pretty good cliff notes version of the lead up to the civil war.

Lazy americans better pick their own fucking cotton next time
definitely not worth it


Because the south was a slave-based economy and poor southern fucks got tricked into dying so rich men could keep their niggers.

Isn't hard to get a man to fight when foreign soldiers are romping around in your backyard.

No. Yanks fought for globalism, globalism won. From here we can see the integration of the negro and the excuse of the woman to come to the polls. You may deny it all you want but the South was right, the North made America a globalizing force of unjust imperialistic intent.

>it really was the War of Northern Aggression.

Fort Sumter

>hostile foreign fort on your soil with stationed soldiers and artillery

What do?

>muh stagnant agricultural economy based around slave labor

If slave labor continued to be widely used in the developed world then agricultural tools and machinery would've taken much much longer to be developed

>Over the next few months repeated calls for evacuation of Fort Sumter[11][12] from the government of South Carolina and then from Confederate Brigadier General P. G. T. Beauregard were ignored.

Gee its like the North wanted to keep the fort occupied to send a message or something.

>being this retarded

Industrialization in the South was made slow due to geography and harsh weather. Slavery was necessary to keep it going if only for a while longer. Not only that but white Southerners didn't want their kids to be replaced by negroes.

>filling a base on Confederate land with 100+ additional troops six days AFTER secession
>Union completely ignores multiple warnings to have troops removed
What did Major Anderson mean by this?

What we did wasn't even a bad thing. Countries go to war and conquer each other, that's fucking all of history. It's not shameful. We conquered them, we won, they are ours. Don't pretend we're Captain Planet or some shit though, we're the Romans.

The north fought to keep its country unified and to stop a unlawful rebellion. The Crux of the separation was the issue of slavery. Rich men in the south needed slaves and used their power and influence the people to war.

>your enemy posts up on your lawn and waves guns at you
Wat do?

>Southerners didn't want their kids to be replaced by negroes

Shouldn't have imported a bunch of niggers then lmao