Why do they pour milk on their face?

Why do they pour milk on their face?

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It neutralizes the pepper spray

spray pepper the neutralizes it

Without getting too into the chemistry, capsaicin has a long hydrocarbon tail, meaning it binds strongly with lipoprotein receptors on the tongue.

Capsaicin doesn’t dissolve in water, so water won’t help much, but it does dissolve in alcohol and vegetable oils. Beer is not very alcoholic, so it won’t do much. Stronger drinks may help more, but there’s a limit to how much alcohol you can have.

The traditional cure is mammal’s milk. Milk contains casein, a fat-loving substance that essentially has a detergent effect on the capsaicin, just like soap has on grease. But it has to be mammal’s milk – coconut milk does not contain casein.

But some chillies are still ridiculously hot and milk can only help so much. If you do try The Widower, you’ll essentially need a fully-functional milking shed next to the table to get you through it. And you’ll still most likely want to prepare by putting your toilet paper in the freezer.

Jew bots are here. It's to simulate cum

>Why do they pour milk on their face?

He is obviously disoriented and missed his mouth

Richard Spencer supplies it for free.

GAINZ BABY!! You don't do this after a workout?


thanks, trip fag

The floor is cereal.

it pepperizes the nuetral spray

because milk is a symbol of white supremacy

will someone put the blacked.com logo on that please?

the door is ajar

to get healthy bones before the fight

if you punch a dude that poured milk on his face you'll break your hand

>Why do they pour milk on their face?

Because milk is a symbol of White Supremacy.


Better just to feel the burn.

because some dumb nigger said milk is racist

It sprayerizes the neutral pepper

Why not choco/strawb milk?

the neutral pepper, it sprayerizes

Is there other substances that are more effective than milk? Concentrated casein liquid, maybe?

coffee milk

Good one guys, xD!

Thats a myth. It has been tested with other things and nothing helps
That probably why they tried it however and milk is used to soothe pain after eating extremely spicey foods like ghosts peppers.
One study:
The only thing that helps is time and blinking/crying

Milk is not very effective. Dish soap and water will work better.

Lol they got memed, they probably saw a Sup Forums infographic about it

new england is a sad place

Because blacks are lactose intolerant

Kek so pissy over some pointless post.

Because it helps to neutralize the pepper spray they just got hit with. When I did my security guard training we got pepper sprayed. You use the milk first to help neutralize the capsaicin then flush the area with water, a lot of water.

>willingly pouring dish soap in your eyes
Pepper spray must REALLY fucking suck.

Milk is a raycis white drink, because whites are the least lactose-intolerant.

I've been tazed, tear gassed and pepper sprayed. I would rather be tear gassed than tazed, and tazed than pepper sprayed.

The milk is quite counterproductive. It does nothing to help the burn (that's a myth) and can even hurt by washing more of the irritant into unaffected areas. Additionally, its a great medium for bacterial growth so can easily lead to an infection.

Use a mixture of half antacid and half water and rinsing from the nose outwards (kneeling and turn head to the side works well) has been shown to be effective, however. Ensure any contact lenses are removed beforehand.


>Just been hit with pepper spray
>That burn...
>Gotta get that milk
>That warm, rancid smelling milk in a jug
>Not even good milk, no cheap ass milk that already had a faint off scent
>Pour that shit all over my face...
>Smell the smell of rancid milk all day and eyes are burning still



there trying to improve his calcium levels.

So thats the reason he cry's every 10 seconds.

>burger education
do you even chemistry?

not with those titties.

It's an Eastern medicine cure for autism


burger education everyone