Why do leftist fags think the military gives a fuck about them

All "nazi vs Antifa" bullshit aside this really comes down to globalism vs nationalism. Why do the morons who clearly can see the military make fun of them think that in a civil war the military would side with them?
Do you really think after burning flags and talking shit about imperialism or calling the military terrorists that most veterans like or care about you? The military is the exact opposite of your everyone is special ideas.

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ruleing elite!

reminder that the us military got blacked and pozzed and cunted literally because they noticed the the military hated almost no one as much as the people it was supposed to be protecting (us civilians)

Boots are mostly nationalist, but all the brass is liberal globalist plus all the desk jockeys who do what their told and are mostly brown.

Muh right wing nationalist military is really a meme. If shit got real most of the military would be in chaos until one faction won out and it would probably be the globalist faction since they have rank and the total loyalty of all nonwhites.

this is accurate.

same situation that cops are in right now. all the the workers hate whats going on but they are totally controlled and subservient to politicians and their politically appointed police chiefs

they literally stand feet away and watch lefty fags break the law and do nothing about it despite the fact that they want to and that its the law because they were told not to

Ron Paul received the most donations from the military.

Surprisingly, there are two lines of thought within socialism.
Some believe the military is the ultimate evil because muh peace & luv etc.
Others believe a well-organised military could protect the citizenship and offer a chance for the youth to bond and grow together

The whole "let trannies into the military" thing may have been a psyop. You know it pissed off a lot of high test milfags, and now all of said milfags are directing anger at the left for making such a mockery of their organization.

>t. civilians the posts
my XO's door has a sign on that says "GOD, COUNTRY, FAMILY if you are none of the above go talk to a chief." I wont speak for other branches but "The reason the U.S. Navy does so well in wartime is that war is chaos, and the U.S. Navy practices chaos on a daily basis." is a common understanding in among sailors. We thrive in chaos and suggesting we would be on a side from the very beginning just shows that you have no fucking idea what your talking about.

I can agree on that but I feel like it would collapse and the vet population is highly libertarian/conservative at least amongst the gentlemen I served with
Honestly wouldn't be shocked

I'm not saying the military as a whole. I'm just speaking from an infantry bet standpoint that overwhelmingly veterans I know are right leaning or libertarian. The idea that in a civil war sjws and the like think that a large amount of vets would side with them is ridiculous. I can't speak for the navy but the marines arent very leftist at all.

i dont really understand your point. yes youll be on a side. i was saying it will likely be on the politicians side since thats who controls the military

Well even beyond that, I'm generically referring to the military as veterans also.

Every Marxist/Socialist uprising has relied on a strong military junta to maintain power. Every group since the Roman legions marched on Rome at the request of "the popularies" tends to forget, Military Deep State's have their own politics, one of which is eliminating the retards that blew up the Govt in the first place.

Nothing in the current Anti-Fa doctrine would be supported by LE/MIL. Which I suspect is a big reason why they are trying to tar Conservatives as Nazi's. Nazi's are a trigger for 20th c. war imagery akin to Spanish were for the 19th c. warrior castes.


28 minimum ASVAB score infantry is the real chaos you're looking for


What makes you think the army isn't under the control, and will slaughter you if you even think about messing with global/US economy

What makes you think the army isn't under the control of the global elite, and will slaughter you if you even think about messing with global/US economy

>the military would side with them?
Isn't the military like 60% bean now? I'm talking about the marines/navy/army.

The military's job is to protect resources.
They don't give a shit about your left-right horseshit.
>they'll kill all of you faggots if you get in the way
