Refute this, Sup Forums

Refute this, Sup Forums

If you can...

Niggers were never designed for society

So we should kill albinos, nice.
Also refugees in Sweden are needing medical care for vitamin deficiency, kek.

If you can't discover resources right under your feet, waiting to be used to futher Humanity, you were never designed to love on this planet.

The planet is 70% water, if you can't live in the ocean you weren't designed for this planet.

Nice strawmen

Whites are martian. mars was destroyed in a great war a long time ago, the survivors came to earth and took over

Dont black people have a higher rate of skin cancer?

Also also it takes even Scandinavians a half hour or so to get burned.
Also also OP has one post and sage.

Nobody was designed to live on this planet. We evolved.

I don't need sunscreen. I have these things called clothes. Western civilization invent stuff like shirt sleeves and pants and wide brimmed hats to protect from the sun. Better than running around on the savanna naked and living in a mud hut

>if you need white people to give you food because you're too stupid to farm it yourself, you were never designed to eat.

Not a strawmen, compare what Europeans did with their natural ressources (you can also include Middle/South African ressources, rage on that faggot) compared to how African of the same area did.
Initial argument is dumb, how did our ancesters survived if it was the case? Well climate isn't the same, get out of here with your shit thread.

Planet is 70% water

If you are confined to 30% of it because you sink like a stone in water you were never designed to live on this planet.

If you need gibsmedat to function in society you were never designed to live in one

>Refute this, Sup Forums
next question

People wear hats, clothes, etc... don't go out in the height of midday sun. Simple stuff. I'm very fair skinned and will burn very quickly, but I don't ever use sunscreen. Just plan properly.

Hawaiian master race checking in.
I may be a lava nigger but at least my people gave you surfing; celestial navigation and pulled pork.

yes, because they erroneously believe that they don't need sunscreen

niggers get skin cancer from the sun as well

that's savage hahaha

If you need vitamin D pills to survive the winter, you don't belong in Europe.

>god designed whites for space

shhhh don't tell them
let their own hubris kill them

That's a flat out lie, and it needs to stop.

It's true, the Nazis knew this they were contacting Nordic Aliens via channeling the vrill society, and going down to Antarctica

I had a really black mate (he moved to England). We went to the beach together and he got fucking fried because he though he didn't seen suncream. He went a kind of dark purple shade.

It was hilarious when he started peeling.