Homosexuality is not a choice

Homosexuality is genetic. So why don't you like gays Sup Forums?

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Because they keep forcing their lifestyles into public view.
Gays are much more open about being degenerates.

But homosexuality is natural, it isn't degenerate. People should be more accepting.




It's just a fetish, no different than a feet fetish. Except faggots made it a part of their identity, then tried to force their identity on others. Their public displays of faggotry will influence younger generations to take up a life of degeneracy and hedonism, which will be the downfall of western civilization, because they are eliminating themselves from the gene pool, and their behavior of sexual exploration is the antithesis of a stable nuclear family (more sexual partners, less stable marriage) Fags are just useful idiots to people who unironically wish to see the west burn.


You fucking mong, now counter my arguments or do everyone a favor and crucify yourself now.

Its not genetic. Its the result of a chemical change which occures sometime between conception and death.

Bringham Young had a 100% succeas rate electroshocking the gay away in the mid-20th century, proving this chemical change theory. It is similiar to NoFap and how a nueral rewiring can change a guy with a BDSM anal gangbang fetish back to normal.

Yet it's the most widely accepted hypothesis among researches. Theoretically it could be wrong, but there's so much evidence backing it up that to many researches it has become factual.

I don't care about your sexuality, just fuck off with your stupid parades, your stupid flags and loud music. Fuck off, fuck each other and be fucking happy.

but please don't be too noisy.

>why don't you like gays Sup Forums?
For the same reason I don't like retards - I find you repugnant.

No it isn't. There isn't a faggot gene. You;re a bunch of drug addled shit-fetishing child molesting perverts with no goddam impulse control.

I should be allowed to love who I love. I love my boyfriend probably like you love your girlfriend.

Harelips and club feet are natural, that doesn't make them something to aspire to

its a choice and everyone knows it but keeps quiet to save face

If homosexuality is not a choice then it's a compulsion. You're saying you can't control your behavior. This makes you a danger to the community.


Yeah, you should be allowed to love kiddies and dogs too right? Fucking degenerate

Homosexuality is a form of mental retardation which happens at birth.

If its not a choice, then its a birth defect. Not being able to reproduce with your partner is a flaw in nature.

Why doesn't a child deserve a father and mother?

its both,some people are attracted to men, some people just like sex with men because fuck women and its still sex.

there are even studies on it to google.


that is it.

but fisting circuit parties are, and those people taint the image for everyone.

Research shows that children don't need both parents, 2 fathers or 2 mothers is fine.


Define love. For me love means willing the good for your partner. It's not simple lust or attraction or even attachment. I genuinely want the best for my wife.

As a gay man you can't say the same thing because every time you have anal sex your harming your partner. Your causing microtears in his anus and mixing blood and feces which destroys his immune system and makes him susceptible to disease among many things. If your on the receiving end your still harming your partner my depriving him of your good health. Gay men cannot love each other. They can only lust or become attached, and in the process use each other for selfish ends since no life could ever come of your union.

Fine if you want them to be a faggot like you

>Homosexuality is genetic
You better have backup for such a claim.

Straight couples have anal sex too. When I penetrate my boyfriend, or he penetrates me, it's filled with utter love being inside of him or he in me.

There is no gay gene. It is a pattern of abuse and the absence of the proper amount of hormone in the womb and the absence of proper hormone production during puberty that lead to the creation of a faggot. At least that is the current theory, don't worry a cure will soon follow when the cause is 100% certain.

t. Geneticist

I suppose you're just not interested in a serious conversation.

Look at the average pride parade, it's degenerate as fuck.
source: youtube.com/watch?v=yB1u-_i3il0

I am, you're just hateful.

So is pedophilia.

If it were genetic then it would have been bred out by now. So either 99.9 percent of scientists who believe in Darwinism are wrong or you are.

Dial it back because you're too obvious now.

Homosexuality is neither genetic nor natural. It's a disgusting fetish which is promoted as a leftist ideology.

>Homosexuality is genetic.

So is Down's Syndrome. That doesn't make it better.

>Yet it's the most widely accepted hypothesis among (((researchers)))

More accurately, it's the most accepted hypothesis among liberal researchers who consider it a moral imperative that they at no point pathologize or criticize homosexuals in any manner.

Also, it's a highly suspect theory that depends on they proposed homosexual uncle provides a survival benefit to his sisters' children greater than the reproductive benefit of another male, and the chance at the signfigant reproductive success of a socially dominant male.


>Homosexuality is genetic.
[Citation needed]

~Dr.Shekelstein book page 32

>"u-u-u-uh here's a wikipedia link"


You will never convince me that people are born gay every single preference and every single distaste comes from experiences and stimulation you received throughout your childhood. It is all subconscious and therefore it is not a choice. It should still be acknowledged that it is a defect.

All that being said I can't wait for them to discover a gay gene so it can be wiped from existence as it contributes literally nothing to The Human Experience

Because it's caused by parasites, faggot

But down syndrome is a disorder. On the other hand, homosexuality has shown to be an advantage for families in Darwinism. You sound like a Christian who won't accept evolution and blame it on "liberal" scientist.

Which genes?

Nothing wrong with homosexuality. I have a problem with their pride.

I am fine with them.

Homosexuality is, yes, natural, but it aint genetic, and it sure as hell isnt a good kind of natural either

Genetic predisposition does not equate to license. People are genetically predisposed to everything. 40% of homosexuals are pedos and pederasts, and that is probably genetic too, partially. Just because a man has a natural vice, so to a man should overcome. We should not succumb to baser instincts and the pressures of "behavioral sink."


>every time you have anal sex your harming your partner.
Most gay couples don't have anal sex specifically for this reason, as well as the fact that it requires lengthy cleaning beforehand, which is undesirable for obvious reasons. Gays who have anal sex are mostly the same sort as heterosexuals who have anal sex. All people who like to whore around.

>can't reproduce
>Darwinian advantage
Are you unironically autistic

Makes you no better than them

You're suppose to be on our side.

Well homosexuality is a subgroup of sodomy for this reason.

Fucking someone in the ass, destroying his anus and claiming that behaviour is genetical and thus should be accepted for whatever reason is not evolution.

If it is genetic how is the gene passed on?

Wouldn't the recessive genes die out as homos dont procreate?


Go back to the containment board for faggots.

But since you're here I'll answer your question: we don't like gays simply because
(1) they molest kids
(2) they caused the AIDS crisis
(3) they are the reason previously conquered diseases are becoming resistant to antibiotics
(4) they insist on hosting disgusting parades in large cities where they prance about naked and expose children to their filth
(5) they constantly whine about not being treated equal even though society bends over backwards for them and you’re MORE likely to get hired as a faggot for “muh diversity”
(6) they attack religion
(7) they seek to inculcate children with their sick behaviors
(8) despite doing all of the above named things, they whine and complain about supposed “homophobia” even though people should fear all the terrible things that sodomites cause


Precisely. Unless, hypothetically, it's recessive.

One of your kids will be gay. Suck it up.


I was just at a fuckin UPS and a dude had to wander in a damn "scurry" and fucking came in place of his BOYFRIEND as he said loud enough for everyone waiting for their shit. Then was educated that UPS don't play with 3rd party niggers and told him to basically fuck off and get the original recipient in here and the dickhole just struts off as sassy as humanly possible with a scoff.

For a roach, youre good

The better question is how is it spreading

Sage. Nice bait.
Everyone knows it's a choice.
>parent is a sodomite

Holy shit, I can't wait to see you upload your Nobel Prize worthy research conclusively proving that Homosexuality is a genetic disorder.

Please tell us which genes are responsible.

At least I'll have kids.........

got oxytocin in your water friend?

Anyone should try asian boi pucci. so good

I also don't like niggers, and that's genetic.

Absolutely correct. AIDS is not a disease but a cure.


Is that why so many republicans are closet gay? Lindsay Graham....

Not a big fan of jewish inspired degeneracy.

>but there's so much evidence backing it up
You mean literally zero.

Retards are genetic too, I don't like them either.


There is no gay gene but gay germ.

If homosexuals are far less likely to reproduce, how have their genes not been weeded out of existence?

This is just another nature Vs. nurture event. Genetics create a disposition, but you might be dissuaded by how you are brought up.

being a nigger is genetic too
any further questions?

Annnndddd there goes your credibility. Fuggin linking Wikipedia kek.

My boyfriend is black and I love him.


Homosexuality is degenerate. It can be called genetic or a choice, but that is complex. Firstly, it is the result of social engineering and chemical warfare combined with ones own mental vulnerabilities. It does not occur in childhood nor should sexuality of any kind be pushed on children or taught in schools as brainwashing. This is an act of pedophilia by the media/thought controlling kike overlords in an attempt to prevent population growth while simultaneously pushing for forced immigration. It is a mental illness and should be addressed as such.

being gay is like having down syndrome

sure you should have rights and i'm not going to beat you up for something you can't control

but you are a mistake of nature and we should work towards a world where you do not exist

also if you're gay i won't associate with you because you make me look like a faggot if i'm seen with you and if i'm put in position where i have to interact with you i will be hostile on purpose so you know your place
stay away from me gays

>no different than a feet fetish
Don't lump me in with faggots, faggot. Guy feet are fucking disgusting.

i wish i didnt read that disgusting shit. no offense. but that it is fucking disgusting. wish u 2 homos all the best.

Because you think anal pain equals love lol

Well then you're even more of a retard then a regular coal burner. We talk shit about gays, niggers actually still bash them.

>heee's a black.... But I love him...
Ah, Disney.

All feet are disgusting you fucking degenerate.

if it's genetic then we should stop wasting money on gay parades, marriages, aids treatments and focus on gene therapy

i don't have a foot fetish but i've heard that it's not actually a fetish and it's to do with your brain being wired up wrong

It's love, there is nothing disgusting about being inside another person, or having another person inside of you, male or female.

It's obvious youre a troll, but regardless, youre still a fucking nigger faggot. Hell, youre fucking a nigger faggot!

Because when it is permitted it spreads DISEASE like it did when it was allowed in the days of the Renaissance theguardian.com/books/2013/may/17/syphilis-sex-fear-borgias That azzwhole Borgia was a Bi sexual kweer. They are the best because they infect women with their Gay Bowel disorders.
Then you have VD Babies thanks to buttfuggers! YAY! PRIDE 4U
Then when there is sexual free dumb it makes it easy to push around perverts!
Sexual "Liberation" & Political Control - Libido Dominandi youtube.com/watch?v=FwhFLdSqqv0

Or in Rome Reasons Ancient Rome was a Perverts Paradise youtube.com/watch?v=NhP-OUt1Eos
The History of STDs
Ffags that brought Hitler to power because people were sick of the perversion in Wiemar Germany.
Sex capital of the world ,Berlin 1920''s ( nudity 18+) youtube.com/watch?v=61SesqF_t1g
In Oregon Gonorhhea has skyrocketed and tripling! This time it's incurable! Spread by ORAL SEX! You have fun now Mary!
You'll still want to when you drip yellow honey from your urethra! And spread it! Good 4 U !
Oregon WANTS you to be drip dicky for life and not reproduce or have babies w/VD!
That shit love produces life too! VD parasites! You're a daddy or a mommy to parasites!
In Texas we have a Syphilis Tsunami!
businesswire.com/news/home/20170619006340/en/New-AHF-Billboards-Warn-“Syphilis-Tsunami” Theres a good reason people shunned fags and Sexual Liberation.
It almost ruined Europe.It's stupid and perverted .Gosh.Why do people shun fags? Because those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.You might be an ignoramus but we aren't You're sick perv disease spreader and you are pedos too.You need to recruit.Just like you're doing now.