Confderate Kid from Video Kicked out of College

Allen Armentrout, Kicked out of school because he protested....

twitter = @ConnectPCC

this is actually more fucked up than that fat alt-left bitch getting run over after that kid panicked in his car

Private school, so I have to defend their right.

That's it. I'm done. The entire system has been subverted. Any hint of resistance is met with a draconian response. I knew it was bad, but I didn't realize that leftists had entrenched themselves into every conceivable institution and organization in the country.

That's one if putting it, unique, even.

Are there any pro-Confederate (or pro-Southern) colleges that would take him in?

Or, people really don't like Nazis.

No, silly faggot.

read the article

Except you don't have the right to kick out Muslims, or Jews, or trannies, or black people, or anyone but white people. You're a cock gobbling faggot

Confderate cuck btfo

That's why you shouldn't get within 100 miles of a Nazi rally. They made an example of him.

If they get federal or state funding they can't.
This is a lawsuit waiting to happen.

>Christian college

Can we either have coups in these Christian institutions or just leave the religion all together? The current existence in unbearable.

He wasn't within 100 miles of a Nazi rally, you dickless, alt-left motherfucker.

or, much more possible, that kikes like you, who got a hold on campus, are virtue signaling. Kys, fagget

>Pensacola Christian College
Christianity is the most cucked religion of all time. It's time to leave.

They have a right to kick out communists, as an example.

american people are degenerate filth. we know better for them.

Little bitch, I'm aware of that. But I'd like that right, so I can't pick and choose. People can protest with their dollars, leave the school, etc, but it's the schools right. Unfortunately, civil war buff isn't a protected class, cunt.

Except for when they aren't White or straight

How do we get Hannity to make this famous?

Nothing but damage control to save their own asses, all it is, is to just placate the left and bleeding heart losers.

A Cristian school likely doesn't, but dunno.

Again, the vast majority of people really, really don't like Nazis.

Thank you for seeing the this. Turn the other cheek means please fuck my wife.

Oooh, trips.

I'm sad

Boy goes up to statue and says nothing, only salutes. After an hour of stoic silence against an increasingly vitriolic crowd a step away from lynching the poor guy the police escort him away. As he leaves, he simply states "I want these protesters to know the truth; that what my ancestors fought for wasn't about slavery.' As he leaves in a police car he is heckled by a woman shoving a phone and in his face. The policeman turns and simply asks 'you want another Saturday, don't you? You should be ashamed.'
And in the end, this guy who only wanted to quell the violence is forcefully removed from his university, probably losing thousands in the process due to wasted tuition, another sacrifice to political correctness.
No doubt that woman doxxed him.
We cannot have a society that rewards violent communists and destroys those who simply want to preserve the past.

ok but what does that have to do with a kid honoring robert e lee?

HAHA good night alt-right!

Why don't you read the article. Also, American South and 30s-40s Germany are not related.

Fuck YES! I have no sympathy for racist pigs. Ive been reading these with so much happiness!

Yes....Ku Klux Kollege

>pro nazi trump supporters
>anti nazi trump supporters
>both pro and anti nazi neoconfederates
>lgbtbbq libs hating on everyone

I'm getting a bit confused.


are you retarded? are you old enough to vote?

hahahaha, he protested against KKK and nazis

and got kicked out of college for white supremacy

He wasn't a nazi you subversive piece of shit, he was simply paying his respects to a prominent figure of history.

Become a trap

good goy


Why tho? What did he do that would warrant him being removed from a school far away from cville?

This really pisses me off. I saw that video of him and he handled it better than any reasonable person would.

I obviously meant crypto. There must be some college out there which isn't completely hostile to those who value Southern heritage.


>"I have been released from my school and will be unable to return to college to finish my senior year," Armentrout told the TV station. "I'm processing this and making adjustments to my life to compensate for this scrutiny."
If you put off your activism until you get your degree, the university can't touch you. But...

that girl is hot. wish i know her number

>Private institution kicks out someone that doesn't conform to their standards
What's the problem?

Has your involvement with the alt-left destroyed your reasoning skills?

He was not a Nazi. He is not involved with Nazi's. He has never been a Nazi. He has not even been tangentially associated with Nazi's.

Being associated with White Supremacy will often result in termination of enrollment or employment.

Stop saying alt-left.

He paid for their services faggot.

If you must, just say communist.

confederate flag

school too dumb to read that he protesting against racism

doesnt mean you cant be mad about it you sack of shit


Fuck Klabrumpft and fuck huwhyte people

It feels like it's always one way. It always goes against conservative whites.

Fuck this shit. Let this country burn.

>Being associated with White Supremacy
He was not associated with that either, you alt-left troglodyte. You tarred and feathered this man for absolutely no reason whatsoever..

Is that in the rules tho? What groups are banned? He doesn't seem to be a member of any white supremacist organization.

He is being made an example of. That turn of phrase means "unfairly", because the purpose of making examples of people is deterrence.

Strike a nerve, does it?


One side owns the entirety of academia.

That's kind of the problem.

this depresses me more than I should care to admit

He can sue for millions. Good for him.

stop giving 4APem9qz (you)s you fucking faggots. shill get paid for that

this needs to be spread far and wide, it gives a good impression, rather then the "evil extremists".


There will always be a price for stating the truth.

Which is why cowards are also liars.

Pensacola Christian College: We throw some of our flock to the wolves!

>Christian college

The source of the trouble with America is in the pulpits. The Christian seminaries are turning out apostates.

But that never happened - you're the only one assiciated white supremacy here. Doxx incoming, bigot.

Deterrence just makes people want to know more. I bet all these faggoty colleges civil war classes are going to be over enrolled this coming semester.


>Land of the free
>The right to protest
>Britain is Orwellian

wew lad

kicked out of school for legally admiring a state government public memorial . dudes got an easy win lawsuit if he wants it.

So who's doxing the jew with the birds in his face? this is the bitch the cop told to fuck off.

They should start protesting the statue over this. Demand it be taken down as a response to this kid. I wouldn't be surprised if they did. What a racist school to still have statues like this. This behavior is unacceptable in a University.

Such is the state of the church in America. It's been completely downhill since C.I. Scofield.


>everyone I don't like are nazis

You faggots are honestly brain damaged.

Lay off the fluoride, jesus.

>In a statement to the News Journal on Friday, Pensacola Christian College wrote that to protect student privacy, the institution would not provide any specific information related to any student's enrollment or history at the college.

>The statement continued, "Pensacola Christian College recognizes the dignity and value of all people, and we respect the history of America. We encourage individuals to exercise discernment and seek to build reconciliation, especially during a time of mourning like Charlottesville is experiencing."

I assume he hasn't broken any specific rules and they're just kicking him out because of hurt feeling so I assume they'll refund his tuition then?


I'm not saying it should be illegal, you can agree that it should be an option but the leadership fucking cucked out big time. Fuck these guys.

So transacting the civil war is ilegal now? Good to know.

>He is being made an example of.
For what reason? He is being punished for something that he is not involved in? Such heavy handed way simply makes the Nazi's positions stronger because they suddenly become the most reasonable group in the room, this is not deterrence. You alt-lefties have not given any thought to second and third-order effects, and you WILL be the ones responsible for making the US into the fourth reich.

And they refunded him. You want more gov oversight of what people can do in the private sector, you cock feasting mongteen?

You know after studying history for the past 10 years, I kind of missed when nazism grew to engulf so many other ideologies and as a Internet users I'm tired of hearing the same thing over and over again that it looses meaning and weight

>strawman and ad populi
This had nothing to do with nazis. Regardless, you don't speak for most people. Also, please refrain from posting before reading the sticky, newnazi. You're brwaking some important board rules abd that might get you sent back to your friends' Discord.

free speech wins again!

...not sarcasm. the school is free to do what the fuck they want, just like all those employers. isn't privatization fun?

are u alt left

Yes, because the whole country is seeing a wave of brand new McCarthyism called the alt-left.

I'm mad. I will not send my kid there. I hope the kid sues them/has a PELL grant.

It's a fucking Christian college
These fucks don't see that they're constantly attacked as well?

I would hire this kid in a hearbeat.

>It's a fucking Christian college

You think that makes it immune to subversion?

Did they refund him all the time he spent towards a degree that ended up wasted?

No, it's usually against Conservatives. They do tend to upset the harmony more.
So? You don't understand why places where young people from all walks of life live and study would be more liberal?

The kid went to a Christian college, he should've realized not to do what he did if he didn't want to get kicked out