ANTIFA handbook

Here you go Sup Forums i went through hell to get this to you. Save it,share it,learn from it and take these faggots down.





its of no use if its fake dumbo


0/10 b8 m8
>in all fields

Pllllleeeeeease tell me you're literally a shill who ACTUALLY went through all this trouble

nice try though.

you went through hell and then used it as a coaster... that ring is fresh. Nice try on making it look worn though.
fake as fuck

seriously why are yankees so obsessed with putting coffee rings on "important" documents?

no important document like that would be used as a coaster and coffee rings dont actually happen anyway unless youre a huge fuckass who spills coffee everywhere and then doesnt clean it up before setting a new mug down and pouring what little coffee you have left into it.

it was fake and gay on the other chan, it's fake and gay here

is this real


You can easily infiltrate antifa. I infiltrated a group of anarchists doing Black Bloc tactics and they had a safe house where Antifa faggots showed up all the time. I also went to many safe houses myself and met about a dozen or so of them.

There was even a chapter at my university openly recruiting. Basically anybody can join Antifa, there's no real manual, and most of the time they are just larping middle class college kids who are bored and want "adventure communism". They exist because somebody funds them at a higher level, and funds are distributed between semi-autonomous chapters.

nice larp idiot. this was posted 4 times yesterday. fuck off.

but did u smash

didn't we out you as fake and gay last night?

Jesus. Some deepstate shill operative trying to fan the flames of (((race war))) actually took the time to write this crap, print it, put some coffee stains on it, then take pictures of it and post it here. Can you picture this loser tactically staining the pages while thinking "I bet this will work" What the fuck /pol. I bet that faggot gets paid twice what I do for doing a shitty psyop job and shitposting on Sup Forums.

antifa stalks this board. we all know that. great job trying to discredit this :-)

sounds like a whole buncha fascism to me, senpai

thats not all see

when Sup Forums gets raided and the raiders have tons of fun for the first couple days trolling and shilling up the board unknowingly increasing the radicalization of the board