Holy shit

Holy shit
i just got into this guy and everything he states are backed up with facts and statistics and the way he speaks is so fluent and nice to hear and to listen to.

How come instead of jared taylor as the head of the "alt right" we have a cia shill called Richard Spencer

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Isn't he that American Renaissance guy?

altright is decentralized, no real leaders. if there were, he'd be one of them

yeah i just subscribed to him.
Watched 5 of his videos and everything he says is fluent and very easy to understand along with it being backed up with facts

him and william luther pierce are the best examples of highly intelligent, succesful people who spoke out and both basically embody Sup Forums ideology

who is Luther pierce? Does he have a youtube channel

He thinks Jews can be "Loyal men of the west" so he can't be that intelligent.

Good. Race realists are being classified as racists but it is literally speaking through the angle of facts, stats and history.

he doesn't have a channel but if you just type his name in he has a ton of broadcasts up. Pretty sure he died in 2002

American renaissance is already fighting and uphill battle. If he calls out the jew now he will lose everything. He is redpilling normies pretty effectively

Jared doesn't understand the youth.

And who is this kike trying to co-opt the movement?

Hes a great debator, very well spoken, a monster in interviews vs hostile opposition.

(((Jared))) look at those digits! It's confirmed.

Fucking end yourself jared has been around for years and has some of the best arguments for race realism and white advocacy out there faggot

go back to plebbit with that (((flag))) shlomo

Latent homosexual faggots is why.

AmRen is the the 40s academia replacement parallel that built the groundwork for the 60s counterculture parallel that we are. We are going to win, and win for at least a generation.

Because Jared Taylor doesn't go to rallies, he speaks to media and second rate colleges occasionally but he's too dangerous for the Jewish media to prop up because he would demolish any arguments

You're not wrong. It's up to men like him who can pose a real argument while leading people towards reality and away from politics. It's not political to say blacks in the US are obscenely violent. It's not political to say a very large chunk of US blacks rely on government cheese. Don't fall for the illogical trap of "It's more white people" because percentage of the whole matters; it gives context of how a demographic at large is doing.

Jared Taylor has been around for a pretty long time

you may all want to look into the American Third Position or whatever they're calling themselves now if you don't know about them


I like how he'll entertain his critics and speak on shows that hate him, but I hate the editing they do. Saw some piece called "Dinner with a White Nationalist" on Facebook. Some Asian dude asked him questions about White nationalism, then basically went on with "I work hard. Why don't you think I deserve to be in this country?" Then they edited out all the well-thought out arguments I'm sure Taylor followed with, and just had him being frustrated and angry. Overall it was dumb, but the video wasn't for me, it was for the normies and from the comments it seemed like they bought it: White nationalists are angry racists that hate other people for the color of their skin and nothing else.

Jared is too old and doesn't appeal to the youths. Making rational arguments isn't how you convince people. People are not rational. Nobody is completely rational. Anyone that says they are rational when it comes to politics especially is deluded. It's nearly instinct, fraction of a second responses from your brain. You need to be emotionally manipulative to win and get your massage across.

I'd say he's a lot better than even the nationalists on Sup Forums.
Even the ones with the right intentions here get their views partially ruined by the way this place works (especially how memes and discussion blends together in a way that makes many believe false things and makes it easy to get people who should be our opponents seem """""based""""")

Did Hitler come to power citing interracial crime statistics and IQ charts? Nope he went all out against the international Jew that was wrecking his nation. If we're not prepared to even speak the truth we should all just give up and play video games.

He works for the Yale corporation. He's doing a decades long study (on retard exploitation). Look it up.

He went up against Tim Wise and Time held his own. He just had that high verbal IQ that comes with being Jewish. He also cited some studies that were probably misleading or whatever, like how simply attending college can raise the IQ of Blacks, therefor IQ is probably entirely environmental so White nationalism has absolutely no merit.

>who is Luther pierce? Does he have a youtube channel
get out

Jared is based, he basically kickstarted the movement. He doesn't get nearly enough credit for all he's done.

Give me a sourse for that you colossal faggot


how did you just find out about him? how fucking knew are you?

Also go check out Kevin Mcdonald and watch his Amren conference videos.

Jared Taylor is a skosh too genteel to be an activist leader in the modern era, and too old too. I just don't think he has the temperament for it. His intellectual work is valuable beyond all measure, however.

well memed

>why are controlled opposition put on top of the pillar instead of people who actually believe what they say?

there is no alt right. its a label that has been tainted. labels suck, and are especially dangerous to a group that is actively being marginalized and demonized at every turn already.

He argued semantics of race and ethnicity and tried to attack Jared on that. That tactic is used a lot

Reminder that Jared Taylor thinks Spencer is a good guy.

REMINDER: JUST BECAUSE THERE ARE ADVOCATES DOES NOT MAKE PEOPLE THE "LEADER". It just makes them part of a group an advocate if they use leader it is only to describe people who advocate for our cause.

I cringed so hard when the alt right protesters pulled out nazi flags and did Roman salutes IN FRONT OF THE MEDIA. They basically tore down any support the regular person had for them and that lead to the tearing down of all these confederate statues.

R.S. is just a Johnny-come-lately. Jared Taylor has been in the trenches for decades.

He was born in Japan from missionary or diplomat parents if I remember right, he speaks japanese and also french. He's proto-Sup Forums, race realism and anime into one person.

never happened.

what never happened. There is photographic proof

prove it.

You're right. Tim has an essay on race and intelligence, and reading it he doesn't really take the position that there is no connection between race and intelligence. He rather argues that it would be immoral to treat someone else like shit because of the way they were born. He tap dances around for a couple paragraphs for sure, arguing the semantics like you said, and cites a few studies that cast doubt on the connection, but I think he even realizes that it is plausible that there is a race-intelligence connection. I think he simply believes it doesn't matter, and that eliminating racism is for the greater good and genociding White trash racists is preferable to hurting the feelings of brown people.

>You need to be emotionally manipulative to win and get your massage across.

He is ignored because he over pronounces the H in white. "whhhhhhite people"

^ This

Stop being white niggers


People shouldnt rely on old symbols and flags. People in the movement need a new symbol or flag to rally

>how fucking knew are you

I remember faces, not names. I >new him for a while now despite this being the first thread I've seen with him being brought up.

Mr. Taylor redpills with hate facts in a way that isn't easy to dismiss. Hate facts create cognitive dissonance in people right of center. When John Q. Normie is confronted with a chimpout or a sheboon demanding more women of color in tech, he recalls Mr. Taylor's hate facts and becomes uncomfortable. Eventually he joins our side.

two people did this and thats it. No one else did.

Jared Taylor is great, but I don't think he gets the attention he deserves because often he isn't high energy. When he is debating people or being challenged is when he really shines on camera.

Jared Taylor is BASED.

He is the BEST thing for anyone looking to take the redpill in the quickest way possible:

Take the redpill Suppository lads.

This guy is suppressed because no one can fucking disprove his arguments, that would basically invalidate the political direction the whole West has taken since the 60ties.
Imagine that, the elite push for some transformative policy with all their power and then a guy comes along with arguments that would completely destroy the viability of said policy.
At least in case the goal of this policy is what the elite actually claims it is.
You can then ask what the REAL GOAL of this policy is.
My opinion: the complete extermination of European culture, history, heritage and people.
And I mean it, they want a complete extermination, there is no place for any of our values in the future that they plan for us.

Also stop relying on the borrowed political ideology of Alexander Dugin.
> Jared Taylor
> Daniel Frieberg
> Richard Spencer
> David Duke

They grab you by the Jewish pussy and pull you into National Bolshevism...

Friendly reminder that Bolshevism is a Jewish invention. Also, real Christian patriarchs don't own tobacco, vodka and oil companies. Russia oligarchy is fake Christian.

Notice the flag has several rectangular creases like it's been folded into a tiny package? That flag is fresh. If I were to bring out a Nazi flag, it would be ironed to loom it's best. looks like a plant to me.

> who is Luther pierce? Does he have a youtube channel

I dont think the government/plants are so stupid/unaware that they would keep folds in their flags and other completely obvious signs that they are a plant. I thinks its a casually case of autism or im giving the government too much credit

He's what created the "hwite people" meme.

> Jared Taylor is BASED
> He subscribes to (((National Bolshevism)))

You people are so cucked it's not even funny. Pull Putin's circumcised dick out of your ass.

I read that he was born in japan by white parents and also knows french. I think thats why he speaks in such a way

You sound like a low IQ pleb. Stats and studies are what sunk the red pill hook into me. Emotional arguments are overshadowed by the massive importance of the topic of race.

>Jared Taylor
>Race realist

Jared Taylor thinks hispanic is a race and he unironically blames the actions of mestizo aztec beaners of criollos

Hispanic is not a race and we should demonize the mestizos.

If we demonize the "Hispania" descent for mestizos then we are blaming European culture from Spain rather than the indian blood that makes indians brown

William Pierce wrote many awesome articles about how Hispanic is a meme word that lumps people of different races under a geographical term only to get treated like a race by idiots. Idiots being Jared Taylor.

Jared Taylor rejects logic when he realizes he's wrong. He doesn't care about the truth. He cares about his image.

>inb4 emotional arguments

Would you rather have Criollos and people who look like Emilo Estevez on the anti white side or the pro white side? If we allow Taylor to demonize the Iberian genes from EUROPE instead of INDIAN genes, then he clearly doesn't care about European blood.

get Spencer the fuck off the scene, and if he tries to take the spotlight again, the we, ourselves, need to smash him down. He's the fucking king of douche bags, we can't let him sully our brand any longer.

Nazism was a pro-Zionist ideology, you faggot. You're just as cucked as natbolfags.


Stefan is a retard

And you are too

ANYONE who thinks hispanic is a race is a nigger

If Spaniards like the Sheen family have to be "White Hispanic" due to spanish blood then it's stupid to treat the word "Hispanic" like a race then demonize it

Demonize the word mestizo, aka, BROWN BEANERS

Hispanic is not a race idiot

The government states ANY RACE could be hispanic because guess what HISPANIC IS NOT A RACE

You blaming mestizo IQ on non mestizos is disgusting

Are all hispanics mestizos? No. So why should non mestizo hispanics be blamed for those beaner's iq.

We need a mestizo or mixed category for those mutts



ok fag you can stop copying and pasting the same carefully worded shit points over and over


calm down Ted Cruz


Stop falling for the bait already... There never was an alt right and there never will be. It's an op. Now go be what white people have always been: FUCKING ORIGINAL

Quick question... Are you from spain/spainish if so i understand your anger with being catagorized into beaner territory but as you may know a lot of "hispanics" do and sell drugs

He's a jap lover and a jew lover. Fuck off.

Yiu can't be ignorant to the fact that the hoi polloi doesn't operate on a logical basis.

he looks like an idiot and an ass hole

Lets say everyone in the west accepts and fully believes race realism arguments. whats your next step then? people block out the truuf because they dont want what comes 'next'. but what is it that comes next?

>what is controlled opposition 101


true but hes also a cia plant and zionist


>How come instead of jared taylor as the head of the "alt right" we have a cia shill called Richard Spencer

Because most people that listen to this guy are paranoid schizophrenics that tend to hate jews. Anti-semitism is why white nationalist movements will never take off the ground.

you've clearly never listened to any of his videos

What's with mexicans and rape? Everytime I see crime stats posted mexicans are whatever on murder but are definitely doing the raping

he's not trying to be hitler, he is an educator.

but he has never been anti-semetic. He called Jews "all right by me". So i am confused by your statement

>"hispanics" do and sell drugs









thoth confirms, and i do too, jared is a master intellectual

white nationalists have a love/hate relationship with Jared Taylor. They agree with everything that he has to say except for his acceptance of jews. That's why he will never be a leading figure in white nationalist movements because he's not anti-semetic enough.

jews! will not replace us!

Okay now what is it per capita?

race realists are racist genius

you didn't quote me fully on that tho.
i said "a lot of "hispanics" do and sell drugs"
I put quotations on Hispanics

>every race is under represented except nigs
LBJ you're big dick sly mother fucker but I respect that.

>jared taylor
whites are 60% of the population, jackass. that's exactly what dude you replied to meant about percentages. 60% of population but only 40% of snap recipients. plus, whites are 6X less likely to be on it long term


You do make good arguments. The thing is though. Even the Iberian spics have that Moorish and Berber blood from the Al-Andalus days. But I grant much better that than the indigenous niggers we had waiting for us in the Americas

>all of this bitching about the JQ
Sure it's important but not 100% of "our" movement has to be down with it.
We need variety.
There should be people who drop little redpills to get normies interested all the way up to the 14/88 type of people.
You can't just convince someone overnight.