Dailystormer is back online



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Reporting on crimes not yet tried in court is not necessarily protected by free speech.

Promoting aggression or damages of any kind is not protected by free speech.

Threats of violence is absolutely not free speech.

Promoting ideologies that necessarily will manifest into violence is not protected by free speech.

Just because Marxist authoritarians in the media have convinced law courts to allow Marxists to break each of these laws, changing identities of people to be charged with crimes or allowing articles that say refusing to hire white men is virtuously moral or being a social media site that allows "punch Nazis" memes does not mean both them and the fascists haven't abused their rights to free speech.

I agree that CNN should have been shut down before the daily stormer, but this equivalency isn't something the public seems willing to accept. The mainstream media is worse than the worst of the alt media. With that, I'd like to point out most of the alt media is still left wing. They're all snakey lefties, even some trying really hard to be right wing are still way too centrist on a historically relative scale.

What the fuck kind of domain is .lol?

You can buy TLDs (top-level domains) now.
They're expensive.

I'm pretty wealthy and I might just buy one for the hell of it.

>Reporting on crimes not yet tried in court is not necessarily protected by free speech.
MSM is no longer free speech.

>Promoting aggression or damages of any kind is not protected by free speech.
Being a leftist is now illegal.

>Threats of violence is absolutely not free speech.
I guess being a nigger is also outlawed.

>Promoting ideologies that necessarily will manifest into violence is not protected by free speech.
I already said leftist but whatev

10/10 cuntposting b8

Doesn't matter what is or isn't free speech. If a hosting service wants to arbitrarily pull your shit for no reason, they can. First amendment doesn't mean shit if you're getting censored by the market rather than the gov't.

I'm not denying the militant left needs to be shut down, but watch me not give a fuck when stormfront associated websites start shutting down.

That's right, I just don't care considering they got into shit reporting about a crime in a way that could influence the court decision.

Deception can be a breach of their own contract, even then deceptively not providing a service could be seen as fraud. "It's just the market bro" doesn't justify what google and its shells are doing either.


desu I liked .wang better

have a chad comic, knowing this one will come in handy in three days

>this equivalency isn't something the public seems willing to accept
Then fuck their rules.

.wang was better. Shit got shoah'd on the shoah

holy fuck, he hasnt posted anything in 2 days.

Is the forum not working for anyone else?

That was disturbing, the site was basically unveiled live on the air and within half an hour while they were still talking it was shut down

Funny how I never went to Daily Stormer once in my life until (((they))) decided to shut it down. Bretty gud content desu.

Anglin and weev can be pretty edgy, but they do a good job reporting on stuff.

Sure was spooky

Yeah, I've only recently started using it with in the last few months and that was due to being banned here for an extended time.

It looks like they directly ported the html over, so some of the links are broken because they still point to the dead .com address

It's been in the news as a main story they were trying to get a Russian domain, but our media watchdogs have decided to take a stance against neo-nazis. So not first amendment.

What were they thinking?

They just haven't been able to adapt to the internet at all. At this point I think they're actually unable to. They're so used to the old paradigm of something staying shut down when you shut it down.

>shut down Daily Stormer
>bring massive amounts of attention to the site and to the oppressive tactics that you are using to shut it down
>it inevitably comes back
>with a ton of new readers attracted by what you did

I really don't think (((they))) are as intelligent as it seems, I think they mainly operate on animal instinct. Blind Freddy could have told you what would happen, and yet they went ahead and did it anyway. It would explain why they don't know when to stop when they have the upper hand and inevitably end up getting shoahed time and time again.

They can't help pushing for the constant destruction any more than a bee can help making honey

They were thinking about getting the russia domain because Putin is a nationalist, forgetting that Russians aren't going to be happy with the idea of yanks borrowing their internet to call themselves "nazis" after what happened in WW2.

Thanks user.
>t. tech illiterate

Exactly, you don't want normalfags knowing the Nazis fought against Globalist Jews.

Anglin is a Jew.
Alt-Right is dead.



Remember the antifascism """domain grab""""

They never even got to make a "lol wang" drop.....

Reminder that Moarpheus is a /leftypol/ shill dedicated to smearing every public figure on our side



No one likes you Moarpheus

I don't know, heard someone talking about it being back up earlier. Site seems legit. I use a proxy so i don't really care.

This is what scares them and what needs to be memed hard!

Vandalism of property isn't just not freedom of speech, it's simply vandalism which is against the law.

>when you're trying to save the white race and promote good NatSoc values but you're following crypto-Jews and leftists who have literally made NatSoc more hated than pedophilia and human trafficking

user, i...

when you goys realize you're being led to nowhere and want a better strategy, come find me. there is room and a role for all of you..

My morning routine of laughing on the ds is finally back, thanks kek.

Its a honeypot don't go there morons.

shutup shlomo

lol,for sure their shit is addictive,I really missed the lulz

>Promoting aggression or damages of any kind is not protected by free speech.
lol yes it is

But then you're liable, you share responsibility for any damages that occurred, damages have real value in a court of law.


Not to brag Sup Forums but I have over 300,000,000 USD saved up in the bank. I'm going to spend my money on shitty websites to show how much money I own.

Take that poor fags, don't even read or respond to this, it's not worth your or my time.

I have to much money haha.

Who's the domain registrar? I want to know which domain registrars are actually good.

pic very much related

I dont really care about them but if possible, this dumb webiste should be the focus point of lefties, make them try their absolute best to kill it and then have it pop up again, like playing whack-a-mole. Hopefully this tires and frustrates them to the point of giving up trying to shut down anything they sint like.