Identify this fuckwad

This asshole antifa faggot beat a veteran with a metal pipe and caused a nasty gash on his head. Please, help identify this coward so he will face justice. You've found a flag in the middle of nowhere in under 24 hours. This should be a walk in the park.

Other urls found in this thread:


not your personal army, r*dditor


next time do your job and waste that motherfucker and you won't need to hunt for him

Not the same guy.

The guy who did it was holding a helmet.

At first I thought this was a chimp mouth.

Fuck Reddit.

Should be easy with those forearm tats.

I wasn't there. If I was, that piece of shit would be going home in an ambulance

Then you would be doing it wrong. Corpses don't go home in ambulances.

Holy shit you're a faggot. I bet you've been lurking for months waiting for a chance to say NYPA. Tell all your friends you're now part of a l33t hacking goup known as nonmoose.

got any video

>jean shorts
Virgin until the day he dies.

Nah, death in the street is too good for him. He deserves a slow, agonizing death.

I bet he suck dicks on a daily basis.

Doesn't Zoey look a bit like pic related?

I wish I did. Try looking for antifa protests between today and three days ago.

At this point obvs Psyop to prevent identification of the real initiator - the helmet swinger

>Pabst blue ribbon
Fucking typical,bump.

We aren't his personal army, but we can perform tasks for people should we see fit. This seems worthwhile to me

All i want it the person who did this damage. Find him. Dox him. Report him to police as well as his university, and especially his mother.

He's doing it wrong if what remains of him is capable of being transported in only one vehicle.

Is there a video?

I don't think so. Perhaps liveleak has it if there is. Or even youtube if they haven't taken it down

Put that NYPA shit up. These motherfuckers are going to push us off of the internet if we let them. The only friends I have are Sup Forumsacks, and the real world has gone to shit.

I don't use reddit. I don't want an army. I want this fuck's life ruined. I want everyone to hate him, including his mother.

I thought the pics on the right were a monkeys mouth from the thumbnail

hipster wearing a PBR shirt, this should be reeeeeal easy...

Isn't there facial recognition software?

Try to identify the people he was talking with and look for more photos of them, red helmet fag might be nearby.

Shouldn't be too hard to find a man with a bloody vagina on his head.

this is the 4th or 5th thread....this pic came through many hours ago...still haven't seen any ID but it's very impressive that the Sup Forums users can out-do the professional detectives...fascinating to watch it happen in real time...Thank You

>them titties
My best guess is 3 months HRT if that helps

Fucking awesome. We have his face.

it'd be great if you could fetch the original pic from the left. I need as many pixels as I can get my eyes on.


Business is boomin.

>This asshole antifa faggot beat a veteran with a metal pipe

lmao triggered? :^)

Glad it wasn't just me


here's another pic from an earlier thread...hope you auts can flush this are providing an amazing public service, and again, Thank You All

The thumbnail in the catalog looks like a dog's vagina. Not that I would know what one looks like.

He got hit by the car. tattoos.

That tattoo should be easy to cross reference, try combing through that locations facebook.

What state?

Are we getting the veteran fired from his job? Why not?

Virginia car?

people were working on finding the face and the tats earlier tonight but I think they took their work elsewhere so they could work amongst themselves better...

He's wearing abright red fucking helment and a PBR tshirt, are you kidding me? That's micro-machines level potato.

>Pabst Blue Ribbon
request denied
dude drinks great beer tbqh

t. Been here all summer

I would prefer the vet not get fired. Just the antifa tard be fucked over.

this isn't Sup Forums

good job!

you're fucked cunt

That is true that the wound was caused by the black helmet guy, but red helmet also used a metal pipe as a deadly weapon and if he wasn't a faggot and missed the target, it would have been murder.

Shut up hipster cocksucker


that arm tattoo should help. he seems like a big guy too. also probably a faggot considering those shorts. get him boys.

uhhhh it wasn't this guy who did that. the guy with the black helmt is the one who cracked his skull

No was on the street the Challenger was on when it crashed.

>Committing a felony while having exposed tattoos

So we have a face and tattoos all we need is a name shouldn't take to long

>ambulances take you home

Here he is for a few frames after the car attack

>This asshole antifa faggot beat a veteran with a metal pipe and caused a nasty gash on his head.

Good, fascist imperialist tools are everything wrong with this world.

Mega bump

amen to that, brother

Search the videos of where the Challenger crashed. He was 100 feet down the street at the time. I got a good cap from one vid.

I drank Pabst regularly for a while.

Unless you have a gluten intolerance, Pabst is shit and you only should drink that shit to pinch pennies.

The fact that you're deluded enough to think you're as righteous to call your opinion a fact is sickening. You need to address your shit-licking materialistic ego.

Let's start with red helmet. Let it be a diversion.

but when you donate your land and assets to random black people for reparations, all u have lefts is pabst shirt lulz

Fuck off back to >>>/fag/

>drink pabst
>to pinch pennies

or you could just not fucking drink to pinch pennies

search social media (facebook groups etc.) for the antifa counterprotest event that day, look for more pictures. then search other antifa events, try to find him at more events.

>but red helmet also used a metal pipe

funny that the commies think they can change the subject and prevent Sup Forums from identifying someone...that's part of the entertainment for a normynoob like the commies squirm while they boil in oil...

>swimming goggles
Hey that Milo Stewart kid was wearing those too, are they some kind of retarded anti/fa/ fashion statement?

They don't want to get maced by their own antifa for not dressing up like ISIS.

>gee i wonder who's behind this post

Doesn't take an army to find a rat, also show me those 3 dead trannies

Lurk moar Sup Forumsfriend

uma delicia!!

Came here just to post this.

Not your personal army is a global rule you fucking newfags, it ties in with the no raiding rules.

Please state this loudly and in public. Thanks in Advance.

So is tagging everyone, go back to leftypol nigger.

I disagree, it says 'straight'


But user, he probably is police. Secret police.

Worry about 1&2 first

fuck you bitch


This sort of thing should happen to capitalist fucktards more often. Especially if they're veterans.

and there goes the bait

begging to have relevant information scrubbed.
You realize these guys are only findable through their social media presence right?

I'm pretty sure that's Rich Evans from Red Letter Media.

mods halp