You voted for this man in 2012

You voted for this man in 2012

No sir, I did not.



I voted for Gary Johnson in 2012 actually, not that I'm not ashamed of that.


He forgot when hey left called him a racist and a wasnt long ago.

no, i voted the nigger back in.

I wonder if this will be blamed on his tumor like the healthcare fail?

I voted for Ron Paul, thank you very much.

I voted for the weed man in 2012

He probably was too busy being rich to even look into what was happening. Most people haven't even heard about the violent protesters on the left

arizona has write in vote
i did my own thing

We'll be hanging him in 2018

And the left still labelled him a white supremacist nazi that wanted women back in the kitchen and black people back in chains.

I did not. I voted for Obama in 2008 because he was more conservative than McCain and I stayed out of 2012.

Why wont americans shut the fuck up about Nazis?

Nah cunt. I was too young to vote.

>You voted for this man in 2012
>implying Sup Forums didn't rejoice when his cuck ass got humiliated

After what the RNC did to Ron Paul, they deserved exactly what they got

>It's not just about opposing Nazis
>You must also acknowledge the moral superiority of violent communists
>Definitely not just another spineless politician trying to gage public perception for his own gain

I didn't vote in that election. I was an uninformed and uninterested pleb then. Now, I am awakened.



I was on Sup Forums during this election and more anons were voting for king nigger because he ran on less kike oil wars. Before the SHADILAY invasion Sup Forums was 90% based anti-semites.

Because fuck Nazis


I was 17 in that election so no I really didn't.

Sheer, sheer lies. Sup Forums was overwhelmingly opposed to obama in 2012. For god's sake, that was the year of St. Trayvon; voting for a negro was entirely out of the question.

>implying Romney would make a good president
he seems like a cuck

Everyone on Sup Forums voted for aleppo guy that year.

Joke's on you, I voted for Obama twice.


No I didn't

Nah, I voted for dat Gary in 2012 without knowing anything about his platform because the 2 party system is a sham.
Voted for Trump though since a hostile takeover of half of the 2 party system is ok in my book


Ron Paul shoulda won in 2012. I never liked this faggot. I would of chose obama over this retard. And I was like 16 at the time

Naw, I was living in the UK and couldn't be assed to vote

Same. Zogney or Obama, not much of a choice.

I chose not to vote in 2012.

No that was 2008, even today I'd still vote for Obama because McCain is fucking horrible. Voted for weedman in 2012 because fuck them both.

All the years of Sup Forums posting are starting to blur but I'm fairly sure the 2012 election was peak DOOM PAUL season.

If people voted for Mitt Romney it certainly wasn't by choice, Ron Paul was commonly acknowledged as /ourguy/.

Nope, I voted for Jill Stein. Boy things have changed.

I voted for Obama over Romney because Romney deserved to lose to a nigger who stole his shitty healthcare plan.

>t. Masshole

I did and I've been trying to reconcile myself with this fact. It legitimately irks me.

What I've come up with is straight out of the Chosen's lexicon, but it's the best I've got: Never Again. No more cuck candidates. No more tactical voting.

Nazi/terrorist are the worse thing in this world. If we keep silent about it, they will just grow out of hand. Hitler incarnate will not be allowed.

I couldn't vote in 2012.

>MFW My first vote was for Trump

Sup Forums was a very different board in 2012..

Ron Paul wasn't on the ballot in the 2012 general election my bogan friend

I'm fairly sure I didn't

kys leaf

My first major political memory was the Bill Clinton sex scandal. Ever since then I:

2000-Supported Gore but I was quite young then so I was basically just mimicking my parents
2004-Supported Kerry for similar reasons
2008-Just missed the age cutoff to vote, I was basically a Sup Forums Paultard but I pulled for Obama at the end when McCain picked Palin as his VP.
2012-Voted for Obama while also rooting for the Libertarian party (not to win, but to at least perform well.) I would have been comfortable with Romney though.
2016- Was thoroughly disgusted with both major candidates. I ended up voting for Gary Johnson, who I wasn't crazy about either but whatever.

I did and I am aboslutely ashamed

It's a good feel. Wore my MAGA hat to the polling place and everything.

What a loser. Going to bat for the enemy because he wants good boy points. These are the same people that called him a nazi 4 years ago

>I wasn't here in 2012
The Post.

>failed to win in 2012
>barely relevant anymore
>party can't get shit done even with a majority
>"Guys look at me I'm not racist! Surely that'll make up for me being a useless hack all these years!"

Pretty sad that's all it takes nowadays to get re-elected.

Nazis are indefensible. The Rep leaders you're all ignoring aren't stupid.

I was a Paulfag during the primaries, but I voted for The Obamanon in the general.

Only because he wasn't Obama. Had I known we would eventually get trump because of how shitty Obama was I would have voted differently back then. I can't imagine how much the dems would have won with four years of this shitbag representing republicans. Eight years of 'bama was worth the trade-off to have it so shitty that we got Trump in.

Feels good to be able to say that I didn't vote for anyone that election.
Trump was the first non shit choice.


Nazis literally do not exist anymore

>voted for him



No I didn't. I was 12 years old.

I've been seeing the world 'moral' getting kicked around suddenly. They're using it on the TV and cable news show too. I don't like it.

>One side millennials who beat off to anime
>Other side childless millennials who beat off to anime

This is why the Republican party needs to be destroyed. Any antifa shills out there want to team up and finally destroy this trash party?

I voted for Gary Johnson because I didnt know what a huge cunt he was but I did know what a huge cunt mittens is.

>reading comprehension

Oi you dumb yankee CUNT!

I voted for Ron Paul. I'm no cuckservative.

I wrote in Ron Paul

Ahh so you smoke Aleppo?

I voted for Obama in 2012 because I couldn't choose between Stein and Alexander.

Come a long way since then. A long way in the right direction.

I voted for Roseanne Barr in 2012, because she was the most qualified candidate.

Am I being detained?

Blm literraly is a racist organisation. Saying you will not replace now is a hate crime cause it opposes the plan of the zog.

Fuck this gay earth.

No they don't, they turn around and do the same thing but against white people like how they say capitalism is materialistic but then be even more materialistic.

how many buzzwords in a single sentence.

Just give us what you got

No, I didn't. That fake Republican forced me to go third party that year.

He can fuck of to his false prophet.

The jew media has to have a white "bad guy" to guilt stupid people into thinking how they want them to. It is brainwashing at the simplest level and i cant believe college students fall for it.

20 something males have no fucking balls anymore to stand up to this bullshit.

Nigger hoards have free reign and the fucking baby boomer kike run liberals let it happen.

Cause feels > facts

When are you fuckers going to understand that these are blackmailed pedophiles, they're not naive enough to actually believe this.

One day you'll see that haven't run your countries for at least 70 years. Look up lolita island hidden camera blackmail and look up how they covered up the penn state abuse connection with blackmailing republicucks

>one side opposes racism and bigotry
>by being racist and bigoted
It'd be awesome if the mindset of your average Facebook/Twitter user wasn't everyone v Nazi or "with us or against us". I've been called a Nazi sympathizer like 500 times in the last week because of these fucking faggots.

neck yourself.

The last couple of years have made me really glad that neither McStain nor Rumpney got my vote.


/new/ or Sup Forums whatever it was then was all about Happening Man back then.

You don't need antifa to destroy the GOP. All you need to do is continue to support non-mainstream candidates and the Reps will fall.

>Look up lolita island hidden camera blackmail

i didnt vote for no dam mormon

>fear the seeking of truth

Someone make a gif of oprah when she would say and you get a car and you get a car. But change it to youre a nazi and your a nazi and youre a nazi then the dodge charger and you get a car and you get a car

Then make one with sjw white fat females getting called nazis instead of white males maybe that would wake up white femalea how stupid it is to throw around the word nazi cause you are white and exist.

Im going to call someone a nigger even if they are white if anyone calls me a nazi to prove how dumb name calling is.

How do these morons look at BLM and not see them as a racist, bigoted group? Is it morally acceptable for people to fight them with baseball bats?

I did vote for Romney. Fuck me

Fuck no I didn't, Obama was clearly the better choice and you all know it.

alt-right is a CIA psyops but since Sup Forums is filled with kiddie larpers and has itself been compromised and is a CIA honeypot it waltzed into this mess happily because of its own autistic leddit users

I used faggot to describe the masses of retards throwing around "Nazi sympathizer" and some dude came out and called me a bigot. Told him "shut the fuck up, queerbait". Basic investigation into his profile showed a rainbow flag and he's from Portland, Oregon. My gayday is off the hook.

Also dont assume my political stance like a gender. I woul like to be called "we" are nazis not he or she, just to include everyone so we can all get that participation trophy.

Mitt is moron mafia and as corrupt as they come dig its will confirm, fuc you mitt.