Transhumanism thread: Rebooted edition

I wanted to start a transhumanist/cyberpunk thread on Sup Forums since to be quite honest the whole identity politics won't mean jack shit if human augmentation and bionics could be the harbinger of the true ubermensch, and i would like anyone hear interested to have a chat. Most normies i see tend to be kinda afraid of this shit anyways so we might as well prepare

Other urls found in this thread:

I'd rather die as a human than live longer as something else.

That said, basic advances would completely transform the lives of people with serious disabilities. After a few years unable to walk I might change my mind about some things. It's important work and I hope they do well.

>pirate into transhumanism
It begins.

I understand where your coming from user, and mostly agree. Crippled people will be the first to benefit from this being able to function properly. But what about the point where the augmentations surpass biological capabilities. If a certain protion of the population augment themselves with such tech they will look down on the unaugmented like how people look down on retards if you will.What then?

I never asked for this

Then we will embark on the Butlerian Jihad and destroy all sapient machines.

there are already humanized pigs for organ donation, the field is moving fast. how long until an organ can be made that's better than the original?

Bump, Race wars and politics in general are affairs of the past; The elite will evolve and give rise to a new species of human that will be to us what we are too apes; If you want to board the train, make sure you are part of the elite or else your legacy will come to an abrupt end.


>these goys are better then us

>lets destroy them

>mfw we viewed as the savage jihadis to the augged

This is what I want. I'm sick of business as usual. I don't care if science and technology destroy cultures and traditions in the process. I'd rather see the technological singularity develop and force us all to evolve instead of continuing with this shitty rut.

I worked with some of the worlds top transhumanists for years, AMA



bow to your new lord Bezo Prime, you fleshbags

not sure how to prove it but heres something

what jobs will survive automation/?


memes aside I haven't heard much from him in a while, what is he currently up to with that anti aging research? Mind you i fell out paying attention around 2015

the question should be which ones won't

these are already born and waiting for transplant, it's not some experiment

jobs where you combine disparate technologies into new products, jobs where you have to talk to a lot of different kinds and styles of people, jobs where you move around alot and do a ton of different tasks...mainly jobs that fill in the cracks of automation. job's where you're sexy, or funny, or cool.

>someone could put this into a muslim or jew without them knowing

if anyone wants a body and mind for their experiments I would sign up

I haven't worked with Aubrey since 2014 but I know he is still doing advocacy and working at the lab up in mountain view. he's a great public figure to spread awareness of the transhumanist movement.

so what is the current state of the transhumanist movement? maybe give a quick rundown for the anons lurking on the thread?

>implying all organic components won't soon be obsolete

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Hey guys maybe you can help me out. There used to be a guy on Sup Forums way back that posted upcoming technologies and how the future could look like. Can anyone remember his name? Wanted to check some of his old threads on the archive but can't remember it.

tier one - fanboys, nerds, and quasi scientists/body modders

tier two - real scientists with labs, who speak at conferences

tier three - ray kurzweil at Google

tier four - wish i was allowed to tell you

>tier four

Sheeeit, Ray's at Google? I always thought of the guy to be really weird; he seemed to fetishize the idea of transhumanism in his interviews and quotes. Though I feel like that could be a motivating factor, and the fact that he's working at Google could lead to better publicity for the idea.

kurzweil cares about bringing his dad back to life and thats about it, hes pretty selfish. Aubreys probably one of the few that actually cares about humanity.

The transhumanist/singularity community is like a big group of people that barely tolerate eachother to accomplish their own personal goals. They will double cross eachother at the drop of a hat.

There aren't though. They solved a subset of problems related to it but it's still a long ways until it's ready.

All technology is transhumanist by nature.

complex sewing that rely on human finger sensitivity. It will likely be a last thing to automate. So become a tailor.

>a big group of people that barely tolerate eachother to accomplish their own personal goals. They will double cross eachother at the drop of a hat.

so like the regular scientific community?

most transhumanists are far, fare left liberals with a splash of sociopath mixed in

>tier four - wish i was allowed to tell you
Can you at least drop some hints?

The biggest problem I see with transhumanist is they are like alchemists. Obsessed with immortality and existential crisis fears rather than being objective and rational. Everyone simply focuses on it for immortality hopes rather than as a concept based on fundamental forces in the universe.


I feel like you are equating transhumanist with live-forever biologists/tech people. The movement is more fundamental than life extension.

lets just say they dont need you in the future.

not sure how this board would take that bit of infomation, worst case they go full autist and begin to LARP has some jihadi tier luddites, and i already seen lefties lambast transhumanism as "unnatural" and "oppressive"

Amazing post.

this only raises more questions, and some answers

how do you define it then?

when you abandon humanity, you abandon its inherent morality and compassion for humans. opens up a whole new pandoras box. thats why silicon valley has become so degenerate.

>h.r. giger
You are raising more questions then you're answering
This is usually the quality of larpers

patrician tastes senpai

wrong friend, its about improving humanity through augmentation and scientific research. immortality seems more like what (((Science!™))) thinks transhumanism is, something to hook those who doesn't even know the word exist,

Unfortunately augs up the oppression ante
>deus ex predicted in 2007

Also predicted Manchester bombing

well of course, but if it is to prosper as an ideal it has to be palatable to the normies, and even here it is divided with some viewing it as an abomination, and thats in a mongol horseriding board, its probably worse in the eyes of normies

>all these people up in arms about transgenders and bathrooms
> I keep saying yhis shit is just the beginning of the coming transhuman movement

Well most people on this board tend to think along the same lines as . They think the idea of dying naturally to be more rewarding or honorable than to live forever as some piece of metal/digital consciousness/body transplant/singularity.
But if you take out the immortality meme from the movement, and promote the idea that one could augment themselves to become better than who they are, somewhat like states with his image, then you might have less bio-Luddites and more supporters.

That the common pattern of life in the universe will continue. We will be supplanted by something more capable. That thousands of years from now it will not be humans exploring the galaxy as some people like to imagine.

My view of transhumanism is that it is acceptance that something will arise that transcends humanity. That our basic drives, thoughts, etc are nothing special or spiritual and will be deconstructed and observed for their deterministic nature. That 1 computer will be able to emulate all of our brains at will. That even being alive means nothing in comparison to a rock. Just deterministic patterns.

We often think of consciousness as awareness of self. Humans have been able to figure out that we die and reason about that future. The things that come after us will be so intelligent that they will see the patterns of thought so clearly they will know it is nothing but deterministic functions responding to inputs. Self-awareness that it and all life are automatons and not really alive. The great paradox.

definitely not a larper. sorry, im kind of in a bad mood since i spent the evening in the HTG thread. which the transhumanists definitely utilize. aubreys a good guy tho. i kind of took the black pill on transhumanism once i realized it wouldnt really ever be available to me or anyone i care about.

Does it have anything to do with this?

>when you abandon humanity
You can take humanity out of the human but you can't the human out of humanity.
>you abandon its inherent morality and compassion for humans
What else is a man/woman but dirt?
>opens up a whole new pandoras box
>thats why silicon valley has become so degenerate.
No, it's because they're weak neckbeards and "degeneracy" is evolution's way of weeding out the weak.

i wish i could go back in time and be as optimistic as you are

you'd likely be so much easier to control and manipulate with a chip in your head, is releasing or stimulating the production of a certain hormone that far of a stretch?

Are you saying we're using nanotechnology to create man-made horrors beyond imagination?

So Roko's Basilisk?
щe ти хapeca

I'm not sure it's optimism. The point was if such an AI existed it would envy our ignorance of reality. We can be told there is no such as free will but still live in ignorance. Even thinking we are nothing but complex rocks doesn't bother us. We can't comprehend or appreciate these facts like a super intelligence will.

i wish the horrors were too small to see. ugh, this thread is just making me more depressed, im sorry. i gotta go now.

So how far are we from neural implants that could allow us to overuse our bio electric energy fields at will without suffering the occasional brain damage and bleeding?
I admit It's probably because my gene sequences are weak but I blame humanity for that. I could've been perfect but I guess they got scared.

the singularity will happen long before you find out about it.

No, give us pictures, we need to see if it turns us on.

Run you coward.
I hope someone slowly pulls out your entrails and slowly strangles you with them.

what are the horrors you speak of

Faustian consequences be damn the only sin is ignorance

I'm fine with that. I view all of these advances as simply water flowing to lower ground. Inevitable.

Also whether or not it turns out good will likely effect everyone equally for very obvious reasons.

long way. biotech is the only way i see getting life extension in the mid term future.

how much money do you have?

since you sparked something within me, i'll give you what will probably be the only good advice any transhumanist will ever give you in your lifetime.

murder us all, before we do it to you.

I do wonder how racial supremacists would react to such tech, if their claim is that they are more strong or smarter then another group how would they reconcile that if they are objectively inferior to any cyborgs

>go full borg before the government understands the technology
>assimilate them first before they assimilate you

Poorfag but I guess my dad's an abandoned soviet test subject or something.
Natural "biotic" and all but he's not aware of it or that powerful.
I inherited alot from him and my mom but can't use it without burning my brain. If I had the proper implants I could no doubt kill anyone I wanted just by draining them. I could be so much. I could make the world clean but they did it on purpose. The used him to reproduce in order to lock me in here, my current body.

imagine mark zuckerberg with post human tech. thats whats coming.

They are all slower than vehicles and have less knowledge than a google search. Doesn't really bother people. We are all worse than most specific use technologies at those subjects

they wont even give everyone access to doctors, you think theyre gonna give you life extension or post human tech? why do you think they're building underground cities and seasteads?

zuck is pretty rational

user the only point of this life is to play the game, what would be the point of it if we don't see things through? to hide in mediocrity and feebleness

besides much like nukes its a matter of who gets it first, i dont doubt that some rich arab princeling or the Chinese are looking into this shit

If transhumanism came into reality I would become a leftist

No point preserving the white race if a transhumanism is 1000x smarter and more competent

we're so far past the point of no return, my advice would be to just enjoy your lives and go live in nature as long as you can. treat your families and friend well. bad bad things are coming.

the second something goes post human, civilization ends. recursive self improvement. invented by someone who doesnt know its endgame.

Ah, so the poetic death of "creation kills creator"... I like it though damning.
You do know that even if my kind became top dog just by sheer chance the same will await us when we have our "children"?
No, if I were the god I was destined to be I would lock you all up in an endless hellscape. A matrix like world that's based on lives and taunt you for all eternity.

what did you mean by this?

now you realize this is a zero sum game. unless the old gods come back to intervene. but they're not so happy about us playing god.

It's about setting a new threshold for what we can achieve. Eventually we will reach a point in technology our small little brains cannot advance beyond without evolution, that's where transhumanism comes in. It allows us to evolve without waiting millions of years

We will not ve having augmentations until we go past this stupid era, where people thought it was more important to fight about whether there are more than 2 genders or that "progresism" was more important than assuring a good life for the citizens of your country.

first we have to overcome all of this, but how long will it take? Is the change going to hit us and we won't see it coming because we were to distracted acting like morons?

It could come out, map everyone/thing, set up a little emulator, and emulate out humanity as if it did not exist. Would require minimal energy investment as long as it made singularities inside the sim impossible.

It could have happened a year ago and we wouldn't know. Whether we evaporate, get ported to an emulator so it can more efficiently use the atoms on earth, etc we don't know.

Even it's closest human creators it can plug into an emulator and let them pretend they live in a universe they control.

Human's perception of reality is completely suspect once a singularity happens as well.

what are you anons even talking about?

This might sound weird but I think I'm a sort of half-synth. The biggest red flag I got other than the out of body experiences,seeing behind the lens of cameras in my dreams and "hive mind" like experiences is that I once suffered a "glitch" or "stutter" where my consciousness repeated it's activity from a given point. For 3 whole seconds I got stuck on infinite loop repeating the same word over, feeling the same sensations again, reliving the same moment.... nightmare. I wonder... is my flesh brain really a brain or modeled after something? My brain architecture is not "flexible" as everyone I've known. Perhaps a side effect of being an offspring and trapped? Mutation?
Whose to say.

and antifa? im guessing they will scream oppressive and "muh organics"?

Yes, the greater public is too stupid to even address what technology is doing. Also do you really want humanity to care about this? 99.99% of people being too stupid to care is good. It's hilarious to imagine all the normal everyday human activity going on with all future paths take us on such an unpredictable wild ride.

And what is it with cyberpunk and bars/ clubs with lots of lights and dancers where theres a big shooting or fight?

have you had a doctor check you?

>but they're not so happy about us playing god
Why? Did they not have gods of their own? Did they not rebel? They're all the same. If I get my way they won't just have to accept me, I'll subdue them, or die trying.
I know how to break the cycle but lack the abilities and I'll no doubt die so. A potential escape lost, but then again If that happens I won't be the first nor last.

Facial detection tech is gonna make meat crime really pay in the future. Getting a ride from your autonomous taxi to the crime scene, your face scanned the entire time, and getting into a shootout at the scene is the best plausible way to do things in cyberpunk world.

>If I had the proper implants I could no doubt kill anyone I wanted just by draining them.
Humans are powered by heat, not bioelectricity you dingus