US and Europe--Want to understand to what happened to your country?

KGB knows why. Yuri Bezmenov had the answers. We didn't hear, we, didn't listen.

Research, learn, know, educate others. Are we beyond the point of no return? Depends on us, doesn't it. . .

Other urls found in this thread:

Anatoliy Golitsyn is another key source of info

Preaching to the choir for most regulars, but for nu/pol, or confused shills, must research.

The more you research their predictions, the more you understand our current situation. Not the entire picture of the modern world in the west, but the majority of it.


No comments?! cmon, do you guys see this as less important than shitposting shills?


Altiero Spinelli is the literal communist who wrote the manifesto that the EU used as a model for federalization. There are many Soviet commissars that migrated to Europe after the perestroika reforms that are millionaires now

The board at the moment is heavily slided and invaded by subhuman commie trash. Give it a time.

Yuri Bezmanov is already a pretty well known meme on Sup Forums. see "Absolutely subversive"

Frovide links, faggot.

Still, bump.

many videos still on jewtube. whether that is a sign that the messages are disinformation in themselves, is up to you to decide. Absolutely predicts the situation in the US as far as I can see, and Europe through slightly different means.

potential links are too numerous to provide. Names given, if you care about truth, if you care about your nation and your countrymen, a simple non-google search is not much of an effort. If it's too much of an effort, then the post is not for you.

This is technically a slide thread, but Sup Forums has had an influx in the last few days, so bumping.

I would assume so, meant more for nu/pol, which I am a part of. (sorry I didn't get here sooner!)

how so? honest question.

Yuri Bezmanov is a must need meme for every normie. Anatoly Golitsyn is not as well known but should be

Standard procedure. You hear about Sup Forums from somewhere else. So you go, and there's a WHOLE LOTTA SHIT to digest. It might be a bit harsh and turn people off from the actual fun and occasional honest discourse that goes on here. Uncle Yuri, whether or not you believe him, is beginner level. It's like going to a Star Wars convention and not knowing who Yoda is.

'The Authoritarian Personality' is also a must read. says that white people who have nuclear families are the enemies of the world

Because this is entry level shit that was floating around since Sup Forums was /new/ and there are better and more important threads going on right now

And funnily enough, many leftists whom I've showed this tend to think it's the right-wingers that are the modern-day useful idiots or that he's just a psyop designed to dissuade any potential communists from "joining the cause". Mind as well talk to a brick wall.

It's true.

Fuck off t_D newfag, we've known about him far longer than you have, there's nothing to say but what has already been discussed

US and Europe, want to know what's gonna happen to you country? Here's what will happen

Discredited. There were no records of such a programme when Yeltsin opened the KGB archives in the early '90s.

Yuri Bezmenov was a Cold War pawn, his "revelations" were propaganda.

The fact is, most degenerate culture was funded by the CIA. Modern art and post-modern literature were directly funded by the CIA.



What if we archive that

>independent co uk/news/world/modern-art-was-cia-weapon-1578808.html
>theguardian com/books/2014/jun/18/zhivago-affair-kremlin-cia-battle-forbidden-book-peter-finn-petra-couvee-review

I don't doubt your point. Question for you:

How do you expect to gain more support, gain more widespread knowledge without reaching out to outsiders or nu/pol? Echo chambers are nice for awhile, but if we want real change, we need intro posts, do we not? I have admitted I am relatively new myself. I am hungry for new info, and feel a responsibility to share whatever new info I am exposed to. If anything I post is demonstrably false, or counterproductive, I want to know about it as soon as possible, but if the only critique is "this is entry level:" well, that is needed for new entry level allies, is it not?

Lurk more. posting old memes clogs up the board

it's old to you, not to the new. Do you really want to turn all nu/pol off? I understand, the board isn't what it used to be. Would you prefer to turn all potential political allies off to keep an echo chamber, or put a little effort into encouraging new /pols into becoming informed /pols? I love this site, but sometimes it seems like old anons would prefer a secret social club over educationing the previously brainwashed masses. I don't understand it.

expected nothing less from such a fine wine

There's still nobody listening, all of this left/right bullshit is a smoke screen for diverting focus from classist rebellion. You want to fight the power, go ask for a raise.

Because all KGB records were released. Makes absolute sense. I'm sure Putin agrees, all KGB files released, case closed.

Are you fucking serious?

fuck off commie

as opposed to Charlottesville propaganda?

know your enemy

>wanting to make more money, or even actual fucking money in the first place, for my job makes me a commie
read a book my man

What is in their records does not reflect an accurate history. You couldn't do that with any bureaucracy

daily reminder in all of KGB threads there is a Romanian leftist faggot spreading disinformation

On topic: I bought a book called ''The Roosevelt Red Record And Its Background'' it PROVES Roosevelt had jewish, communits and anti-american people inside the white house the whole time he stayed in the White House.

Most of the pre-established knowledge and understand of Sup Forums can be found outside of it.
There are people on here that don't know what 'deus vult' means; I hope every one of them is trolling.
This goes back to my convention comparison. We convene here, it's a forum with unwritten prerequisites that will never be agreed on. Everyone is free to ask honest questions or shitpost to their hearts content, but there should be some instruction to new people before they come here. People are testy these days.

Assuming your points are correct, how does any of that discredit international communist infiltration?


I believe that United Nations flag is the Romanian poster.
EVERY SINGLE KGB/Yuri thread he spread the same disinformation.
He either browse Sup Forums 14h a day or there is a network of leftypol faggots here
Another note: everything Bezmenov said is valuable, from the Beatles indian ''spiritual tour'' to India to the journalists paid by the KGB.

Search in the archives for Romania flag and KGB you'll see the same behavior

Roosevelt allowed KGB infiltration because as you may know KGB was formed by jews... Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, etc,etc. The list of jews (or jewish sympathizers) is huge

>Would you prefer to turn all potential political allies off to keep an echo chamber, or put a little effort into encouraging new /pols into becoming informed /pols?

Most people who gravitated here in the old days tended to do a whole lot of research and reading on their own, but that has changed since the alt-right became a thing. Many of them are just as bad as SJWs and only exist to be spoonfed information they could find themselves if they had the drive to do that.

>I love this site, but sometimes it seems like old anons would prefer a secret social club over educationing the previously brainwashed masses

It never was a secret club or an echo chamber, it's the quality of discussion that's gone to shit in the recent years.

Do you know about the Jews? Research about it now. Prepare to be mind blown. You'll find out that they control the world.

Research about Rothschild and Soros.

The pathetic thing about the Romanian poster is that the red marks he makes on the images show that Yuri was trying to conquer as many people as he could and he praised the union of blacks and whites to fight against abominable ideologies such as marxism

Yuri should be required watching for every person in America. I don't care about Europe. They're a lost cause at this point.

I understand the anti-pol posters working disinformation, but it's the established members who seem to prefer putting down new potential allies to informing and encouraging them that I don't get. I'm assuming every old/pol user was a nu/pol user at some point. I understand a disdain for "normies," but for those who, like myself, come here for an alternative to the propaganda that is broadcast 24/7 on the msm, and who are not shills, but also not completely up to speed on the posts that appeared years ago before we were fortunate enough to be turned on the site, why all the animosity? I want to become informed, and help inform, even if it's just a few newbies.

1. the kgb was formed in 1954
2. it was not jewish, in fact the it was anti jewish to an extent


look how many jews in the pic

The KGB archives were declassified by Yeltsin's government, who hated the USSR and everything it stood for. It was in their absolute best interest to make Stalin and the Soviet government look as bad as possible. They even attacked those responsible for covering up the 1940 Katyn massacre, which they had pinned on Germany at the time (with U.S. approval of course), and they released documents relating to the 1983 downing of KAL 007 by a Soviet warplane.

But no, keep eating this shit up :^)

I've learned quite a bit in my months lurking. Not completely up to speed, alot to digest, but I'm aware.

Are you aware of the jewish history of bolshevism? I imagine you are. Baby steps seem best to me, because automatic "it's the jews!" turns normies off pretty damn fast. And if we don't turn normies, then we'll talk in circles until (((they))) shut us down.

do you realize what had happened to all them, except of Dzerzhinsky?

Daily reminder people that love the USSR also love the jews even though they try to use marxist lying tactics to portrait Stalin as an anti-jew ''benevolent dictator''.
Marxists are well known for their dialetics, using two contradictory lines of though and claiming it's not contradictory and you are the wrong one.

So did Yeltsin stop all KGB actions in foreign nations? If so, how? Did he personally go to all foreign nationals who were influenced by past KGB actions and get signed statements that they would no longer pursue communist goals?

I can down a 100 year old oak in my backyard, but that doesn't mean it's seeds haven't already sprouted.

Long story short, it's Sup Forums.
This place was and can still be, the final boss of the internet. People hang on to stuff like that. Some people like the whole 'but you weren't there' shtick, it makes them happy. I encourage those people to go jogging.
It's happened to me, getting pulled to the side at a barbeque like a fucking drug deal and being asked 'My friend tells me you browse Sup Forums; then i have to rationalize two possibilities. One, this person is gonna give me shit for whatever reason, OR they're gonna see me as some kind of font of information. So i ask questions, which opens it's own can of worms, and context gets lost. I assume interactions like this are rare now. There's at least 12,000 people here tonight. There's more than enough information out there, people come here half-cocked all the time, getting them prepped IRL would increase the quality of discourse and possibly lower shitposting.

Stalin after being working with the jews since forever killed some of them
He got rid of them because he knew they were traitors and rats
Stalin as another traitor and rat replaced those jews with other low-profile jews and even married a jewish girl and had a son with her.
Trotsky met Stalin in 1903 if I remember correctly and even shared a couple of women with him
You are retarded for replying to the Romanian flag
You are either a shitposter or a false-flag. Probably a VPN/Proxy
Fuck off

>ameriturds destroyed USA by their neocon-puppets and they unironically that we won`t revenge for this

>if I remember correctly

how old are you?

The whole idea of posting on Sup Forums is to be anonymous
This leads to a lot of honest discussion mixed with a lot of name calling
Hence "newfag" "oldfag" "normalfag" etc.
This also leads to a lack of wanting to spoonfeed newcomers.
Many conversations have already been had amongst oldfags.
So you luckily come across one with the time and patience to spoonfeed
Or you get shutdown by the rest
To most, it isn't about gaining new members and more publicity
It's about honest, high level discourse without fear of repercussion
Lurking moar and posting less is the first rule
Learn to sift through the shitposting and bait
Understand cointelpro tactics
Widen the sources of media consumption
Don't stick to only Sup Forums.
Sup Forums is not one person, and it definitely is not an echo chamber.
But it can lead to a very jaded outlook without balancing it out.
Think critically and stay skeptical of everything.
Most of all, enjoy your stay.
You won't be leaving.

>Russian marxist don't understand the If I remember correctly expression
I'm saying if I remember the materials I read Stalin met Trotsky in 1903 or 1904.

This thread may be a false-flag
The confederate flag is very strange. He looks like he is working with the United Nations (Romania) and others.
I'll archive this thread and try to give it a good publication in the catalog for the next few weeks so people can be aware of what's going on

Trotsky was in Switzerland, Stalin was in Russia

It certainly gives you a completely new perspective, and you start to see everything as patterns

I understand everything you've said. And I can understand the disdain for new members based on your points. It just seems to me that the subversive anti-pol activity has encouraged a "fuck you" reaction towards all newcomers, which is a shame. Obviously this works in the favor of the enemy, but at the same time I can understand the frustration. I just think the oldguard needs to realize that not all newcomers are counterinsurgency, and many of us are yearning for guidance and an alternative of the MSM.

I understand the ire of the oldguard, but if the oldguard actually wants change, I feel the reaction to the honest newbies is extremely counterproductive. Obviously, enemy agents complicate things, but damn, I don't think we should let them win by pushing out all newcomers.


I wouldn't be surprised if a jew made this himself. They pretty much won already.

Links because OP is a faggot

his videos are surprisingly accurate in retrospect; but then again so are the protocols

then it was in 1902. Also if I remember correctly Trotsky made a clandestine visit to Russia in 1903-1904

Links because user is a jewtube supporting faggot

Thank you. I've gotten the feel for your points during my lurking phase, and I've experienced almost everything youve stated once I started posting myself. I would encourage you to save this post for easy access for future new posters. Excellent advice, and seems to sum up /pol from my experience, plus excellent advice in regards to multiple sources/not getting too caught up. Thanks again.

Fill me in on the Romania meme. What's up with that. I'm a proud Southern Appalachian hillbilly, hence my confederate flag. But what's with all the Romania references?

Do they have to be mutually exclusive?

You are very welcome newfriend
I wish you a memeful endeavor to find the truth

I initially wanted to copy your post and share it with obvious wet-behind the ears nu/pol posters, but I know that would be presumptious, and hard to credit an user. Seriously though, save it, share it where you find it would be put to good use. It's spot on from my brief experience.

All communist shills, yuri should be spammed every single day

Another benefit from being anonymous is that your name does not matter
Sure, there are IDs to differentiate between posts in a thread
Otherwise all posts are a clean slate
Say what you want
Meme what you want
Save what you want
Shitpost and LARP if you want, just prepare to be BTFOd
But other than fishing for (You)s, there isn't really a demand for credit.
So do what you will with what you come across, user

As for your quest for truth
Don't give up
Remember Sup Forums is and has always been a board of peace
Archive when applicable (, hooktube,
Have fun with it
