Stormfront vs Daily Stormer

Can someone give me a rapid synopsis about the differences between these two communities?

I may be mistaken but I thought stormfront was the forum side of DS

But fuck you, leave SF be. You're putting them in a spotlight... makes me wonder (((who's))) behind this post

What do you mean, putting them in a spotlight? I skimmed over their forum earlier... Sup Forums is way scarier to non-WN people. Stormfront just seems to have a scary name.

No, doesn't seem to be the case.

Stormfront is a pro-white forum thats been around for a while. The Daily Stormer is a website ran by notorious shitposter Andrew Anglin. Its a pro-white news source/Anglins blog.

Stormfront == actual national socialists use it
Daily Stormer == lulz site run by Jews to trap actual white nationalists and turn them kosher

>Stormfront == actual national socialists use it
>Daily Stormer == lulz site run by Jews to trap actual white nationalists and turn them kosher
Interesting... this is the sort of analysis I was looking for

So is this Anglin guy a plant or is he just doing it for his own fun?

Anglin is 100% genuine. He's literally committed organizing a pro-white revolution in America. So committed that he actually lives in Nigeria to hide from Jews

Anglin is a plant. He's a FED asset and a literal Jew. I'll expose him on later

Stormfront is a forum that has been around forever, and it is primarily very old men.
The Daily Stormer's target audience is young teens, kids in high school.

They're not related.

Nah man actual national socialists use both

It's just that white supremacists have a habit of easily discarding their own and shitting on them once they get humiliated.

1. Retarded vbulliten hate forum for aging skinheads and neo-Nazis.

2. Hip, trendy hate site for retarded polo Nazis.

Oh not this faggot again. You don't have to show up every time there is a thread about the Alt-right you know.

Stormfront = pro-white / national socialist forum site filled with out-of-touch boomers

Daily Stormer = troll site that echoes the most extreme white nationalist viewpoints in a satirical manner in an attempt to appeal to edgy teenagers

both are pretty shit

The daily stormer consists of closet homosexuals and stormfront are a bunch of fags.

They all believe they are tough and can kick ass, but this belief is mainly a result of them being in an echo chamber for most of their adult lives and having never really been challenged with real adversity and when they actually face real adversity, they end up caving like a pussy and crying on Youtube like a baby desperate for a safe space.

Stormfront is visited by actual white supremacists and skinhead Neo-nazis. People always label it as National Socialist, but that's a mistake because a lot of stormfags don't even care about National Socialism... some people even fucking hate it and condemn Hitler. You can even look at the fucking symbol of it... they don't use any Third Reich imagery or symbolism, they are mostly just about white supremacy and rest of shit.
There actually good discussion on the forum with actually worth of knowledge, but it's always falls for usual white purity spirals of "X IS NOT WHITE!" and neo-nazi circle jerk.

Daily Stormer is a meme news website which main basis is posting news. Most of userbase are basically Sup Forums tier people who come there for the memes and world wide news which is related to the movement.

stormfront is literally older than google

I just recently discovered the daily stormer and its fucking hilarious

I have to deal with keeping my mouth shut and listing to shitlib boomers all day so hearing someone just not give a single fuck helps me let off steam

also its like 50% satire, he really is a nazi but the whole thing is just cheeky enough that its impossible to get butt hurt if you have a sense of humor

dat image

Do you suppose that jews paid a bunch of gays to do this or are they just degenerates that have latched onto this to be edgy.

Little bit of column A, little bit of column B desu

the original nazis in germany were ubermensch and upstanding heterosexual family men

after world war 2 nazism became fetishized and a way for men to feel less guilty about their degenerate acts if they put on an outward nazi appearance, it will make up for their degenerate urges on the inside

>this faggot again

This is a pretty good summary

Fuck (((them))). Let them take all that gay ass Nazi swaski goose stepping garbage down. We're living in different times under different pressure and different conditions. Faggots holding on to an ideology and icons from the 30s/40s should be humiliated and made an example of.
You people need to get your shit together and accept that we are not living in Nazi Germany and if you want to make a difference and change shit then come up with something you that doesn't make you an immediate target for the MSM and that can get people to rally behind you. Fucking faggots.