Jackson's next

Old Hickory will be the next to go. Today in New Orleans Em Down NOLA is going to march on Jackson square and have threatened that if the city does not "Do the right thing" they will take matters into their own hands and remove that statue themselves by any means necessary. Are we really going to just let this happen? why is no one on Sup Forums talking about this?

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>ground zero for SHTF

>why is no one on Sup Forums talking about this?
because no one knows



Trump will have zero tolerance for your bullshit if you come after Jackson.

Do it mother fucker, I dare you. No, I double dare you, mother fucker. Do it.

lol Jackson saved that City


or pic related

people cannot just let this happen these people are going too far i swear i will kill myself if this happens i already don't want to live,Jackson square and the French quarter was my sanctuary. I will kill myself,i can;t take this shit anymore. I never asked for this i just wanted to live my goddamn life in peace and love the city i was born in but no,they are going to ruin this place too. I would rather be dead.

I hope one of those statues crushes some of those protesters.

Sometimes the White Man has to suffer injustice because the Coloreds are incapable of esoteric thought. They need physical reminders of their worth, and we know we are worth more than 1000 of them combined each. Just be strong, you know Jackson is next on the list because Trump likes him. Just be strong. We built the world, and it will be destroyed without us.
>Fuck, I sound like one of those stupid nazi niggers that everyone hates. Thanks antifa.

Don't kill yourself, join our ranks. Fight to stop this shit the day before yesterday. We'll retake our rightful place soon, but we need men just like you to help make that a reality.

Stay strong, brother.

You'd have to be pretty delusional to think what Jackson did wasn't genocide.

>He genocided the english in north america
What other humans did he kill?

They cant just be allowed to desecrate statues of historical figures they disagree with.
It doesn't matter if you think Jackson is a piece of shit or not, its history, why isn't anybody fucking stopping them?

kill yourself

Jackson was A L P H A

>I need this land cleared army bros

>We asked the injuns to move, but most of them are still around

>I don't think you understand... I need this land C L E A R E D

>Understood Mr president.

It's exactly what they're doing.


No worries, in Jackson Squareacross from him. Looking out the window and keeping an eye on old boy from elevated position postion. 100yds minimal cross wind, going dark and seeing green. Squarefag out.

>implying genocide is bad

Future generations of Whites will never know that throughout history, White men once picked up arms and fought for what they believed in.
Your children are forever demoralized, cucks.

whites here aren't used to playing the in-group game yet. We all grew up subconsciously thinking America = white and as such there's no reason to be weird about it like minorities. Things are different now

so has this entire operation for taking down the statues been in the works for months? It seems like it's happening very quickly

>sell your land
>change your mind because you couldnt comprehend that people would move in
>start killing raping and scalping farmers and their women and children
>get absolutely btfo and kicked from your former lands in retaliation
>fast forward hundreds of years later
>you are exempt from certain laws that restrict us citizens
>get an allowance from the income of your tribes casinos which make bank so you dont have to work

>the left tearing down a bunch of statues of democrats

Nothing new here, they always turn on their own. It just took a little longer this time.

Andrew Jackson is so based he'll probably stop from beyond the grave.

Screenshot this.

>the end is the best part
>based nawlins nigs know, fuck with aristocracy, end up with youre head on a Sup Forums


Shit this looks like it's a render from a Bethesda game.

frog and pot

Same thing happened with the flags after Dylan Roof.

I have little doubt Soros and the gang has plans worked out and waiting to go for when the opportunity arises.

If they come after Jackson I'm genuinely going to massacre liberals and communists. I'm going to make Breivik look like a joke.

nah you're gonna post online and forget about it

Solidarity brother. I'm still incredibly pissed about the $20 bill tbqh.

The good guys have never lost a battle for any Orleans, so we can't lose here.
Rout these cunts, like Ol' Hickory would have


When I was a child I was tasked to do a report on presidents in the 5th grade and I got to choose near to last, no one had picked Jackson, I had no idea who he was. I went on to learn he had more than a mild distrust of banks, he hated them. Also he killed a man in a duel fair and square, legally. He knew he could have died that day but his ideals stood brighter than his own life, he had to take action against his opponent. A man after my own heart.

Just because I'm curious