This. So. Much


Other urls found in this thread:

*sips tea*

wtf I hate trump now

Brave. Powerful. And that's a good thing.


Why did lefties think that a meme like tiny hands XD would somehow be a massive success that would take down this candidate?

Reference acknowledged

>trump is a child
>trump is dangerous



This young black disabled gay woman DESTROYED Drumpf on Twitter. Here's why.

Give a kid the right to blow another kid's head off with a 12 gauge for looking at him wrong and then you might understand why this guy being in charge of our thermo-nuclear stockpile is a suicidal idea.

>1 post by this ID


afk joining AntiFa

but then how would those verified lefties make money?

How long until someone makes an AI to create guaranteed high click clickbait titles?


Trump's willingness to route around media gatekeeping has been vital! The Clinton criminals that infested the state department also infest the media!

LMAO EPIC CLUMPF BTFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LOL Zlumpf has tiny hands! He is surely finished now.

Trump's tweets have been a complete success.

Only butthurt lefties and faggot neocohens want him to stop tweeting.

Contribute to the thread you made dingus, oh wait you're a shill with no content.

Shareblue runs 24/7 making article after article.

He'd just tweet with his dick.


>libtard memes

Why do they even try

>announcing a sage
Enjoy your ban



Leftists are chronically insecure, so something like saying they have small hands would hit them like a ton of bricks and probably make them kill themselves

Meanwhile sane people really don't care if someone says they have small hands

Good, it will get me off this forsaken site.

This AI bot replied to Donald Trump with an EPIC put down. And here's why.

X is now Y...and it's totally Badass

Only for a day


at least it's quite funny, not passive aggressive and not implying he's a nazi

Kind of like how a girl I knew grew up poor in a trailer and thought it was the ultimate humiliation to call someone poor when really it's not a big deal to most people. It was her own insecurity. Insulting someone's looks, jokes, and general social behavior are much larger insecurity for the broad population.

So the party of Ted Kennedy and Bill Clinton wants to put Trump in hand restraints. There's a bunch of rape victims and a drowned security who thinks your priorities are misplaced.

I don't get it, why would you ever want Trump off twitter.
That's literally the best thing that's come out of this election, hell give him even more accounts and spare time.

Says the "war on christmas,war on christians,war on gender&marriage,war on whites" crowd.

There is no human on earth more insecure than a white christian conservative. Cept your ISIS cousins

>t. Shlomo

There are absolutely wars on those things. They've becoming increasingly taboo since the 90's.

>tomi lahren

why would ever expect a woman to hold a rational political opinion?


Christian conservative stronghold Sup Forums getting absolutely BTFO here.

criminally underrated

>le I'm smarter than a Billionaire who also happens to be the President of the United States meme

Cognitive dissonance at it's peak.

you talk like a fag and your shits all retarded

Really made me think

t. insecure triggered leftie.

You just proved his point lol


This bitch rigged the Dem primaries and stole the nomination and you're comparing her to Jesus?!? Fuck every last one of your leftist big government whores and fuck your manmade religion. They're politicians, not gods, you fucking sheeple.

Remember, your here forever.

Judas may have been treasonous to God but he wasn't a fucking commie faggot.


You want to live in the past. That's all there is to it.

There was 500 gods then there was one god.

People used to ride horses now they sit in magical flying machines.


scrambling for relevancy.

Like a typical leftist, you are projecting your own insecurities on to others

Are these two hate-fucking each other?

Black woman: Oh fuck me harder, you white trash piece of shit.

White man: Your pussy is so wet you nappy-headed monkey.

Black woman: Play with my clit, honkey.

White man: Only if finger me in the ass, nigger.


Typical Conservative, Using the I'm rubber you're glue defense.

Chris Cantwell and several others finally confirmed the rights battle plan for using their the lefts tactics against them. "Projection"is your entire game plan and everyone knows it now.

And you just projected projection you idiot,