The White Race Is Not In Any Danger

I'm white. I don't feel the danger everyone's talking about. I live in a city with Latinos, blacks, Asians, and in a city with many different religions. Not once have I been accused of being racist. So what the fucks your problem? Oh, a few Muslims are living in your Swedish\Russian\Czech\Otherfuckingcountry village no one cares about? Why should I care about you? You don't like unskilled workers!


so you never had any bikes stolen? I take it you are ghetto as fuck and assimilated well

>t.56% Cletus
Yeah no, you aren't white.

'Cause a Nazi says so. Huh.

I live in a trailer park. I just knew better than to feel threatened because of them "DARN COLORED PEOPLES".

seriously, you have never confronted a black family with your family after their dindus stolen 3 bikes from your property, only to see them blindly defend their niglets as if they had bought the bikes themselves?

? Thyme?

nigga I grew up in a trailer park. then moved to the 24th street parallel. and then niggers beat up my 9 yo brother and took his bike. in 1995. do you think he was calling them niggers? no you fucking idiot

WHITES RUINED the alt right by branding it as a white nationalist movement.

The Alt Right movement could have been associated with Christanity.

Instead, you support the gays who are destroying our society.

You reject Christ and promote atheism/paganism/secularism.

You push away anyone who isn't white even though they might be good people, you view them as lower.

If you're a white nationalist, get the hell out of the Alt Right.

There's plenty of horrible hate groups out there, we don't need the Alt Right being another one.

Whites deserve to be treated fair just like everyone else, not held up above the rest.

1488 or 1476 it doesn't matter.

No 14, no 88.

You ruined the Alt Right image and turned it into a image of hate.

Three words that go together now, "alt right", "kkk" and "neonazi".


Oh, that happened to you (pretty thinly veiled projecting)? Cool, glad I'm not you. :D

no, that happened to my firend's family who lived even closer to them. I was there being as my home was broken and my mother was a druggie. also, a projection accusation? fucking pathetic.

Prolly not. He probably is now, and he's wrong. :D

and also that was the 5th time black people had raided stuff I was close to. say goodbye tiny black and white TV and sega genesis that we found at the local sols. guess who they told us came and sold it to them?

seriously, you're making my blood boil . sage every time

Glad I wasn't your friend then.

no he is not, he actually lives with an older black gentleman who he has lived next to for ~ 20 years. fucking KYS


I thought alt-righters could take the heat. :\

there you go assumimg shit again. learn to separate a nigger from a black person you social retard

lol i just realized (((Sols))) jewery and loan

Niggers are a narrow minded social construct. There are good blacks and bad blacks, like wise for Asians, Latinos, Whites ect.

and you think I don't understand this? Sup Forums is one person? seriously. fucking kill yourself

I don't care about Jews IRL. Wish they'd abandon outdated ideas like religion.

Of course Sup Forums isn't one person. There was that nut from Belgium talking about spices.

Whatever you say Tyrone