The memes write themselves now

The memes write themselves now.

The absolute state of the Guardian. I can't believe people voluntarily read this drivel.

the fuck is a maester

>watching this cucked semen slurping show

>Bread and Circuses

so "journalists" need to be the first against the wall right?

An order in GoT, they are kind of like doctors, professors and scientists all mixed together

>"journalists" need to be the first against the wall right?
>only realizing this now

"This show has made maesters of us all - and it's fucking incredible!"

Is how an article of this amount of trash would have normally ended.

I fucking hate this shit. I hate this country. I hate the media. I hate the state of our countries. I hate foreigners. Just fuck my shit up senpai I'm miserable and blackpilled

Hey, I remember sexposition. They don't need it anymore, but I'd be up for a totally gratuitious whorehouse scene just to make people like Mr Virtue fume a little.

My father is a journalist and I'm convinced he'd already have killed himself if he witnessed what's going on in western "journalism" currently.
I'm so glad he can't fully appreciate it.

I reckon it's actually it's not such a bad observation.
Remember shit like Rome, Deadwood, Carnivale etc. getting cancelled?
Big budget shows with limited audiences. They realized they needed to fill shows like that with tits to get strong enough ratings to keep them from getting cancelled.

It could be that they haven't got good reasons to fill GoT with tits now or it may be that they figure they don't have to keep doing it because they've got their audience locked in until it's done.

An old grey haired poofter

they expect you to pay £5 a month to read someones opinion on a tv show.





Bread and Circuses is the whole fucking reason why people are now on the right, they saw their media contaminated with the same drivel we see in society, we just wanted to be left alone and not have the world follow us around.

I don't watch it.
I know there is some wierd looking english bird and a midget & that is all I can say about it.
fuck guardian lefty tripefest.

Every time I see "news" now it's just another opinion piece from a piece of shit with a media studies degree.

What will they say when the queen of dragons is getting plowed by the north king?

That it's not sex but an expression of intimacy?


I still miss it, and it left such a tantalizing cliffhanger. Hasn't even had the whiff of a comics continuation to finish things off.

when i grow up i want to be australian

I just wanted to play video games

this. why do people watch this garbage. I could never get into the show because the writing was so cringey and normies were like
>omg this show is crazy everyone dies xD
even though anyone who has read older literature knows this is nothing new or unique