Name a better place for a White Man to live in

Name a better place for a White Man to live in
>You can't

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Wat. If anything, I'd say Switzerland instead

they babushka hard and early. guess you could rotate them out starting a new family every decade

Georgia is rightful polish clay


is it great? i had no idea. What about azerbaijan? I met a girl from there who was so hot, and staying a virgin till marriage.

>Nordic countries
He said white man not nigger.

Poland, Hungary, Croatia, Czechia, Slovakia, Romania.

Uruguay, Argentina, Southern Chile

They are hairy and dark skinned plus they have nigerish blood (chimp blood) and they only show it up after merrage

ching chang chong indeed

Sure if you are a depressed white man and is looking to get raped or killed by a terrorist then move there.




Isle Of Man.
Northern Ireland.
Czech Republic.
South Ossetia.

How any of these except Chech, Hungary and switzerland are better?


>South Ossetia.

when are we going to get rid of the shitskins and turks?

you have to bring kielbasa with you

I'm vegan

nice cherry picking
semetic scum

>georgia is white
top kek

Georgia is rightful Azerbaijani-Turkish clay

armen is that you?

germany is 87% white. that is 87% more than anything south and east of germany. it is also more than anything else in europe. what is your point?

Why would anyone want to live in Georgia? nobody likes the deep south american states

Liechtenstein. Liechtenstein has largest GDP and incomes in the World. My Wife is a traveling Doctor and lives/works in between Switzerland and Liechtenstein. She makes CHF15,000 more a month in Liechtenstein than in Switzerland(CHF52,000/month in Liechtenstein versus CHF37,000/month in Switzerland). It is extremely quite and homely place too. 100% White and everyone that works makes at minimum CHF12,000/month.

1. I doubt Germany is 87% white. It might be 87% born in Germany, but not at all 87% white.
2. Iceland, Norway, Denmark, Ireland etc. are all 90%+ white.


Your wife has more GDP then our country
>why live?

Are the female relatives of Josef Stalin hot?

>unironically thinking it is more likely for anyone to get raped and killed in Germany than in his shitty country
B*rger genocide when?

why is that?


Georgia is part of the Iran-Caucasus -Central Asia cultural zone.
Haiti is more European than Georgia, culturally speaking.


the first world


keep in my mind when i say white im not talking about the color. im talking about the master race. and only germany, brits, dutch and PART of denmark are actual germanics.

and out of these countries germany has the most white population.

while nordics are white too, they are not germanics and thus not the master race. they never have and never will lead the world in any kind of way.

Georgians are true Hurro-Urartians.


This shithole will go to hell in 3-4- Years

that's a lie

are you roleplaying again, mehmet?

are slavs white?

Idk about you, but we are not. We are sarmatians.

we wuz Illyrians mixed with Romans n shit

>Actual Germanics
What is an actual Germanic? Germans and Scandinavians look more much like each other genetically than Germans and Brits.

>they never have and never will lead the world in any kind of way.
True. Neither will Germans either though, sadly.

Iceland, Norway, Finland, Minnesota.

Mexico is one of least euro countries in latin america. ARG, URU and BRA are the most euro by far and dont pass 81% euro.

Not even Canada and USA are over 78% euro.

>Georgians are true Hurro-Urartians.
Armenian troll?

No, I am a pure blood Welsh, one of the few left(99.8% Welsh - 0.2% Old Norse). Hurro-Urartians likely extended much further than just the Armenian Highlands.

Georgia is nice, but too many mountain jews.

still get hard watching this
fucking gorgeous

Minnesota is great!

underrated and true

>t. Zhang Chi Lee

After I saw these stats, I've been feeling like I have to visit!

Regions with significant numbers:
1. EUROPE: 660 milion whites/ 280 milion blondes.
2. N. AMERICA: 265 milion whites/ 90 milion blondes.
-Russia: 125 milion whites/ 80 milion blondes.
-USA: 220 milion whites/ 70 milion blondes.
3. S. AMERICA: 165 milion whites/ 50 milion blondes.
-Germany: 75 milion whites/ 40 milion blondes.
-Brazil: 100 milion whites/ 35 milion blondes.
-England: 60 milion whites/ 30 milion blondes.
-France: 60 milion whites/ 25 milion blondes.
-Italy: 55 milion whites/ 15 milion blondes.
-Spain: 45 milion whites/ 15 milion blondes.
4. Oceania: 27 milion whites/ 15 milion blondes.
-Argentina: 38 milion whites/ 10 milion blondes.
5. AFRICA: 6 milion whites/ 4 milion blondes.

For now, but the swecuck descendants are busy importing hordes of zoomalis.

Georgia is a stupid fucking sandnigger Turkbaby country
Many of us are Mongols but they are mostly in Siberia. You churkas are everywhere lol haha
Georgia NOT WHITE hahahhahahaha
Faggot little monkeymen hahaha

Asia is clearly the place with less blondes on the planet.

4th from the top left is Bulgarian


Weren't you ruled by a Georgian?