Mfw there is a Japanese Antifa group

Have the kikes and soros paid for these shills here in Nippon too? I thought the jews feared the samurai. How do we deal with these race traitors?

Other urls found in this thread:

Kill them

Apparently they are holding a rally in Shibuya to honor the person that died from the Dodge in Charlotteville.

pit them against the yakuza

Cut them in half with katanas

They might just be anti-whaling activists

Report them to local government, guarantee they will commit at least one crime and Japanese courts have 98%+ conviction rate.

tenno heika banzai

The yakuza will take care of it the minute they actually start disrupting the peace. Japan doesn't fuck around with law and order.

so is it a bunch of english teachers or actual japs?

And that (((yakuza))) is with them. Many of them are composed of left wing zainichi koreans who wants to disrupt our country's pride and unity.


Bring in the phantom thieves to change their hearts.

The Japanese far-leftists are controlled by CIA/NED, many of which are composed of Zainichi Koreans.

They should just give the person running this account the death penalty.

Lol probably english teachers

Someone post VERY nationalistic Nippon man moving at incredible hihg speed.webm

Is it true now that the Yakuza are all pussys compared to how they were years ago?

Samurai them asap

Didn't those commies learn their lesson before?

You get that in McDonalds package

Looks like a bunch of cucks to me
Might be gooks/chinks pretending to be nipponese tho

Yes, many of them are literal kikes that want to destroy this country from the inside
Those black vans that plays military marches are mostly done intentionally by (((them))) to make patriotism look bad

>3 mics drops

i dont even understand why. they have a fascism problem over there?

Similar thing like in the US. They call anything right of George Takei a fascist/nazi.

Sterilize it and then send it to north korea

Maybe they have a castle

humanity was definitely not ready for the internet or at the very least social media. what the fuck have we all become?

What country have?

lurk and report here.

The Jews do fear the samurai, but the Japanese people are warriors no longer. The two nukes and the years of propaganda have turned them into spineless cowards, much like many whites.

Sarin gas?

Wait, are you saying the old school Yakuza aren't around anymore? I'm talking about the ones with helicopters, not niseYakuza trying to make patriotism look bad.

>98+ conviction rate
23 days of manlets yelling and and tugging at you to sign a false confession will do that.

I'm lobbying for Sup Forums and Sup Forums to be take off or shut down for good at this point. You miserable fucks are done. History. Sup Forums needs to die...

Looks like exchange students who went to the US and got exposed to our (((education))).

>I'm talking about the ones with helicopters
Dunno, maybe in films, never seen them with helis tho.

I think the Yakuza is right wing. Organised crime in general tends to have a right wing way of thinking. they believe in hierarchy and loyalty. Those are not concepts that people who join antifa can understand.

Old ones used to yes. But the ones we see now are just cucks controlled by left wing zainichis and other foreigners.

They also had helicopters out for the tsunami that flooded Fukushima. Typically that yakuza isn't just petty gangsters and is more of a shadow arm of the government with ties to politicians, providing peace keeping efforts where the actual police and law enforcement agencies can't go because it would violate "human rights".

They aren't hiding their faces, so they're at the very least more honorable than their western counterparts.

And here's the archive

This legitimately happens by the way, asian tourists do pick up leftist tripe in the west and take that shit home.

source of OP's pic
too easy with Google reverse image search

Openly reject them socially, don't spread their propaganda, expose the real purpose of them when they appear on media or social networks, make all the invested funds on that parasite make zero effect on your beautiful island.

you just BTFO'd a shill

>japan is getting cucked
I lived to see this day

pick one
What they need is a heli ride
Butthey didn't do that for empathy. Their true intention is to make the people there feel thankful for them so they could give them something in return and to increase their group's influence.

It has been cucked severely ever since they had o surrender to US.


Probably English teachers and people who married Japanese. I can't find any American gaijin who aren't self-hating. My best friend is a Jap who was on board with Trump before I was.

>Butthey didn't do that for empathy. Their true intention is to make the people there feel thankful for them so they could give them something in return and to increase their group's influence.
Yes, and? I mean they're the yakuza, they're gangsters, of course they have ulterior motives. My point was the real yakuza have a LOT of power. You don't just get to have a helicopter openly without having a lot of power.

Gomenasai, nordo-sama.

What on earth makes you think I'm a shill?

Don't worry.
The Yakuza that control the Enjou Kousai market there will take care fo them.

Ok now I know this shit was rigged from the start. They are pushing so hard for this shit. From the fake driver they caught, to the mistaken car or the downed heli. Everything about this is suspicious as fuck.

Took me a minute. Underrated.

those look like a bunch of koreans

>*Block your path*

There should be an inquiry to expose exactly how those groups and NGOs are financed and pop out everywhere, who their cadre are and where they come from, where do they get radicalized and such.

Everybody knows about Soros and slush funds but it all needs to be thoroughly investigated. This looks too much like organized destabilization to not be someone trying to engineer an Arab Spring situation in Western countries.

How cucked can they be?



Northern Japan = real Japan, mostly Jōmon + Ainu blood, clean and environmentally conscious, doesn't care about Korea or China that much, extremely polite and peaceful people

Southern Japan = fake """Japanese""", mostly Korean and Chinese blood, heavy industrial pollution, extreme right wing politics, blames everything on Koreans yet closest to Koreans, Abe comes from here, extremely rude and abrasive """people"""

North Japan is Best Japan. Kanto and everything north is real Japan




>extreme right wing politics
Nothing wrong with that.

is it too late for user tips to police

I wonder how often the russians would come over to japan from the north.


>Japanese live-action entertainment and mainstream music industries
>no longer under yacuckza control
Pick one.

>no pasaran

Isn't it on 27th? Do they even have a permit?

Do they know it was a false flag? Why not Hiro, I thought you're people all read Sup Forums?


This the glorious Yakuza will throw them into the sea with concrete shoes, literally...

>false flag
Please elaborate. I know the guy didn't have an intention to run them over, but it did actually happen.

Yakuza are all cucks m8
Was over there a year ago and a group of japanese dudes were insulting me and the girl I was with, one of the dudes ( a little 5'5 leather jacket wearing faggot ) paced up to me being a faggot and I pushed him down the stairs (i was at a train station) while the rest only yelled and called me a cunt while constantly combing their bleached blonde hair.

