Is free speech dead now?

Is free speech dead now?

It has been for a while

In your country?? Absolutely

*revs in the distance*

It never existed in the first place.

Free speech can never die, only you can.




"Thousands of liberal retards and ignorant democrats protest against America, it's Constitution and the 1st amendment"

Specifically how has this protest impeded free speech?

Is that a daewoo

No such thing as hate speech fag, offensive speech is the only speech that needs protecting

This. I bet 99% of them don't even know why they are there other than "Nazis bad, me good." Useful idiots that will be the first to go when their commie dream comes true.

I don't know, is this website still up? You're also more than welcome to go out and say whatever the fuck you want, just like all those protesters....

No. We just have nazis. Get the fuck out of my country.

it's a vauxhall insignia

Safe spaces > free speech

So is flying the Soviet flag illegal? What about the NK flag?

It's Boston. What did you expect?

You wouldn't see that in a free city.

Most people would just go about their day and ignore the call to the "Two Minutes Hate".

So wait, why aren't we posting images like this one everywhere with "The Tolerant Left" written across them?

>Useful idiots that will be the first to go
The problem is that the media is making these idiots feel like they are 10x larger than they really are, these are. The same idiots that thought Hillary would win in a landslide or that fags are more than 2% of our country but thats ok it's normal to put your kids on hormones

I cant wait to see their butt hurt in 2020, some might actually commit suicide next time


my sister was talking to my mom about Charlottesville the other day, and was towing the company line full-on.. I kept my full powerlevel hidden, but they know I voted Trump. So I mentioned that I thought it was bullshit and that there were higher-up provocatuers that made the event happen (Soros etc) and I also said "I bet you don't even know the girls name who died, you just want to take any opportunity to bash Trump that you can, just like everyone else always does." And lo and behold, she didn't know Heathers name. SAD!

It has never been alive in the way you believe it.

>I believe in non-violent methods of struggle as most effective in the long run for building up successful working class power. Where they cannot be followed or where they are not even permitted by the ruling class, obviously only violent tactics remain. I champion civil liberty as the best of the non-violent means of building the power on which workers rule must be based. If I aid the reactionaries to get free speech now and then, if I go outside the class struggle to fight against censorship, it is only because those liberties help to create a more hospitable atmosphere for working class liberties. The class struggle is the central conflict of the world; all others are incidental.

Roger Nash Baldwin, civil libertarian, founding member of American Civil Liberties Union, and its first executive director.

>Extremism is the enemy
Great so when do we shut down antifa and communists

Can I claim "They incited me" and use that as an excuse to beat them when I see Mexicans waving the Mexican flag in America?

Antifa needs to go too. NK, socialism, and communism aren't inherently fascist.

>The problem is that the media is making these idiots feel like they are 10x larger than they really are...the same idiots that thought Hillary would win in a landslide
Exactly. It will be glorious in 2020 when they once again walk around in utter confusion as to how they lost again.

>she didn't know Heathers name. SAD!
Very sad! A meme come true. I hope you can slowly red pill your sister, you will save her soul. I am still working on mine.

They outnumber us 20 to 1 and they claim they're still the victims?

>trump losing advisors and allies left and right
>media spewing propaganda nonstop
>people getting fired and kicked out of college for wrongthink
>no end in sight, only getting worse

I think I'm just gonna check out, all those faggots pushing the black pill were right.

No, hate speech is.

>the only difference between a nazi and a commie is you're a jew and they're not
fuck off you jew nazi


protest is artificial.

The Sovies and were enermies to the US and committed many crimes against their own citizens. Why honor a regime that killed millions?

>Is free speech dead now?

Hate speech is not free speech.


any flag that isn't the stars and stripes should be banned

>No, hate speech is.
Who defines what hate speech is? Can I be on the Board of Defining Hate Speech? Where do I apply?

Same. It's hopeless. This is an unwinnable war.

Just focus on your own life and your own goals. Have white kids, raise them well. That's all you can do.

Free speech literally just means you can't be legally prosecuted or sued for expressing an opinion or idea. It does NOT NOR SHOULD it protect you from being publicly shamed, shunned, or shouted at for your beliefs.


George Orwell was a communist.

Keep chanting that, maybe some day you'll be right, once you've oppressed and killed off all your ideological enemies. Then your atrocities will be written down as a valiant fight for freedom or whatever.

protest is a form of free speech

It is both subjective and concrete(depending on the laws of the country).

Unless you're on the left, sadly it is.

Imagine if this is how they reacted to all the people killed by mudshits

Don't both sides have a right to protest?

Except the courts have ruled that flags are not incitement.

holy hell what is that thing?

Wooooow I only wanted to kill all nonwhites why is this happening

This. It all boils down to this in the end anyways; enjoy life, surround yourself with good people and always do you best.

Not legally. The chances of you being shut out of life by citizens has increased though. People are less tolerant of views that counter theirs than they were about 5 years ago.


George Orwell was a capitalist.



Why would you even protect hate speech? It's pretty insane that in america you could publicly call someone a "disgusting nigger-ape whorish slutty banana-sucking fairy irish pants-on-fire the holocaust was a lie kike" and there'd be 0 consequences. How can society function like that? How is it not abused all the time?

Maybe it's just a different culture though.

You don't own this country, faggot.

If he was, why did he fight for communist militias in Spain?

One day soon this will happen. It will be a well deserved victory.

Exactly, so where do I apply to be on the Committee of Those Who Determine What is Hate Speech?

Nope. It is all subjective. For hate speech to be concrete means some humane decided on what was hate speech and made it so. Thus, subjective.

Yes, soviet Russia was our enemies. Communism itself isn't. Communism is an economic system that transcends historical time periods. If you're flying that flag in support of Soviet Russia, gtfo.

> when you burn the American flag you are threatening our values and wishing death to Americans

It never existed in Canada. These people have a right to march for whatever they want, even if they'll never get it. This is free speech on display. That being said, anybody with half a brain realizes hate speech is free speech.

See the Skokie case in which the Supreme Court expressly held Nazi marches are protected speech.

You can literally google this shit you ignorant lay nigger.

Germany for example has laws that define hate speech. Depends entirely on the country.

How is that your mentality? What a fucking cuck you are

if the left insists that hate speech isn't protected under the 1st amendment then how do they justify assembling under the banner of "punch a nazi" with the intent to do bodily harm?

>Muh Nazis killed 6 gorillion
Communists killed 100 million
>Nazis believed in White superiority
No sweetie they wanted homogeneity and to uproot subversive Communist Jews. Pic related


Litterally degenerating
> offensive speech is the only speech that needs protecting
This and only this
>free speech only applies to things I like
Yeah, not how it works retard

This is excellent. We need to flood social media with this image, get it trending big time.

It doesn't matter what time period we live in, there will always be fanatical zealots like you with empty minds to be filled with bile and venom by scheming psychopaths. You can rest easy knowing people like you are the grease with which humanity subjugates itself.

The Democrats want to destroy free speech and America along with it

(((Hate Speech))) is largely the spawn of the ADL's doing. Completely vacuous and subjective nonsense.

Name one large media critical of jewish power.

>the flag calls for ethnic cleansing and genocide
So we have to ban the flags of Turkey, the USSR, Japan and China as well?


antifa doesn't protest, they riot

All hate speech walls are very recent. America just started getting them in the mid-1990s if I remember correctly. A group of people sat down and decided amongst themselves what would be hate speech. They did so to push an agenda, their agenda. And part of that agenda is silencing and punishing those they do not like. Hate speech punishes Whites and Christians and Catholics. Hate speech is purely subjective, purely political.

Not as dead as the faggots we are about to purge.

But that's how it's working. And how it's going to keep working.

For anyone other then commies it is

Just because you call it a "free speech rally" doesn't mean everyone who counter-protests is against free speech. The counter-protesters were exercising their right to free speech as well.

What the??? I wrote "laws." Bizarre. Should be "All hate speech laws..."

Thats how he got redpilled.

It just seems so outlandish to me. How do you not have bored rich people publicly shaming people they hate 24/7? How do you deal with people who openly spread malicious rumours?

I play my part proudly in fighting the enemies of progress.


Most of them are there because Charlottesville. But the free speech protestors sure are just normal Trump voters.

So in the long term it will be better for us. Sooner or later antifas will hit a normal right winger.

that infowars guy said his plane from austin was full of protesters

they're literally being flown in from all over the country and still only get a few thousand people and who knows how many of them get paid

just because the government can't throw you in jail doesn't mean there is no consequence you retarded nigger-ape

Shh, don't interrupt the cognitive dissonance.

>I play my part

That you do, because you're a brainless dupe.

>disregards every single nazi at the 12th rally.

swedish education

>Why would you even protect hate speech?
Because it is subjective. Who decides what is hate speech?

>It's pretty insane that in america you could publicly call someone a "disgusting nigger-ape whorish slutty banana-sucking fairy irish pants-on-fire the holocaust was a lie kike" and there'd be 0 consequences
There most likely would be consequences. A punch in the face, a beat down. Person would probably be shunned if word got out. Every action has a reaction.

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me."

>How is it not abused all the time?
Because most humans are civilized and don't walk around spewing ugly things just for the hell of it.


Just because you claim you're against hate speech doesn't mean everything you suppress is hate speech.

>Shh, don't interrupt the cognitive dissonance.

desu I hope one of you stooges does this again, you think it was a good move because you got to spam memes but you're movement is in the gutter of public perception right now

No one likes a Nazi and you all (God racists are stupid) took up the ideology of the most hated group of people in history and expected a different outcome of what you're getting today.

As long as I'm on the winning side, what does it matter?

Mob rule isn't free speech

>ethnic cleansing and the death or oppression of millions
That is LITERALLY what you're doing to whites! This is/was a white country with white male values ("Western values"). That's why it was ever worth living in!