Boston Free Speech Rally attracts 20 people and estimate 15,000 counter protestors

Charlottesville was a mistake the alt-right fucked up majorly and has almost no support.

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It's Boston. I'm surprised there were 20 people there who weren't Communist

>Everyone that doesn't agree with me is communist

Sure that totally makes sense.

No, just Boston. I disagree with most of Alabama and I'm pretty sure they aren't Communists







The alt-right is a made up controlled opposition movement in order to destroy nationalism. Framing everything as "being pro-America means you are a supremacist"

I find it funny that the communists are so pro-corporate. Seeing as how the global push is 100% backed, and for, corporate control and growth.

They are very stupid if they are actual believers in their retarded cause.

Again nonsense. Either way this a pr nightmare for the GOP.

No. The group is made up of normies, commies, anarchists, sjw's, feminists, blm, anti-science (muh GMOs), marxists, white-guilt, lgbtetc., progressives and more.



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I think that knowing the numbers will make the average person think 'What a ludicrous over-reaction'

this wasn't an alt right rally though

This is fine. Let them do it you fucking right. Why can't you fucking retards understand that the UniteTheRight just pushed these fucking faggots out into the light. They are now going to do this at every event no matter what. GOOD. Let the right see how they are treated by these people.




To elaborate on this, it's all about getting the power to change the economic decisions out of the hands of the voting public. Once that happens, they can do whatever the fuck they want with zero consequences, even if it trounces the average person.

If socialists/communists really think globalism is going to benefit them or be anything other than a working class nightmare, they're in for a very, very rude awakening.


My time has come, brothers.

Pretty sure socialist (as in communists) hate neoliberalism and globalization. I'm not sure where that nonsense even came from.

Nah, they love globalism, most communists are bourgeois virtue signalling. They actually don't give two shits about the working class.

(((Charlottesville))) is the biggest false flag since Sandy Hook.

>thinking they have any support to begin with

It was certainly a (((fuck up.)))

>Charlottesville was a mistake the alt-right fucked up majorly and has almost no support.

I think its that most normal people don't want to go and get involved in street fights where the police watch as you get maced, beaten, have urine/shit thrown on you, etc.

I think that the political violence precedent is bad though. The justification of violence is complete - if there are "NOTSEES" at the event, burn it all. Any accusation of hate speech now sends a mob into a frenzied riot, so there is no more debate/discourse except on the terms of those causing the violence.

People thinking that voting will stop any of this are insane. The demographic tide is crashing down and in a few decades, the Brazilification of the US will be complete.

I say this as someone watching his own country be held hostage by Muslims, a mere 4% of the population but exercise incredible power through their lefty cuck supporters in media, academia and government.

>I unironically wish for North Korea, or anyone, to nuke our country

Who gives a fuck about GOP? It's been shit ever since the racist democrats weasled into the Republican party. Fuck everybody who isn't clearly for a constitutional republic. Doesn't matter what color you represent: fuck you if you don't fight for a constitutional republic

Just the people leading the movements and shaping thoughts. Most people are just useful idiots

>Communist Republic of China bars and heavily regulates the sale of western goods.


You're speaking nonsense

Our plan worked perfectly. Did you really think you would beat (((us)))?

the Alt-right had very little support to begin with. The real problem is that the media used the Alt-right to effectively demonize the entire Right. They fucked up everything and only helped to accelerate what they wanted to stop... When was the last time something backfired this bad?

These people are protesting white america and white america is going to see it

Harassment my boyfriend and I faced leaving the rally. People followed us for blocks. It was insane.

Good stuff starts at about 2:00

Why are you interested in US politics?

>t. useful idiot

hahahahaha, yeah acid attacks and protesting against Free Speech (the headlines in the news) and getting stomped by cops is a huge pr nightmare for someone, not the GOP though

American communists you Ahmed ESL dipshit.


They will after this

I keep trying to find out what exactly they are protesting because I live 30 mins from Boston.

Is it a free speech rally? Unite the right? Right wing rally? Where are they getting this idea that there will be white nationalists or nazi's?

Sure American communist. This unique specific boogeyman you created that follows an entirely different brand of communism to every other country on this planet. Sure is a convenient boogeyman

How's current situation?
Did the cops make it out?

Media pushing fake news. This year has been full of backfires from all sides.

Yeah the fact only 20 people showed up for "free speech" says it all. Have a look at what the actual headlines are. They're not flattering

Some more conflict between cops and protestors

>AltRight, NatSoc, Libertarian, and Southern Nationalists fight and lead their men from the front

>Boston free speech rally
>AltLight leaders fail to show up and leave their men to die
>Based stick man and Rambobigs stick around 20 1000 odds

Wow that PRfaggotry sure worked for the AltLight

>free speech gathers 20 people
>counter protesters and agitators outnumber them
>cops arrive
>free speech people eventually leave
>becomes agitators vs. cops

im alright with this. hope we get pictures and videos of the damages.

15k ppl protesting 20...ROFL fuck

>the Brazilification of the US will be complete.

75% of the Army is mexican and over half the national guard is black

This rally shows the failure of PRfaggotry.

This is an AltLight rally of cucks

Good to see that there are still patriots in this country, get fucked.

Just so everyone knows, I was there at the rally. The free speech group attracted a lot more then 20, the cops would not let us through though because we had to be "vetted" by the organizers, meaning any person that wanted to join the rally had to have someone personally vouch for them.

Did the counters expect a lot more, or did they really all feel obligated to protest a few dozen people of opposing side?

How secure can one be in the idea that the supposed fascists are an insignificant minority if they think such a turnout is needed? If they'd laughed and all stayed home, would the nation even know about the 20 protestors?

You fucking retards. Do you not see how bad this is? What typically happens when Antifa and BLM amass in huge numbers? Also Im sure voting centrists just love seeing thousands of mask-wearing, bat-waving people intimidating a group of old baby boomers waving american flags. You dipshits are killing the Democratic party and you don't even realise it.

fuck you straya cunt

It makes him feel so good to be in the majority, so brave.

they are doing it on purpose, they want to tear it down and build an american communist party

no, they wouldn't because this same group held a free speech rally in May that people don't know about.

Communism is the enemy of the United States of America!

>I find it funny that the communists are so pro-corporate.
the left isn't communist. you are as retarded for calling them that as they are for calling lots of the free speech advocators "nazis".

Tried to get in with the free speech people. Was blocked by antifa and police

Well, it was nice knowing you USA.
I guess WW3 will be the rest of the world vs commie USA.

Thanks Alt Right.

How many MAGA hats in the counter protest?


The North East has been cucked in the cities forever did anybody expect anything else , but faggot college students and dumb fucking local lefties to come out ? Central Boston is beta male land of faggot college students and insane leftist .

AltLight PRfags BTFO


oooooorrrrrrrr Trump supporters just realized there isn't really an upside for us to go to protests, because the Communist/globalist agitators will start shit and the media will place all blame on "white nationalists," ignoring the Commie provocation/violence and the majority of peaceful, non-racist Trump supporters.


They can die.

Who gives a shit, no one cares about the alt right to begin with, it's why people laughed at Clinton for making a speech about it.

If communism takes over america it will be bloody, when you come to a person to take away what they feel like they earned. it wont go over well. for the greater good doesnt work.

A large proportion of Sup Forums is alright

because the media and soros are getting desperate

Fuck nazitards

>implying this wasn't a ruse to get the antifa and commies to show up, and with no-one to fight, sic them onto the police.

>implying it didn't work perfectly..


bwhahahahah.. keep dreaming libertards and libermoron tranny twanks!

Scratch Boston off my places to visit list

Wut? If true, it's not a good policy. I understand safety, but how do people that finally get confident enough to go, feel when turned away? Good on you for going though.

Very true, it's not a surprise every sane person hates them

They still fighting cops guys!

Explain further britbong. You're typing words like you think they make sense. Giving the left a spotlight always backfires on them as most Americans don't agree with doing away with our Constitutional rights.

Fuck anti free speech brainlets :)

Kali Yuga for you. The majority of men are narcissistic evil fools.

I was there. In this case it's not far from the truth.

>Everyone who doesn't agree with me is a Nazi

Sure that totally makes sense.

Actual combat MOSs are overwhelmingly white. Make no mistake, niggers and spics are there to peel our potatoes and mop our shithouses.

Hey Bostonfags, this isn't going to stop everyone else from associating Boston with racism.

Why are you like this? What happened in your life to make you so upside down cross-eyed dumb-brained delusional? Bizarre.

I hate this state. Someone please nuke us.

>waving nazi flags
im not a nazi bro!

the fuck?

No, and that's the way it used to be here.
>Odd group holds a rally every day
So if you're older than 25 and American, you know that's the way it used to be.
It's only in the last few years that the hysterical over-reaction to it started.
So this whole conflict in the streets thing is a new thing that never existed before.
Now, globally, you guys overseas are seeing it.
That's what's odd and what everyone should be paying attention to.

Show me a single nazi flag from the free speech group in the rally. I'll wait.

where the fuck is this number from?

>Charlottesville was a miracle
MSM created the ((altright)). The information and the narratives are still decentralized.

these protests are a fucking circus. no matter what happens the "left always wins", they are professional paid protestors that show up by the thousands. an extremely complicit tv media that always shows the "alt left" in a positive light. the coordinated media assault really makes you wonder who is truly pulling the strings...


>Charlottesville was a mistake the alt-right fucked up majorly and has almost no support.

No. This is a HUGE win.

Here's why

>attracts 20 people and estimate 15,000 counter protestors

These 15,000 people just gave massive attention to a cause they don't support. If they hadn't showed up at all the event wouldn't have gotten any press.

These folks got baited hard.

The mistake of Charlottesville was allowing Nazi and Confederate LARPers to join the march. You know normies hate those things and yet you allow yourselves to be associated with that shit. Way to go, altcucks

>le we actually won 4D chess xDDD
Sup Forums is pathetic


Also, now all the retard Antifa will destroy shit, riot, and their violence can't be blamed on the "Nazis"

You got BTFO by logic and now you're crying like a bitch. You even responded to my post like a good little bitch and gave my ideas more attention, just like the dumb fucks in Boston.

Damn, you got BTFO again.

We will destroy the alt-right. Antifa is watching you and every other nazi. We have chapters all over this country. We will win.

Alt Lite BTFO

>muh PR

I know right? These people show up to a rally in boston and expct bus loads of white power nazis. It's fucking Massachusetts you morons.

I wonder if they ever have pointless rallies in Amherst it must be so boring